Sunday, November 1, 2009

A bit late but.....Happy Halloween!!!!!

Hope it was great for everyone! Both the kids got way too much candy, Kenny is wired (that is putting it mildly) and two missing pumpkins compromised our Halloween fun.


As you can see we had a black dancing cat and a scary pirate. I was completely amazed that Dude let me put some face makeup on him. That is a first! Daddy took both out and I stayed home to clean up and guard the pumpkins from disappearing again. They ended up meeting up with friends and had a ball going out together. Daddy said it was funny watching Kenny. He is so impatient (cough Daddy cough) that he would knock on the door, yell "trick or treat" and if the people didn't answer right away, he was pounding on the door! Gonna have to work on patience I guess. Hopefully now we can get back to normal, and Dude can relax a bit and get back on schedule.

As for the school issue, well Kenny has basically proven that taking his EA away is not a good idea. The closer we got to Halloween, the more hyper/excited/uncontrollable he got. It helps that we have already said that I have no problem going above the Principal's head to the Board and I will get all my ducks in a row, so to speak.

And thank God, no sign of the swine flu but we have all been sick with a cold. Lots of coughing, stuffy noses and sore throats. But no fevers! No flu shots yet either. We are still siding on the no side for a bunch of reasons. Call me crazy, but until you see what the chemicals in food do to Dude, I can't see how adding extra through a shot is a good thing. I'm still going to research and talk to people, but don't know if it will change my mind.

And will someone please tell the rain to stop! I know it's not snow, and I know that I should be used to it after the summer we had, but holy crow, ENOUGH ALREADY!!! That is all.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Calmer heads today

When in doubt, take it to the source. Act like an adult, discuss and give the 'accused' a chance to speak. Yep I actually did that!! (Hahahaha, never thought you'd see the day huh ;) )

After much yelling, screaming and outright temper tantrums I went in to the school on Fri am to have a 'chat' with the Principal. At first, it seemed like she was giving me the brush off, but I pushed my case and managed to squeeze an apt. for later in afternoon, rather than wait until Tues (Mon is a PD day). She maintains that she wasn't going to take Miss Sandy away permanently, but to 'borrow' her for the other classrooms when she is not needed with Kenny. Now this is different info from what I originally heard, but I think that she has received so much flack that she has had to back down.

Now both Hubby and I agree that she wasn't about to inform any of us parents. Which I guess legally she doesn't have too. BUT (and yes I have a big one) I guess she completely underestimated the fight we (as parents) were/are willing to wage to keep Sandy in the classroom as much as possible. Sandy herself is trying to work out how to keep as many people happy as she can, by dividing her time to help everyone involved, but without comprising the children she is already attached too.

I'm still ticked that she was trying to change Kenny's care without informing us. Being that even small differences to his routine can cause major outbursts, but I'm hoping that by approaching her like I did, that she will tell me next time and we can be prepared for any possible fall-out. I also really don't like the idea that he will be left in a classroom full of kids without another adult to help if he does have a meltdown. They can be so quick and so violent that I am truly scared that another child will be hurt before someone can intervene. But I did state this, and she (principal) seems to think that it won't happen. We will see I guess.

Now on to other topics. We are back to visiting a bunch of doctors for Kenny again. Something is wrong and we have no idea what. About two weeks ago, at school, he started to complain that his tummy hurt along with his pee and he wanted to go home. That in itself is concerning, 1) he doesn't complain anything hurts and 2) he has never wanted to go home from school. So a trip to the walk in clinic was in order since we couldn't get into see his Dr. that afternoon. While there they made him pee in a cup (which he thought was the absolute best thing!) and gave him a complete once over. Except for white blood cells in his urine, nothing else seemed off.

Dr at the clinic recommended that we make a follow-up apt, did and sure enough still no sign of infection, but white blood cells in his urine. So off to a Ped. Went there on Monday. Now he is sending a referral to get Kenny an ultrasound on his kidneys and lower abdomen. Poor kid, who knows what is going on right now. He certainly isn't going to tell us.

Other than that, things are going ok. Busy with a bunch of stuff. Soon hopefully we can start working on the house again. We are going to strap the living room and dining room ceiling and then put up drywall. That should solve the crack problem (we hope) without tearing down all the plaster and making one heck of a huge mess.

