Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Busy, busy.

Ok, where to start.

I guess the first thing I should say is we had Kenny's IEP meeting at the school last Wednesday. It went really well and we all were on the same page in regards to getting him the help that he needs. Separation anxiety is going to be one (of many) issues that we will have to deal with, but we are going to start taking him up to the school to play in the school yard, and he is going to get some one on one time with the teacher before school starts. He will also be designated a Teacher's Helper to assist with his learning and following the class routine.

Everyone showed up, including his old Daycare supervisor (Karen) and the new one (Mindy), the speech pathologist, the Trellis worker (Lidia), Mrs. Thomas (K teacher), the board language and speech pathologist, the principal and finally the board special education director (can't remember her name). Oh and both Rob and I were there to input any other info that might be helpful. We are also trying to speed up the OT application to get him help with fine motor skills and coping with change.

Lots accomplished, that's for sure.

MIL had her hip surgery on May 23. I wish I could say all went well and she is well on the road to recovery, but I can't. She was moved to the rehab hospital last Wed and Thursday morning she had a seizure. So she had to be taken back to the General Hospital and spent till Sunday there. They aren't quite sure what caused the seizure but are thinking that a bunch of combined factors contributed to it.

She is now back at the rehab place and hopefully is now going to recover. She has no memory of the seizure or anything really up to Sunday. Doesn't remember fighting the nurses in the ER. According to them she packs a mean right hook LOL. We saw her last night and that was the best I've seen her. She was more alert and 'on' then she has been in awhile. Good sign? Hopefully.

Then came the weekend. Two birthday parties that were planned for different months ended up on the same weekend! So out to Beaverton on Saturday for Ayden's 8th birthday. Had a great time with the girls and around the campfire that night. We stayed the night and on Sunday had to boot home to get ready for Raven's party in Elmira. Fortunately that is only 20 minutes away. Again had a blast catching up on life. Actually caught Raven's Grandpa, Bill, smiling! He is the same person that we hired to do the electrical in the house. Our old neighbours from Arthur.

Now today is the RCMP Musical Ride here in town! Maddy is going this afternoon with her class and then Rob and I are taking the kids to the evening show. Lucky Maddy gets to see it twice! We are looking forward to it, cause none of us have seen it before. Should be good!

Oh and to those that know me...... I HAVE VEGETABLES IN MY GARDEN!!!!! They are really growing, from seed!!!!! That I planted!!!!! Me!!! WOW!!! Although I did loose my beans from the frost, we have re-planted them so crossing fingers! Lets see, we have potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beans, 2 types of squash, tomatoes and sunflowers. If I get 2 or three things outta this I'll be happy.

Gotta motor, time to gather the troops to get dressed and ready for school! Later gator!

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About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.