Thursday, April 23, 2009

What does every boy want?

Why a spinner chair of course! Our latest and greatest purchase for Kenny was this:
In red/orange of course. It is completely amazing to watch him. He is so calm and willing to do what we ask when he's done. Truly is amazing.

Oh and we bought a table and chair set too!

So 4 chairs, 2 blue and 2 green to go with the red table. Now this is to help him with feeling 'grounded'. When he is sitting in a regular chair, his feet don't touch the ground. Which causes a 'funny' feeling and he can not sit still. Or even remain sitting for any length of time. Makes meal times hard when we are constantly on him to sit down and sit still and eat. So after talking to a therapist, she suggested a child's table and chairs to keep his feet on the ground. Talked to daycare and they have said they have never had a problem with him sitting and eating. But of course the chairs and tables are kid height. Talk about a 'duh' moment. Anywho now I need to go to a hardware store to purchase some pipe insulation. Once it is cut, it will fit over pencils, cutlery, get the idea and help him learn how to hold them right.

So, why this sudden spending spree you ask? Our government has approved our application for a CDTC (Child Disability Tax Credit) on the first try! I'm shocked. I've heard horror stories about having to apply 3-4 times and paying each time! But we are very lucky and grateful, so now we can help him more at home.

As for the rest of us? Well I celebrated my 21 st (again) birthday last Friday (April 17) by driving down to Columbus OH to visit friends. Hi guys!!!!!! And while on the way, I heard from an old and very dear friend, which is making me feel major guilt for not calling nor finding the time to even buy cards for my two Aries buddies :( I'm going to say it here, I'm sorry for being such a lousy friend over the last couple of yrs. Will you guys forgive me?

I drove home on the 20th and haven't stopped since. We are looking at starting some simple reno's in the house. Stuff that Rob and I can do ourselves, that will involve very little outside (re: expensive) help. So that will start with painting the kitchen, then we are going to strap and drywall the ceiling in the living room/dining room to help with the constant cracking. Then of course painting. After that is all done, hopefully we can get to the floors. I'm a little unsure of how to level the existing floors but I'm sure at some point we will figure it out. We also have to replace the front porch before it collapses on us. We will need to hire out someone to fix the chimney and do the re-pointing, oh and the insulation (that is another whole can of worms) but that is it. Fortunately we are not planning on leaving soon, so lots of time to work on this stuff.

And would anyone be interested in buying some photographs? I might try to sell some. I haven't decided yet. I need to do something for me, and what better than photography. This feeling sorry for myself doesn't pay the bills ;)

Maddy is doing well. Some issues with entitlement and jealously but we are working through them. Tana, well I love her. And that's all I'm gonna say about that.

Oh and Kenny's latest song that is stuck on repeat?
Of course sung in true 4 yr old fashion, at the loudest possible volume, and the most inappropriate times. Ah well, at least he's cute :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Hi. How are you? Cathy sent me this 'posting' ... you know how incredibly inept I am with this glorified typewriter (aka computer). I can only speak for myself, but of course I forgive you for not calling me ...again :-} We have been friends since we were 15 and as far as I am concerned we will be friends until the day I die. I love ya ... you know that. Your apology has prompted me to apologize to you for not being a better friend over the last few years either. Although I occasionally email and seldom call, I have not even made it up to see your new house :-{ My excuse would have to be my new house (or old cottage as it turns out) that we bought 3 years ago. We have been renovating small areas of our home - we too have no insulation - but most recently we built a new garage. The best one is that last year we bought a new fridge, you know the really nice big KitchenAid one? I was so happy! It was first new fridge, ever ...and it was gorgeous! Well, wouldn't you know it, my kitchen floor starting caving in from the weight. It turns out that we are missing floor joists under the kitchen floor! They probably rotted away, since the under side of my house is a 30" dirt crawlspace. Fun, eh? Needless to say, our summer project will be to finish the garage and support the underside of my kitchen floor, which will undoubtedly result in the installation of more support on the entire underside of my house. Oh well... what can you do? On a happier note, Mike and I are finally getting married... this year! Mike's sister and brother-in-law have offered to sponsor the reception in lieu of a gift. WOW!!! We have downscaled the entire event, which will be held in Tottenham (near Bolton) at Mike's sister's 10 acre property, on August 22nd. We will be sending out invitations at the end of May. Look for yours in the mail. Please tell me you'll be there??? This time around, I have asked Cathy to be my Maid of Honour. Cindy has agreed to be my Bride's Maid. I would have asked you, you know I would have, but you're a little ways away and we have to make a few drastic cut backs. I hope that you still love me ? :-{ I am still thinking about coming up with Cathy to do the Flea Market/lunch excursion ... it's just a matter of when. I am hoping that after the next few weeks, I will have a lull and finally be able to come up and visit. Can't wait to see you! Your friend, Teresa oxo

About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.