Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just a quick PSA (public service anouncement)

The last bit is just in case you don't text like me and have a bitch of a time trying to figure out some of the short forms. So not text savay, but all well, live and learn. Or forget in my case. Anyway.......

I forgot to mention a little while ago what happened with Kenny and a local Harveys. We had been out and running around (as usual) on a Sat. Both of us such smart and caring parents (note sarcasm) had thought we had decided on Wendy's for lunch, cause you know just how healthy that is, right? So while on our way we passed a Harvey's and as a last minute decision decided to go there instead. One fast food place is the same as all the others right?

Not in Kenny's mind. No way, no how was he happy with that decision. The tantrum started before we had even parked. And us being the 'on the ball' parents we are, kept going with our wonderful decision. So out of the van we dragged him. Over to the door. Tried to open the door and get him in. Nope. He was having no part of that. Managed to strong arm him into the door. Nope. So picture if you will, a tall 4 yr old boy being carried by both parents while he is screaming, biting, kicking, grabbing Mommy's glasses and trying to throw them into Harvey's. Wonderful huh. But wait, it doesn't end there. Now picture Mommy and Daddy trying to have a conversation with each other on what they want to eat. Nope, couldn't hear over the screaming 4 yr old. So Mommy takes him back out to the van to hopefully settle him down.

Of course we are now the wonderful entertainment for the lucky patrons of Harvey's. And trust me some were really taking to their roles well.

So finally after 10 minutes or so, he calms down enough that I can again talk to him. We discuss how to behave inside so both Mommy and Kenny can enjoy their meals. Get him in, sitting down, hand him his food, only to have another instant meltdown because Daddy got chicken nuggets instead of a cheeseburger. So nuggets go flying (who knew chickens could fly), french fries are scattered and Mommy is in tears. Of course the crowd is again taking in the show. Most with complete looks of disgust on their faces. Oh and I can't forget the comments. You know, the "what a spoiled brat" ones. Or the "shut the damn kid up" (which are my favourite by the way) ones.

Now about the public service anouncement (or PSA). If you happen to see something similiar happening in a fast food, kid friendly environment, don't sit there and pass judgement. Please try to be a little understanding that we are doing our best to calm him down. Hey even better, make things a little easier and actually pick something up and hand it back instead of just watching in disgust. Or move out of the way when Mommy is trying to carry the tantruming child out of the restaurant, instead of standing watching with your jaw dragging on the floor, blocking the only bloody route out.

Is that too damn much to ask? Really? Wow, who knew.

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About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.