I had carpel tunnel surgery on Thurs and it still hurts but is getting better. The nerve is acting funny and jumping around but apparently that is it healing itself, or at least trying to. Oh and I am going to see my Doc on Mon for what might be a heel spur. For around 3 weeks now to walk has been hell. I can't seem to catch a break (shhhh, wrong word to use!!)

Gotta run. Maddy has decided to pitch a fit and we are trying to get out the door for Wellington Rural Romp. Gonna go visit a bunch of cows, pigs, chickens.......... Such fun huh :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009


That's right, PISSED! Completely, totally, yell it from the rooftops PISSED!

The principal at Dudes school is trying to take away his E.A.(Educational Assistant) to work in another room. The ONE reason he goes to school willingly, wants to go, begs to go, to play with Miss Sandy. And the (new)principal wants to take her away. This cannot happen. We are already watching him regress again with physical issues that we can not figure out. And now this?!?!?!?!? Why, WHY would you take someone away from an autistic kid, when routine and consistency are what holds these children together! Why, WHY would you take his E.A. away when for the first time he was writting letters (alphabet) by himself!!! Not tracing, no guiding his hand but BY HIMSELF!!!!

I just dont' get it. I really don't understand. Given that this principal was a special ed teacher in the same school when Tana was there. She of all people should know that this is a VERY BAD, STUPID, FUCKED UP IDEA!!! And now I get to fight with another school system. I lost badly with the Etobicoke Board when it came to Tana. I never thought I'd need to do it again here! I tried to teach her to take what was dealt, make the best of it and prove them wrong. But it wasn't until we moved here that we saw a change in her attitude towards teachers and schools in general. And I'm not fighting to choose specific teachers, just to keep the ones he has. He does need to learn change and there are times that you may not like someone, but you still need to deal with them (without biting, pinching, hitting, spitting etc) and learn to find a way to co-exist in peace. But why after a yr and a bit would you even think of taking away the ONE, get that, ONE person he loves. He already knows that he will not have her next yr. We've already started to prepare him for that. But to take her away with no damn warning?!?!!?!?! Why in the living fucking hell would any rational, supposedly educated person do that???????

And in case you are wondering, I have a call in for his Occupational Therapist. She is a great advicate for 'her' kids, especially when it comes to the school system. Oh and the topper of the day, not that anyone asked but your going to hear it anyway, I have CT (carpol tunnel) surgery today. Just bloody perfect, isn't it.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

5 yrs.

Yep, 5 yrs. 5 long, eventful, fun, sad, enlightened, scared yrs. 5 yrs since my Kenny-Dude was born. Unbelievable.

Happy 5th Birthday Duders!!!! We all love you so much!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Only in this house

will you hear the words "Kenny, put your penis away" repeatedly. That is all.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The heat is here

and I hate it!!!! Never happy am I ;)

I'll tell ya, it's been busy, busy here. We just finished two weeks of a non-stop vacation. First on Aug 3, our friends from Ohio (waves hi to Bannon and family) were up for a week. Imagine, 4 adults and 4 kids in a 1250 sq/ft house with only one bathroom. Yes we are insane, but a fantastic time was had by all. We visited Riverside Park (twice), had Maddy's birthday party at Swiss Chalet, went to the Ontario Science Center, Halton County Radial Railway Museum, the Fergus Scottish Festival and a Toronto Blue Jay game, plus rode a Go Train & subway, saw a working railroad turntable (that was cool!) at the old roundhouse in downtown TO and the men bought Steam Whistle beer. That was the first week.

Second week we went camping. This was one of the first times I was ready to pack it in and head home early. The campground was mud, all mud. Since it has rained so much this summer, nothing has had a good chance to dry out so about 2/3 of our campsite was un-usable. And of course Kenny + mud/puddles = one hell of a mess. Didn't help that a thunderstorm went through after we got there, soaking everything, again. And the mosquitos were horrible. We went through 2 1/2 cans of OFF spray and they were still biting. But we stuck it out, the weather improved (no rain anyway) and we managed to go swimming two days in a row. Course packing up with the ever present mud was fun. Our blue tarp, was black. This stuff clung to everything. I do have to say that camping during the week is so much better than on the weekends. Quiet, no neighbours, no loud thumping music, it was so nice.

Came home on Friday cause we thought Booga had her last soccer game. Nope. Not Friday. So a disappointed little girl played without getting her medal to show off and brag about. But Saturday was Dudes last game. He played with his usual flair.

