Tuesday, February 12, 2008

You can't see me but I'm doing a huge, massive happy dance!!!!!

The lead results are in and are NEGATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we are not poisoning him!!!! Even though this means we are back to square one, it still is a huge relief off my shoulders. Both hubby and I have been worried sick that we were poisoning him with all the renovations we've been doing. Of course if his tests came back positive, we all would have been tested.

And we have an appointment set up for Feb 21 to follow up the EEG.

Sarah has sent us links to workshops for parents/teachers of autistic children. She is planning on attending some and wanted to know if I wanted to go. So when those dates come up I'll update everyone on what I learned. Wonder how much autism and ADHD are related? Especially for treatment options. Too bad all my info on that is around 10 to 15 yrs old. I'm sure it's changed over the yrs. God I hope I don't have to go through the elimation diet again. I will never forget having to go through that with Tana. Having to tell a 3 yr old that he can no longer have his most favourite food in the whole world is not fun.

So far today hasn't been too bad. Kenny and I went for a long cold walk after dropping Maddy off at school. We walked to the post office, then to the bank, then to the local butcher but they weren't open yet, to the dollar store, then over to the library then back to the butcher and to Tim Hortons and then back to get Maddy from school. I was hoping that would tire him out. No sign yet, although I might try to get him down for a nap in a little bit. So long as Maddy co-operates it's all good. It's so nice to have so much within walking distance. Now if it would warm up and the snow would melt........

We got our honey garlic sausage for dinner tonight. Fresh, no gluten, no additives at all actually and locally grown. And antibiotic/drug free. Some of the best sausage we've ever had, but we will have to enjoy sparingly as it's really pricey. And we are having fresh organic, locally grown green beans with lemon and dill. Still trying to figure out what potato dish to do, maybe garlic roasted? Oh and can't forget my spinach salad.

Later gator!! (still doing a small happy dance :D)


mexicanmasala said...

YEAH! I mean, at least there's one more thing you can cross off the gigantic list, huh?

I would love to eat more organic/hormone-free meats, fish, and veggies. I just can't really afford the best of the best, but we do what we can.

Bannon said...

YAY Christine!!! I'm glad that has been ruled out for you.

Unknown said...

That is great news!! Sounds like you guys are going to have a great dinner to celebrate. Keep your head up, answers will come soon.

About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.