Saturday, September 26, 2009

Calmer heads today

When in doubt, take it to the source. Act like an adult, discuss and give the 'accused' a chance to speak. Yep I actually did that!! (Hahahaha, never thought you'd see the day huh ;) )

After much yelling, screaming and outright temper tantrums I went in to the school on Fri am to have a 'chat' with the Principal. At first, it seemed like she was giving me the brush off, but I pushed my case and managed to squeeze an apt. for later in afternoon, rather than wait until Tues (Mon is a PD day). She maintains that she wasn't going to take Miss Sandy away permanently, but to 'borrow' her for the other classrooms when she is not needed with Kenny. Now this is different info from what I originally heard, but I think that she has received so much flack that she has had to back down.

Now both Hubby and I agree that she wasn't about to inform any of us parents. Which I guess legally she doesn't have too. BUT (and yes I have a big one) I guess she completely underestimated the fight we (as parents) were/are willing to wage to keep Sandy in the classroom as much as possible. Sandy herself is trying to work out how to keep as many people happy as she can, by dividing her time to help everyone involved, but without comprising the children she is already attached too.

I'm still ticked that she was trying to change Kenny's care without informing us. Being that even small differences to his routine can cause major outbursts, but I'm hoping that by approaching her like I did, that she will tell me next time and we can be prepared for any possible fall-out. I also really don't like the idea that he will be left in a classroom full of kids without another adult to help if he does have a meltdown. They can be so quick and so violent that I am truly scared that another child will be hurt before someone can intervene. But I did state this, and she (principal) seems to think that it won't happen. We will see I guess.

Now on to other topics. We are back to visiting a bunch of doctors for Kenny again. Something is wrong and we have no idea what. About two weeks ago, at school, he started to complain that his tummy hurt along with his pee and he wanted to go home. That in itself is concerning, 1) he doesn't complain anything hurts and 2) he has never wanted to go home from school. So a trip to the walk in clinic was in order since we couldn't get into see his Dr. that afternoon. While there they made him pee in a cup (which he thought was the absolute best thing!) and gave him a complete once over. Except for white blood cells in his urine, nothing else seemed off.

Dr at the clinic recommended that we make a follow-up apt, did and sure enough still no sign of infection, but white blood cells in his urine. So off to a Ped. Went there on Monday. Now he is sending a referral to get Kenny an ultrasound on his kidneys and lower abdomen. Poor kid, who knows what is going on right now. He certainly isn't going to tell us.

Other than that, things are going ok. Busy with a bunch of stuff. Soon hopefully we can start working on the house again. We are going to strap the living room and dining room ceiling and then put up drywall. That should solve the crack problem (we hope) without tearing down all the plaster and making one heck of a huge mess.

I had carpel tunnel surgery on Thurs and it still hurts but is getting better. The nerve is acting funny and jumping around but apparently that is it healing itself, or at least trying to. Oh and I am going to see my Doc on Mon for what might be a heel spur. For around 3 weeks now to walk has been hell. I can't seem to catch a break (shhhh, wrong word to use!!)

Gotta run. Maddy has decided to pitch a fit and we are trying to get out the door for Wellington Rural Romp. Gonna go visit a bunch of cows, pigs, chickens.......... Such fun huh :)

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.