Yes, that is him laying down, covering the goal. That's my boy :)

So what do you give a group of 3-6 yr olds after playing their last game of soccer? Well Timbits of course........

And there is my son, with the chipmunk cheeks as he tries to get as many as possible. And finally what does getting a medal mean without showing it off and making older sister jealous.....

You can't see it, but the pout on her face was priceless! She was so ticked that she didn't get her medal first. She is certainly making life interesting.

Now, have I mentioned how well his OT is going? We are on a steady time (that will change when he starts school again) and he loves it. The 'play dr' (as Kenny calles her) has managed to get him to write some letters!!!!!!!!! Real letters!!!!!! From the alphabet!!!!!! We have never seen him write anything without us holding his hand and guiding the pencil and even then you could barely make out the letter he was attempting to write. And he will actually sit down and listen to her. Really. Honest. Yes he tantrums alot still, but she can talk him down and calm him quite quickly. We are very happy with her. She is a very remarkable lady.

Well that is all for now. We are waiting, not so patiently I might add, for the thunderstorms to start. I'm kinda hoping they don't as we still have the tent set up in the backyard to clean it. I just want it dry so it can be packed up and put away till next time. So to all, later gator!!

Oh wait, I forgot to mention we got his bloodwork back and his iron and white blood cell count was low. So at some point soon we have to get it redone. Sort of verify if they really are low or if that was just a temp thing. At least there was nothing more serious. Thank God for that.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Getting sick of the rain.

How bout you? It's hard to plan any outdoor activity with the threat of rain almost every day. But on the days that are sunny we do manage to get out and enjoy.


This was taken July 4 at Port Maitland, Lake Erie. It was a beautiful day, not to hot, not to cold. And the sunset was fantastic.


And remember keep your eyes open for fun!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Wow, July 1 st already

Where does the time go? And why is it going so fast?

So, a couple of updates on our little house of horrors. My wonderful oldest has moved, yet again. Although this is the first move in 2 yrs it doesn't seem like it has been that long. So she is now on the east side of town almost directly across the road from the old provincial jail. She finally asked for help on Monday, knowing she was moving Wed. Typical eh. I will give her some credit. She did have stuff packed and had a truck on reserve, but everything else was true to life for her.

I won't comment on the condition of the apt she moved out of. How she can live like that is well beyond me. But it is her life, not mine and I can't (won't) have that here. She wouldn't be willing to live with our rules anyway so that is a useless point anyway I guess.

I'm guessing she is settled into her new home. We haven't heard from her yet, so I'm guessing (no, hoping) that things are going well for her.

Now on to Duders. We think we have found a therapist to work with him for 1hr a week. Not much, but at $40/hr it's the best we can do right now. I'd heard some really great things about this lady from a few people around town. I got really interested when a lady at the local toy store started singing her praise. Well, low and behold, this same therapist was having an open house/bbq at her parents farm and we decided to meet her and see how Duders interacted with her. He seemed quite taken and she was so full of energy it was almost scary! We definitely liked what we saw, liked the range of autistic children/adults she works with and liked the way she got down to Duders level and let him lead the way. So we will see how that goes. He still needs a lot of help with fine motor and socializing. Eating is a disaster, writing is, well a few scribbled lines, if we are lucky and he still needs constant watch and reminders that he is not the only one and has to wait his turn without hurting others. Makes it so much fun in a crowd, let me tell ya! But I'm hopeful that this will start to change for the better.

We are still waiting for the blood results. Our new appt is July 20. After that I'm considering trying a gluten free diet for all of us. Boogabutt's allergies are getting so bad, the poor kid is constantly suffering now. Will that make a difference for her? Who knows, but I gotta try something. We have definitely noticed a huge difference in Dudes behaviour with no chemical additives or preservatives. He has calmed down so much. Impressive to say the least, and scary to think of what they are putting in kids food.

Now on to a funny note, I stopped a runaway horse today. There were three girls riding the local trail through one of the local conservation areas. They had stopped to get a drink and give the horses a bit of a rest when the youngest one jerked his head, yanking the reins out of the riders hands and took off toward the kids and I. Not at a full gallop but a fast trot with the rider chasing on foot and one other rider starting the chase on her horse.

