Friday, July 25, 2008

What a great concert!

It was fantastic!!!! Of course, did you expect anything less? You know a band has staying power when the fans range in age from 10 to 70. Played some new stuff and most of their old, including solo stuff. Of course the old fav's were by and far the most popular. The concert ended with Take It Easy and one of the best live versions of Desperado I've heard. Had me in tears. And just as a side note, that was the first time in over a year that Hubby and I have been out together, with NO kids!!!!! Man I'd forgotten how much fun adult time was.

As for other ramblings, we have been approved for home care funding. Which means that we will be reimbursed for any monies paid out to workers for so many hours covered. We applied for 8. Not that we will get 8, but hey don't know if you don't try, right?! So how does this help? Well now we can hire someone to take Kenny swimming on Thursday nights, maybe have some respite care so Hubby and I can go out for some adult time together, or hire a therapist to work with Kenny one on one. Any of the above options would work right now. He still isn't fully recovered from whatever the damn bug was that he caught. So extra whinny and clingy, which makes it difficult to get stuff done.

Now on to more fun things, we leave tomorrow for Columbus!!! It's gonna be a blast! Water park, Ohio State Fair, plus other fun and exciting stuff to keep all 4 little munchkins busy. Oh wait, forgot about the beer making for the older kids, so exciting stuff for all 6 kids! I should be packing and cleaning, but here I sit. Man I'm lazy! Laundry to do, stuff to put away, shopping for snack foods. The list goes on. Why does packing for trips have to be so time consuming and feel more like work. Blah, no wonder people need a vacation from getting ready for and unpacking from vacations. Here is one time I really wish we were filthy rich, so no packing needed, just buy what we need! What a concept. Blah, back to real life.

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.