Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Now on too other things.

Got that out of my system. Well no, not really but I'll refrain from mentioning it again. At least for a few more minutes.

Anyhow the Duders is still sick. We're not sure what is wrong but he's still fighting some kind of stomach bug. Saturday started the runny poops and boy do I mean runny. Poor kid had an explosion at a playground. Then again 3am Monday morning he was back to throwing up and diarrhea at the same time. No one can say that my child is not talented. I now have to try to get some kind of poop sample from him which hasn't been easy. He wants no part of pooping in a plastic container so I can package it up like the lab told me. Can't take it out of a diaper either. Not to mention that we are still using bum cream, trying to clear up the rash he got from the last round of diarrhea. Poor kid was in so much pain from that he was desperatlely trying to hold in his poop so I wouldn't have to wipe his butt. Not a pretty picture.

He'd better get better fast. We leave to go see Ms Bannon and Family in 12 days! Another thing I can't wait for!

And finally a quick update on how things are progressing. We got a phone call this afternoon from a worker involved with home OT/PT. I will have to call again tomorrow as she had already left the office by the time I was able to call her back. More help for Duders is a great thing.

And finally, because this has been bothering me, if you see a parent having difficulty with a child out in public, like an extreme temper tantrum, screaming etc, don't just stand there making rude faces or comments, go over and offer to help. Even if it is to just let her/him know that you understand and are not judging. Trust me, sometimes us parents (especially of Autistic children) could really use the support. Just my public service announcement for the day.

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.