I'm tellin ya it's quite something to see a large horse running towards you with no rider in the saddle. He did stop easily enough for me. So that made it easy to return him to his owner. The kids were in seventh heaven to be that close to a "real live biggie horsey" :) And then they got to pet two of the three horses. One was so big, Dude could run right underneath without ducking. And yes I know that was dangerous, but you try to catch him! All three riders were extremely apologetic and very grateful for the quick catch and return of the horse. One said that happened before with another horse and it took 3 hrs to catch it cause no one would stop to help, just spooked the horse more when they started to squeal. Poor thing. So that was my good deed for the day I guess.

Now for the rest of summer. Hopefully I can keep both young ones happy and entertained!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Getting along for once.


I think this picture speaks for itself.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The last day

Of school that is. Bittersweet. On one hand I will enjoy not having to rush my two slow-pokes out the door, but on the other, now I no longer have any kid-free time.

Kenny is not taking it well. A conversation from this morning...
K -"I go see Mrs Thomas's class today, right Mommy?"
Me- "Yep"
K - "Today is my last day" (said more like a statement than a question)
Me - "Yep Dude, it is".
K - "No"
Me - "Sorry buddy, it is"
K - (getting visibly upset now) "No, I said no, listen to my words!"
Me - "I'm sorry dude."
K - "NO" (screams this at the top of his lungs) and then breaks down in tears.

Not a good start to our summer vacation. When I went to pick him up, his helper (a special ed teacher with trained experience) said he hasn't let her out of his sight. No not just out of sight, but has been bugging her to carry him on her back all day. He would not let go of her. We were supposed to go to the park for an afternoon picnic but with sever thunderstorm watches and warnings out and rain on and off, they cancelled that and had the picnic in the classroom. Poor 'S' just couldn't catch a break from him.

When it was time to go outside, 'S' took Kenny for a walk, just the two of them. You could see how much she is going to miss Kenny over the summer.

Now I know our school system is not the best. It has many flaws, but one shining star in the county board is VT and the staff there. They are some of the bestest teachers and volunteers going, hands down. But still, it's going to be a long, long summer.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


my middle daughter really amazes me.

Yesterday was her last day at Sparks. She is moving up to Brownies in Sept and the Sparks troop had a graduation ceremony for the 5 girls that moved up. During the potluck her and another girl were arguing about the balloons and who gets to take them home, so I'm figuring on a hassle when it's time to leave.

After cake and some running around time, the balloons are handed out. Pink for the girls who are staying in Sparks for another yr, orange for the girls that are moving up to Brownies and some blue for any extra kids (ie siblings). No point to the colours btw.

Anyway, as we were getting M & K in the van one of the younger Sparks comes out crying. Dad explained that her balloon had popped and she was devastated. So we asked Kenny if he would give his blue balloon to the little girl. Nope, not happening and I'm not surprised. But then Maddy piped up and offered her orange balloon to the little girl. Shock!

To say that I'm very proud of her for that is an understatement. It's so nice to see her act in such an unselfish manner. Now that might change after an unscheduled meeting with her teacher tonight...........

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A good day

With the way things are going right now, I'm going to take things one day at a time. Maybe even go to one hour at a time. But not today. It was great.

We went to Halton County Radial Museum on Guelph Line, just south of Rockwood. Rob says he was there yrs ago with his Dad, but no one else. Of course Kenny loved it. Looking at old streetcars, riding them, including a trolley that was built in 1892 and was orginially pulled by horses. NO. 327 is now enjoying a 20 minute trek back and forth at the museum. They have done a beautiful job in restoring it, along with a couple of other cars.

Anyway Kenny had a wonderful day. He was so excited to be there. It was hard to get him to sit longer than 20 seconds. Lots of hand flapping and spinning, not to mention echoing. But no big potty accidents. Which I didn't think there would be, why you ask? Cause I remembered to bring his knapsack with a couple of changes of clothes and pull-ups. So of course no accidents. You only do that when Mommy forgets to bring the knapsack.

Wonderful day. Thank Goodness for these.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Oh no.......

Help me. Please. The end of school is only like 3 weeks away. He is already showing signs of regressing. It's going to be a long summer.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Found this on the web

and had to share. Enjoy!

Holland Schmolland
by Laura Kreuger Crawford

If you have a special needs child, which I do, and if you troll the Internet for information, which I have done, you will come across a certain inspirational analogy. It goes like this:

Imagine that you are planning a trip to Italy. You read all the latest travel books, you consult with friends about what to pack, and you develop an elaborate itinerary for your glorious trip. The day arrives.

