Saturday, June 7, 2008


We took Kenny swimming last night. Maybe you think that isn't a big deal, right? I mean what kid doesn't like swimming. If having playtime in the bathtub gives you any idea then we were in for a big fight. He resists the bath. Horribly. Screams of terror. So what the hell were we thinking?

I had to double check. Was this really my kid? He was splashing around, chasing his sister, with a permanent grin suck on his face! Daddy went into the pool with the two of them and it looked like they had a ball! His sister in the meantime was playing with our friends from our old home. They kept disappearing under the mushroom shower. We could still see them of course so I know that they were ok, but it was funny to watch them ducking under the water fall.

I'm still in shock. Definitely going to look at swimming therapy for him. Maybe even lessons, but it would have to be in a really small group. I'm guessing that therapy is better though, that way we can progress at his pace. The last thing I want to do is scare him away from something that could be such a positive experience for him.

The best part of all of this is he is still sleeping! It's 7:45! What the hell is up with that! This is the child that is usually up before 2am. Then again between 5 and 6 am. Of course I'm programmed to get up with him so here I sit, waiting. I should've gone back to bed, but with my luck he would have been up then anyway. Isn't that how it usually works?

So Monday I will get on the phone to see if there is such a thing as swimming therapy that is covered by the county and if there is, does he qualify. Man I hope so. Anything that will help him sleep better, I'm all over it like a wet rag!

As for today, Saturday, not quite sure what we are doing. Booga has dance class this morning but after that we are unplanned. Another day of hot, humid, sticky weather. Not complaining though, it's not that nasty white stuff. Maybe later we will take a trip to the trains. Another favourite of Dudes. Tomorrow there is an open house at his daycare. So we will definitely be going to that. Oh and also some time we have to visit MIL. That is a whole other post. But not for here.

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.