Thursday, February 21, 2008

Yep, finally I returned to the blog. And with new news on Kenny's EEG test. It is normal. No sign of seizures. So we are now definitely going on the assumption that he is somewhere on the autism spectrum.

I don't know what to say, or do or really how to react. I'm aware of all the advances in treatment and there is tons of help out there, but that doesn't change that he has been diagnosed with something life altering, ya' know? And to top it off, this is child #2 that I feel I've somehow ruined. Please don't come back with the usual rhetoric. I don't honestly give a hoot what you think. I just feel that between Tana's problems and now Kenny, someone has to take the heat. The common denominator with both is me, can't argue that now can ya.

MIL is still out of the loop. Neither Hubby nor I will talk about Kenny's appointments with her anymore. Which is fine by me, I don't need the negative BS thrown my way anymore. Unfortunately I still have to ask her to babysit the odd time when I can't get an appointment that fits with our schedule but it's still nicer than in Arthur when she was there constantly. See she doesn't like this place cause it doesn't have a bathroom on the main floor. We are such bad, bad children for not considering this fact. On the other hand, maybe we did consider it ;)

Anyhoo, so now we wait until the powers that be can get all the paperwork straightened out, and everyone is organized, then we will see what happens next. It looks like the agency that is dealing with him in the daycare (Trellis) now requests a Dr along with his Ped. Honestly I should have brought a tape recorder with me cause I think it went in one ear and out the other. I do know that he now also has a speech re-assessment on March 14. I don't think that they will recommend him for anymore, but you never know. He has come so far, not only caught up but is ahead of the game except for some pronouncations (like the "K", Kenny comes out tenny). The problem is when he decides to not talk at all but grunt or make a clicking noise.

So that's where we sit. Wait. Wait some more. Fun shit. Someone please stop the world, I think I missed my stop. I will be back with any other updates.


Unknown said...

Big hugs to you!! I know this is difficult and trust me, I still go through the "what did I do wrong" dialog in my head. Be strong for you and Kenny. You know where to find me if you need to talk.


mexicanmasala said...

Even I do the self-talk about what I did wrong. It is normal for moms to feel guilty. Try not to beat yourself up, girl! I'm so glad you have answers. That's really very important and you can now move on. Huge hugs to you!

About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.