You board the plane and settle in with your in-flight magazine, dreaming of trattorias, gondola rides, and gelato. However when the plane lands you discover, much to your surprise, you are not in Italy -- you are in Holland. You are greatly dismayed at this abrupt and unexpected change in plans.

You rant and rave to the travel agency, but it does no good. You are stuck. After awhile, you tire of fighting and begin to look at what Holland has to offer. You notice the beautiful tulips, the kindly people in the wooden shoes, the french fries with mayonnaise, and you think, "This isn't exactly what I had planned, but it's not so bad. It's just different."

Having a child with special needs is supposed to be like this -- not any worse than having a typical child -- just different.

When I read this my son was almost 3, completely non-verbal and was hitting me over 100 times a day. While I appreciated the intention of the story, I couldn't help but think, "Are they kidding? We're not in some peaceful country dotted with windmills. We are in a country under siege -- dodging bombs, boarding overloaded helicopters, bribing officials -- all the while thinking, "What happened to our beautiful life?"

That was five years ago.

My son is now 8 and though we have come to accept that he will always have autism, we no longer feel like citizens of a battle-torn nation. With the help of countless dedicated therapists and teachers, biological interventions, and an enormously supportive family, my son has become a fun-loving, affectionate boy with many endearing qualities and skills. In the process we've created . . . well . . . our own country, with its own unique traditions and customs.

It's not a war zone, but it's still not Holland. Let's call it Schmolland. In Schmolland, it's perfectly customary to lick walls, rub cold pieces of metal across your mouth and line up all your toys end-to-end. You can show affection by giving a "pointy chin." A "pointy chin" is when you act like you are going to hug someone and just when you are really close, you jam your chin into the other person's shoulder. For the person giving the "pointy chin" this feels really good, for the receiver, not so much -- but you get used to it.

For citizens of Schmolland, it is quite normal to repeat lines from videos to express emotion. If you are sad, you can look downcast and say, "Oh, Pongo." When mad or anxious, you might shout, "Snow can't stop me!" or "Duchess, kittens, come on!" Sometimes, "And now our feature presentation" says it all.

In Schmolland, there's not a lot to do, so our citizens find amusement wherever they can. Bouncing on the couch for hours, methodically pulling feathers out of down pillows, and laughing hysterically in bed at 4:00 a.m. are all traditional Schmutch pastimes.

The hard part of living in our country is dealing with people from other countries. We try to assimilate ourselves and mimic their customs, but we aren't always successful. It's perfectly understandable that an 8 year-old from Schmolland would steal a train from a toddler at the Thomas the Tank Engine Train Table at Barnes and Noble. But this is clearly not understandable or acceptable in other countries, and so we must drag our 8 year-old out of the store kicking and screaming, all the customers looking on with stark, pitying stares. But we ignore these looks and focus on the exit sign because we are a proud people.

Where we live it is not surprising when an 8 year-old boy reaches for the fleshy part of a woman's upper torso and says, "Do we touch boodoo?" We simply say, "No, we do not touch boodoo," and go on about our business. It's a bit more startling in other countries, however, and can cause all sorts of cross-cultural misunderstandings.

And, though most foreigners can get a drop of water on their pants and still carry on, this is intolerable to certain citizens in Schmolland, who insist that the pants must come off no matter where they are and regardless of whether another pair of pants is present.

Other families who have special needs children are familiar and comforting to us, yet are still separate entities. Together we make up a federation of countries, kind of like Scandinavia. Like a person from Denmark talking to a person from Norway (or in our case, someone from Schmenmark talking to someone from Schmorway.), we share enough similarities in our language and customs to understand each other, but conversations inevitably highlight the diversity of our traditions. "My child eats paper. Yesterday he ate a whole video box." "My daughter only eats four foods, all of them white." "We finally had to lock up the VCR because my child was obsessed with the rewind button." "My son wants to blow on everyone."

There is one thing we all agree on. We are a growing population. Ten years ago, 1 in 10,000 children had autism. Today the rate is approximately 1 in 250. Something is dreadfully wrong. Though the causes of the increase are still being hotly debated, a number of parents and professionals believe genetic predisposition has collided with too many environmental insults -- toxins, chemicals, antibiotics, vaccines -- to create immunological chaos in the nervous system of developing children. One medical journalist speculated these children are the proverbial "canary in the coal mine", here to alert us to the growing dangers in our environment.

