Thursday, September 24, 2009


That's right, PISSED! Completely, totally, yell it from the rooftops PISSED!

The principal at Dudes school is trying to take away his E.A.(Educational Assistant) to work in another room. The ONE reason he goes to school willingly, wants to go, begs to go, to play with Miss Sandy. And the (new)principal wants to take her away. This cannot happen. We are already watching him regress again with physical issues that we can not figure out. And now this?!?!?!?!? Why, WHY would you take someone away from an autistic kid, when routine and consistency are what holds these children together! Why, WHY would you take his E.A. away when for the first time he was writting letters (alphabet) by himself!!! Not tracing, no guiding his hand but BY HIMSELF!!!!

I just dont' get it. I really don't understand. Given that this principal was a special ed teacher in the same school when Tana was there. She of all people should know that this is a VERY BAD, STUPID, FUCKED UP IDEA!!! And now I get to fight with another school system. I lost badly with the Etobicoke Board when it came to Tana. I never thought I'd need to do it again here! I tried to teach her to take what was dealt, make the best of it and prove them wrong. But it wasn't until we moved here that we saw a change in her attitude towards teachers and schools in general. And I'm not fighting to choose specific teachers, just to keep the ones he has. He does need to learn change and there are times that you may not like someone, but you still need to deal with them (without biting, pinching, hitting, spitting etc) and learn to find a way to co-exist in peace. But why after a yr and a bit would you even think of taking away the ONE, get that, ONE person he loves. He already knows that he will not have her next yr. We've already started to prepare him for that. But to take her away with no damn warning?!?!!?!?! Why in the living fucking hell would any rational, supposedly educated person do that???????

And in case you are wondering, I have a call in for his Occupational Therapist. She is a great advicate for 'her' kids, especially when it comes to the school system. Oh and the topper of the day, not that anyone asked but your going to hear it anyway, I have CT (carpol tunnel) surgery today. Just bloody perfect, isn't it.

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.