Saturday, February 2, 2008

Pulling my hair out :(

I'm going to scream now. Loudly. What a day. Keep in mind that I've had at least one child by my side since Monday. Tuesday, Kenny doesn't have school. Wednesday no school because of the wind storm. Thursday, no school for Kenny. Friday, school canceled because of the damn freakin' snowstorm.

So Kenny decides this morning to sleep in. A good thing, except for the fact that I'm so bloody accustomed to getting up early with him that I'm up at 6:30. Figures. Now that I"m ready for bed, both are up, not listening to me at all, and not going to bed. Plus Kenny is, as I type this, dropping a load in his diaper. Oh sweet hell.

Of course he has been a little you-know-what all day today. It was bad today. Grunting, screaming, crying over everything. We went out to dinner with MIL (usually do this on Sunday nights but because of the superbowl we did it tonight) and he was horrible. Throwing food, spitting his chocolate milk and water. Kicking me. Banging his spoon/fork on the dishes. I'll bet they were so happy to see us go. And the mess he left under the highchair! Oh man, he really did a number this time. I'm thinking we might have to stop bringing him if this is going to continue.

And the biting! Holy crap, I've lost count how many times he's bitten me today because I've told him either no or to do something he doesn't want to do. Got my foot earlier today while I was on the ladder trying to finish off filling the holes.

MIL of course was nothing but a bag of tension. She needs a hip transplant desperately and won't go in for it. She says she wants to lose weight and is nervous about some of her medication. But it's giving her more pain then what she will admit too. No use in telling her anything either. I'm just hoping for her sake that she realizes that she needs it done to live a half decent life.

Poopy bum dealt with. Yuck. Which leads me to the question of WHY DOESN'T HE GO POTTY ANYMORE!!!!!!!!! He used to ask. Plain as day. Both with no problem. This is driving me batty. If we could just solve this one issue, then I could concentrate on the next. But to have him running around in diapers again. Again I feel like I fucked up somehow. What did I do this time to cause this! Why can't I seem to get this child raising thing right. 3 kids and all three have issues. Oh and speaking of, I got to read in the local paper that William's father is being charged with arson and break and enter. Wonderful man. Bastard. His new(?) girlfriend just had a baby before Christmas too. So what a wonderful parent he's gonna be from jail. And this is the guy my daughter made a baby with.

I know there are worse problems in the world. And I know that I shouldn't be sitting here feeling sorry for myself. But I am. I've been trying to find a yoga class. No luck. Gym memberships are too expensive, and anyway that means I'd need the motivation to go. Yeah right. I gotta do something. Bah.

Hmmmm wonder if we have any chocolate left?................................

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About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.