While this is certainly not a view shared by all in the autism community, it feels true to me.

I hope that researchers discover the magic bullet we all so desperately crave. And I will never stop investigating new treatments and therapies that might help my son. But more and more my priorities are shifting from what "could be" to "what is." I look around this country my family has created, with all its unique customs, and it feels like home. For us, any time spent "nation building" is time well spent.

-- The End --

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just a quick PSA (public service anouncement)

The last bit is just in case you don't text like me and have a bitch of a time trying to figure out some of the short forms. So not text savay, but all well, live and learn. Or forget in my case. Anyway.......

I forgot to mention a little while ago what happened with Kenny and a local Harveys. We had been out and running around (as usual) on a Sat. Both of us such smart and caring parents (note sarcasm) had thought we had decided on Wendy's for lunch, cause you know just how healthy that is, right? So while on our way we passed a Harvey's and as a last minute decision decided to go there instead. One fast food place is the same as all the others right?

Not in Kenny's mind. No way, no how was he happy with that decision. The tantrum started before we had even parked. And us being the 'on the ball' parents we are, kept going with our wonderful decision. So out of the van we dragged him. Over to the door. Tried to open the door and get him in. Nope. He was having no part of that. Managed to strong arm him into the door. Nope. So picture if you will, a tall 4 yr old boy being carried by both parents while he is screaming, biting, kicking, grabbing Mommy's glasses and trying to throw them into Harvey's. Wonderful huh. But wait, it doesn't end there. Now picture Mommy and Daddy trying to have a conversation with each other on what they want to eat. Nope, couldn't hear over the screaming 4 yr old. So Mommy takes him back out to the van to hopefully settle him down.

Of course we are now the wonderful entertainment for the lucky patrons of Harvey's. And trust me some were really taking to their roles well.

So finally after 10 minutes or so, he calms down enough that I can again talk to him. We discuss how to behave inside so both Mommy and Kenny can enjoy their meals. Get him in, sitting down, hand him his food, only to have another instant meltdown because Daddy got chicken nuggets instead of a cheeseburger. So nuggets go flying (who knew chickens could fly), french fries are scattered and Mommy is in tears. Of course the crowd is again taking in the show. Most with complete looks of disgust on their faces. Oh and I can't forget the comments. You know, the "what a spoiled brat" ones. Or the "shut the damn kid up" (which are my favourite by the way) ones.

Now about the public service anouncement (or PSA). If you happen to see something similiar happening in a fast food, kid friendly environment, don't sit there and pass judgement. Please try to be a little understanding that we are doing our best to calm him down. Hey even better, make things a little easier and actually pick something up and hand it back instead of just watching in disgust. Or move out of the way when Mommy is trying to carry the tantruming child out of the restaurant, instead of standing watching with your jaw dragging on the floor, blocking the only bloody route out.

Is that too damn much to ask? Really? Wow, who knew.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Kitchen is almost done.

Things have been very busy here at our household. Our long weekend was spent painting the kitchen. This was after replacing our old mouldy countertop and putting up tile for the side splashes. Next is strapping the ceiling and drywalling in the dining room and the living room to forever get rid of the cracks that haunt us. Then painting the living room and repainting where needed in the dining room.

I must say that I must be the only parent dreading summer vacation. My little dude man thrives on routine and structure and guess what, I'm the complete opposite. He will still be going up to Arthur twice per week, can't miss out on some of his therapy's but he loves, LOVES Mrs Thomas and Sandy (his support teacher). Christmas break threw him off to the point of behaviour issues and that was only for two weeks! Can you imagine 2 months!!?!?!?!?!?!?

Now does anyone know of a magic washer/dryer that will not only wash and dry clothes but will collect, sort, clean, dry, fold and put away all the laundry? Anyone? Anyone? No? Darn, guess I gotta run then. Yuck.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What does every boy want?

Why a spinner chair of course! Our latest and greatest purchase for Kenny was this:
In red/orange of course. It is completely amazing to watch him. He is so calm and willing to do what we ask when he's done. Truly is amazing.

Oh and we bought a table and chair set too!

