Monday, August 17, 2009

The heat is here

and I hate it!!!! Never happy am I ;)

I'll tell ya, it's been busy, busy here. We just finished two weeks of a non-stop vacation. First on Aug 3, our friends from Ohio (waves hi to Bannon and family) were up for a week. Imagine, 4 adults and 4 kids in a 1250 sq/ft house with only one bathroom. Yes we are insane, but a fantastic time was had by all. We visited Riverside Park (twice), had Maddy's birthday party at Swiss Chalet, went to the Ontario Science Center, Halton County Radial Railway Museum, the Fergus Scottish Festival and a Toronto Blue Jay game, plus rode a Go Train & subway, saw a working railroad turntable (that was cool!) at the old roundhouse in downtown TO and the men bought Steam Whistle beer. That was the first week.

Second week we went camping. This was one of the first times I was ready to pack it in and head home early. The campground was mud, all mud. Since it has rained so much this summer, nothing has had a good chance to dry out so about 2/3 of our campsite was un-usable. And of course Kenny + mud/puddles = one hell of a mess. Didn't help that a thunderstorm went through after we got there, soaking everything, again. And the mosquitos were horrible. We went through 2 1/2 cans of OFF spray and they were still biting. But we stuck it out, the weather improved (no rain anyway) and we managed to go swimming two days in a row. Course packing up with the ever present mud was fun. Our blue tarp, was black. This stuff clung to everything. I do have to say that camping during the week is so much better than on the weekends. Quiet, no neighbours, no loud thumping music, it was so nice.

Came home on Friday cause we thought Booga had her last soccer game. Nope. Not Friday. So a disappointed little girl played without getting her medal to show off and brag about. But Saturday was Dudes last game. He played with his usual flair.

Yes, that is him laying down, covering the goal. That's my boy :)

So what do you give a group of 3-6 yr olds after playing their last game of soccer? Well Timbits of course........

And there is my son, with the chipmunk cheeks as he tries to get as many as possible. And finally what does getting a medal mean without showing it off and making older sister jealous.....

You can't see it, but the pout on her face was priceless! She was so ticked that she didn't get her medal first. She is certainly making life interesting.

Now, have I mentioned how well his OT is going? We are on a steady time (that will change when he starts school again) and he loves it. The 'play dr' (as Kenny calles her) has managed to get him to write some letters!!!!!!!!! Real letters!!!!!! From the alphabet!!!!!! We have never seen him write anything without us holding his hand and guiding the pencil and even then you could barely make out the letter he was attempting to write. And he will actually sit down and listen to her. Really. Honest. Yes he tantrums alot still, but she can talk him down and calm him quite quickly. We are very happy with her. She is a very remarkable lady.

Well that is all for now. We are waiting, not so patiently I might add, for the thunderstorms to start. I'm kinda hoping they don't as we still have the tent set up in the backyard to clean it. I just want it dry so it can be packed up and put away till next time. So to all, later gator!!

Oh wait, I forgot to mention we got his bloodwork back and his iron and white blood cell count was low. So at some point soon we have to get it redone. Sort of verify if they really are low or if that was just a temp thing. At least there was nothing more serious. Thank God for that.

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.