Thursday, June 12, 2008

I'm pulling my hair out! I really am. Well at least pulling out what is left. Blah, why do the 5 year olds have to display the attitude of 15 year olds? Why I ask?

You tell her no. You tell her no again. She says no back. You threaten some life altering thing (like taking Ruff Ruff). She now yells NO in your face. All of this starts with...ya think something horribly important....nope. She took Kenny's toy and wouldn't give it back. Meanwhile, Kenny has thrown himself down on the pavement (in a parking lot by the way) and is throwing a major temper tantrum, high pitched screaming and all.

Decided on the way home to stop for a much needed fix of Tim Hortons coffee. Something that I have actually been trying to cut back on. That sets both children off in the back seat. NO COFFEE FOR YOU!! (Hmmm, wonder what the girls at the drive thru thought I was doing to the little hellions) (Actually, don't care at this point).

What's the next fun thing to do? Well lets try to push off Mommy's hat so that it blocks her vision. While driving in traffic. Doesn't that sound like fun? Balls, I'll tell ya. And why this display of temper from the diva? I told her that her punishment doesn't include her younger terror of a brother to join her.

So again, warned once. Warned again. Finally lost it. She is now in her room, screaming her fool head off and will stay there until tomorrow morning. Bathroom breaks only(she needs a bath).

Damn, I'm actually in awe with just how far she can carry this attitude. And still expect to receive whatever it is that she wants. We really need to find something that works, cause I'm not taking to this very well. Can't have two diva's in this house ;) Don't know why she is so upset about missing supper. Nothing but veggies grilled on the BBQ, some spinach salad and maybe a quiche for protein. Boy does that sound exciting or what. Really wish I could scam a dinner out. Without the children, or even the Hubby. Just me, some nasty, greasy hamburger and fries with a diet coke. Sounds heavenly right now.

Father's Day is shaping up to be a bust also. He's not so into it, but I'm still going to get cards from the kids. Maddy's dance recital is this weekend so that kinda puts a crimp in things. We haven't even bought tickets for it yet. Bad parents, I know.

And with the dance recital just two days away, of course Booga has to come down with some nasty ass cough. We are thinking allergies. Ears are fine. Throat is fine. No fever. And the clincher is the eye dr. found evidence of allergies in her eyes. So now we are looking into testing to find out what she is allergic to and how best to treat it. Why couldn't she have taken after her Dad? Huh? Why? He has no allergies, no glasses, is rarely sick. But no of course not. She takes after me.

Geez, aren't I a complete ray of sunshine today. Speaking of, time to start getting the quiche ready. Whoppee Doo.

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.