So 4 chairs, 2 blue and 2 green to go with the red table. Now this is to help him with feeling 'grounded'. When he is sitting in a regular chair, his feet don't touch the ground. Which causes a 'funny' feeling and he can not sit still. Or even remain sitting for any length of time. Makes meal times hard when we are constantly on him to sit down and sit still and eat. So after talking to a therapist, she suggested a child's table and chairs to keep his feet on the ground. Talked to daycare and they have said they have never had a problem with him sitting and eating. But of course the chairs and tables are kid height. Talk about a 'duh' moment. Anywho now I need to go to a hardware store to purchase some pipe insulation. Once it is cut, it will fit over pencils, cutlery, get the idea and help him learn how to hold them right.

So, why this sudden spending spree you ask? Our government has approved our application for a CDTC (Child Disability Tax Credit) on the first try! I'm shocked. I've heard horror stories about having to apply 3-4 times and paying each time! But we are very lucky and grateful, so now we can help him more at home.

As for the rest of us? Well I celebrated my 21 st (again) birthday last Friday (April 17) by driving down to Columbus OH to visit friends. Hi guys!!!!!! And while on the way, I heard from an old and very dear friend, which is making me feel major guilt for not calling nor finding the time to even buy cards for my two Aries buddies :( I'm going to say it here, I'm sorry for being such a lousy friend over the last couple of yrs. Will you guys forgive me?

I drove home on the 20th and haven't stopped since. We are looking at starting some simple reno's in the house. Stuff that Rob and I can do ourselves, that will involve very little outside (re: expensive) help. So that will start with painting the kitchen, then we are going to strap and drywall the ceiling in the living room/dining room to help with the constant cracking. Then of course painting. After that is all done, hopefully we can get to the floors. I'm a little unsure of how to level the existing floors but I'm sure at some point we will figure it out. We also have to replace the front porch before it collapses on us. We will need to hire out someone to fix the chimney and do the re-pointing, oh and the insulation (that is another whole can of worms) but that is it. Fortunately we are not planning on leaving soon, so lots of time to work on this stuff.

And would anyone be interested in buying some photographs? I might try to sell some. I haven't decided yet. I need to do something for me, and what better than photography. This feeling sorry for myself doesn't pay the bills ;)

Maddy is doing well. Some issues with entitlement and jealously but we are working through them. Tana, well I love her. And that's all I'm gonna say about that.

Oh and Kenny's latest song that is stuck on repeat?
Of course sung in true 4 yr old fashion, at the loudest possible volume, and the most inappropriate times. Ah well, at least he's cute :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

How does he do it?

I really don't understand my son. He has this sixth sense about where my coffee is and has now knocked over 5-6 full cups! It doesn't seem to matter where I put it, cause I'm great at leaving it around the house as I try to get everyone and everything ready to go, but holy cow! So far he's knocked it off the coffee table, dining room table, bookshelf, kitchen counter (this one happened this morning), my dresser and the dryer. HOW DOES HE DO THIS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Really, and he can't spill a half empty one. No of course not. But a full one, every. damn. time. I just don't get it. Is this a sign that I'm supposed to quit drinking coffee? You can all stop laughing at me right now! ;) This house has been washed with coffee too many times now. Argh, enough already!

Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm Impressed!

With my Kenny-Dude that is. He is such a little trooper. We took him for his blood work yesterday after school. I mean who does like having a needle poked into their arm. But especially for a little boy that doesn't understand what's going on and doesn't get the explanation either.

So with him sitting in Daddy's lap, and me holding his arm still and straight (that was a fete(sp?) in itself) he had 8 vials of blood taken. 8. That's a lot of blood from a little guy. I'm so proud of him. We took him to the store "I Love Chocolate" after and I bought him a chocolate lollipop (and Maddy too for being a good girl). He really enjoyed that, as you could tell by the evidence all over his face. :)

I'm thankful that it is over now. Unless something comes up on the tests, he shouldn't need anymore blood work done. At least for now.

And a small update on me. They now want me in for an MRI instead of a C-Scan. So I had to go back to the hospital to have my eyes x-rayed for metal flakes since I worked with metal machining. I haven't heard back about that yet so I'm hoping that is clear and can be scheduled asap for the mri. This is getting nuts. I need a vacation away from myself and my life!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm hitting the end of my rope.

Yep, how much more can I take without going completely and totally crazy.

