Monday, May 26, 2008

The extremes are so hard.

Duders was horrible today. The complete opposite of last week. Poor kid had trouble at school, couldn't focus on what he should have been and had two accidents.

I should have known better than to take him to a grocery store after school but we needed something for dinner and what else to do? I figured we'd be in and out quickly, I know where everything is and it's not really busy on Monday afternoon.

Holy crap what a mistake that was. Screaming fits ensued with pinching and biting to follow. It's like my boy, the one we know and love, just isn't there anymore. You can see it in his eyes, they're empty. And the looks and comments! Crud people, get a life, or help if you think it's bad enough. Especially the employees. Manager got an earful tonight for one of his wonderful, friendly *cough cough* bakery staff members. Nothing like leaving a store in tears for feeling so helpless and out of control.

And what's with the older one! The attitude lately has been so bad. And the temper tantrums! We tried to take them to the park yesterday (Sunday) after seeing MIL in the hospital. But when she didn't get her ice cream, when she demanded, the fits started. I ended up carrying Kenny to the van and Hubby was carrying Maddy. She was trying to choke him the whole way with her screaming. Kenny was doing his best trying to bite me. Do I want to go back now. No, but somehow we have to teach them that when it's time to go, it's time to go, period.

Well how bout that eh, they finally issued a thunderstorm warning (or watch, I haven't checked yet). So I'd better sign off before Maddy panic's. Blah, Calgon take me away!

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.