Saturday, February 9, 2008

First, thanks for thinking about us :) I've been trying to update but have been so busy.

No word on the lead testing yet. I called and was told that the Dr would be in contact with me. Oh and not to worry cause if it was serious, I would be contacted right away. So I ask if the test has come in. "No" she says, "I'm not allowed to reveal any information over the phone". What the hell, I"m not asking what the tests are saying, just if it has come in yet. So we are still waiting. And waiting. Have I ever mentioned that I hate waiting for anything !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Kenny's EEG was yesterday (Friday) and that went well. He was so good for the tech, it was amazing. He stayed still for the most part, was asking questions and interacting with the tech, Steve was his name, and talking about trains. Sometimes that little boy truly amazes me. He was so 'on' and with it, it almost seems like the Kenny that grunts and screams and causes complete havoc doesn't really exist. But unfortunately I know that isn't the case. So here is another thing that we have to wait for. Apparently it takes 8 to 10 days for the results/paperwork to get to the Ped. Oh boy, wonder if my nerves can take it.

This week has also been a complete hell puke fest here. Kenny started it on Monday. Tues he seemed fine. Wed morning (1 am that is) he started screaming, came into our room, to my side of the bed, and proceeded to hurl all over me, my side of the bed, my duvet, and the floor. Not bad coverage for a 3yo eh. While I'm trying to attempt to clean it, of course hubby is bitchin about the noise and light. He's lucky he didn't get a dirty paper towel thrown at him! So no school for Kenny again on Wed. Thurs everyone seems healthy. Friday morning (again 1 am) Maddy starts it. She at least kept it to her bed. I got her cleaned up in between pukes, and laying down in our bed, and she wakes Rob up by puking again. That went on until 3. She spent the whole day on the couch looking like crap. Poor kid.

And Tuesday! What to say about Tuesday. Pancake dinner at MIL's church. Rob didn't think he'd be home in time, and we arranged that if he wasn't home by 4:30 that I was to go on my own and meet MIL. He would catch up if he could. He didn't. I don't want to go into too much detail, or complain too much so lets just say that Maddy was in prime form that night. I havent' seen temper tantrums like that since Tana. :( I won't be going to that church for a long time now. Doesn't help that I now know that the bitch has been spouting off again. So that's it for her. Third strike so to say. She will no longer be asked to babysit, unless it's an emergency and we are cracking down on Maddy for her behaviour and attitude towards us and her brother. I'm not giving her anymore leeway when it comes to my kids. Period. Guess she will have tons of shit to sling now eh!

But Kenny did make it to school on Friday. The first time in almost 2 weeks. He was excellent at school also. Was interacting, playing, talking and even slept!!! What the hell is up with that? Sarah, his teacher was so happy that he did so well. She couldn't wait to tell me all the great stuff that happened. Have I mentioned that she is the greatest when it comes to my son! It makes it so much easier to drop him off knowing that she is there and will do everything she can to make Kenny's day a little brighter.

So maybe that's it? It's Saturday night , hockey day in Canada, and hubby is watching all the games, both professional and pee wee that are being played today around the country. I'm trying to catch up on a few things (like here). As of right now, both M and K are in bed and quiet. Even Snickers is sleeping. And I have to say it, I love love love my mp3! Shoulda quit smoking yrs ago ;)

1 comment:

Bannon said...

Yes you should have quit smoking years ago, LOL!

I'm glad he did good for you on the eeg. I've been thinking of ya.

About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.