I just got off the phone from the Dr's office and found out that I have an extremely bad case of osteoarthritis in my neck/shoulders. Really. Gee, so how much more can I fit on my plate. Between Kenny and his issues, our lack of money and now this added problem, what the hell. I'm so ready to curl up into a ball and cry. Actually I just want to, well I can't do what I want to do. Rob can't get the time off and we don't have the money anyway.

I really have to get off my fat lard ass and get moving. I've spent too much time lazing around, somehow waiting for life to fix its self. Why does it feel like I've been kicked in the teeth repeatedly since I quit smoking. I quit, became an insulin dependent diabetic and now have developed arthritis in my neck. Bad enough that my Dr is really surprised and wants to send me for a CAT scan ASAP. Damn. Maybe I should start drinking again. At least that should numb the pain, or at least make it so I don't care anymore. Hmmm, has potential.

Monday, January 19, 2009

It's Official

Yep, it's officially official. Kenny is on the autism spectrum. Somewhere in between mild and moderate. This is something we already knew right? So what's the big deal, you're asking? Well the 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper that states he has an official diagnosis is our 'ticket' so to speak to a bunch more services and help for him.

So now we start a long journey into a world I never thought I'd see. Hopefully it will be as smooth as possible.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's been a long time (sing with me!)

Ok maybe not.

Where to begin. I don't think Kenny had seen Dr Carter the last time I was here. That appointment was on Dec 15 and went well. She asked a ton of questions, watched him play, played with him, interacted with him, checked his vitals, that kind of stuff. The total time was just over 2 hours total spent either talking to me or directly to Kenny. He was very good throughout the whole thing. Made trains out of all the toys and referenced everything else to trains. But for Kenny that is typical. She did mention that she wants a ton of blood work done to rule out some things like Fragile X Syndrome, hormone issues, iron issues etc. But other than that said he is one very healthy little boy! At least that is one very positive thing.
We decided on holding off on the blood test until after the holidays, so not to stress him to much. And we made an appointment for Jan 19th (next Monday) for just us adults. I will have to update when I can on that. There definitely is something not right. But what? We don't know yet.

Christmas has been hell. Most kids get extra excited and spun, right? Kenny just takes that to a whole new level. His whole schedule was thrown to shit. No school, no daycare and no regular programs all through the break. He was so confused, asking everyday what was happening. Could not get that it was Christmas Break and all the normal things and activities were closed. By the last few days, the potty accidents started. And they haven't stopped. At least for us at home. Both school and daycare don't see it to much, but here, crap it's constant now. He will NOT! go to the potty. Either Rob or I have to take him upstairs and in some cases forcibly hold him down. Not fun. He has also gotten more violent towards me. I have bite marks on me where he has broken skin and bruises from him hitting, punching and kicking. I'm not aiming for a pity parade but he has had me in tears all week. I'm at my wits end on dealing with him and the issues that are with him. I still love him. Really, really love him and try everyday to wake up and think, ok, it's going to be better today. I tell him (and his sister of course) that I love them with all my heart. I don't think that I'm up for this most nights. By then I feel like I've completely failed as a person and a parent. He nor his two sisters deserve a parent like what I've been. Sounds horrible. But oh so true.

Other than that pity parade, if you know us, you know what has been happening over the last few weeks. Christmas is over!!! Yippee!!!! Now I have to beg for forgiveness from my Dad for forgetting his birthday on Jan 5. Oops. Just chalk that up to complete stupidity. Tana's birthday is coming up next Tuesday. Are you all sitting down? She will be 21. Legal to drink in the States. Old enough for everything now. Where in the living hell did the time go????? 21. How is that even possible? Ugh. I'm getting to old for this. Time for the nursing home for me. Or at least a mini vacation to a nice padded room. Or even a couch in Columbus. I really need my laptop fixed.

See that is another problem of mine right now. My laptop is fubar, something to do with the electrical connection within the computer itself, not the cord. So it is not charging the battery or even showing it is plugged in at all. Sucks cause I can't access any of my pictures! I can't even really take anymore right now cause I have no idea when it can be fixed or get a new one and Rob's PC is not working right either. So I'm screwed for taking or printing any pictures. And I got me a brand spanking new macro lens for Christmas! And I can't even see my results!!! :(

Anyhoo, that is all for now. Lets please all cross our fingers/toes and anything else that Kenny will finally use the potty regularly now that things are back to normal. All scheduled programs are running and there won't be any more major disruptions until Easter.

About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.