Monday, February 4, 2008

Oh crap what a day. On a positive note, Maddy was back in school. We didn't get a whole lot of snow last night and Rob didn't have to leave for work early, but was home to help get Maddy ready. Notice I'm leaving one out?

Yep, Kenny didn't go to school today. He decided to get some kind of stomach bug that started first thing this morning. So lets see, Kenny is home sick. Maddy goes to school, and I inform Haley's step dad, Kyle that Kenny is sick and throwing up. See yesterday afternoon (Sunday) I told Kyle that I would look after Haley in the afternoon while he worked a spare shift. Anyway he doesn't see this as a big problem. Ummm Yeah, ok.

So fine, at home time I get Kenny all dressed up, get him in the stroller and go up to the school, with dog in tow. If I wasn't babysitting I would have drove, but because I'm such a bitch when it comes to kids and car seats, I walked. Haley wouldn't have had a booster seat and would have had to ride in the front seat. Both things are illegal and dangerous so forget it.

So I get to the school, Kenny is whining, dog is raring to go and what am I told???? Nobody bothered to inform the school that I was picking up Haley. No note, nothing verbal, nada, zip, zero, zilch. Which of course meant that her teacher had to phone Haley's Mom at work to get permission. That took 20 minutes while we were standing outside in the cold wind. Fine for Maddy and Haley but not poor Kenny. Pain in the ass. We had the dog and I can't leave him tied up in front of the school either.

But other than that the afternoon was busy but no major problems or blow-ups, unless you count Kenny's tummy blowing up. Poor kid actually put himself to bed. No I'm not kidding, honest to shit. He went upstairs and while I'm putting away laundry says "I no eel good Mama. I go lay in Tenny's bed now.". By the time I got the water he asked for he was already asleep. This from the child that will fight bedtime until after midnight. Now he is passed out on the couch, running a fever but sleeping again.

Back to this afternoon, when I finally got 5 minutes to sit with a tea and check messages/etc that's when Kyle decided to show. So we sat and chatted and checked out youtube while enjoying our tea when Haley's Mom shows up. Great, go and start preparing the rest of dinner when Rob shows. Needless to say, this is the first time all afternoon/evening that I've actually sat longer than 30 seconds.

Just to let everyone know, we haven't got the results about the lead testing yet. I'm going to call tomorrow, but I'm really hoping that this is a case of no news is good news. But then again, if not that then what is going on with him? I have noticed that he is getting some independence back. He is wanting to do stuff himself more and more often. Good sign, maybe. Crossing fingers for another day.

Night all.


mexicanmasala said...

Any news on the lead testing as of yet? I'm keeping away from the boards so any updates you have I'll have to call ya or check here!

Unknown said...

i was wondering too.

About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.