Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm Impressed!

With my Kenny-Dude that is. He is such a little trooper. We took him for his blood work yesterday after school. I mean who does like having a needle poked into their arm. But especially for a little boy that doesn't understand what's going on and doesn't get the explanation either.

So with him sitting in Daddy's lap, and me holding his arm still and straight (that was a fete(sp?) in itself) he had 8 vials of blood taken. 8. That's a lot of blood from a little guy. I'm so proud of him. We took him to the store "I Love Chocolate" after and I bought him a chocolate lollipop (and Maddy too for being a good girl). He really enjoyed that, as you could tell by the evidence all over his face. :)

I'm thankful that it is over now. Unless something comes up on the tests, he shouldn't need anymore blood work done. At least for now.

And a small update on me. They now want me in for an MRI instead of a C-Scan. So I had to go back to the hospital to have my eyes x-rayed for metal flakes since I worked with metal machining. I haven't heard back about that yet so I'm hoping that is clear and can be scheduled asap for the mri. This is getting nuts. I need a vacation away from myself and my life!

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.