Sunday, January 17, 2010

Something is going on...

But what, we have no clue. Poor Dude has been extra hyper, clicking and grunting in place of words, and generally being a strung out little bugger. Who knows what has triggered this round but I'm really hoping that we find it soon.

Of course living in a construction zone is not helping. Yesterday we planned to start the strapping in the dining room. All good intentions, really, but because the stud finder was giving us problems (or so we thought) we ended up taking down the entire dining room ceiling. And in the process learned why people put up big sheets of heavy plastic over doors. It took us longer to clean up the mess than the actual demo. So now we have no ceiling in the dining room, but on the bright side, there are no cracks either! So on to the next step, which is not going to be strapping but putting up noise reduction insulation. But until then back to the construction zone we call a house. Pictures will follow, although not of the mess, just of the aftermath.

Did I mention the train ride we took before Christmas? Yeah, I know, I didn't. Anyway it was a Christmas gift from MIL. A ride on the Guelph Junction Express to the North Pole. The Santa Express. It was so much fun. We didn't tell the kids what was happening or where we were going and the boarding place was different than the last time, so that kept them guessing for a bit. But once on, they had a blast! Some of Santa's Elves came and entertained us while waiting for the man of the hour. All the kids got a present and a sleigh bell from Santa. It was so much fun to watch the thrill on Dudes face.

Waiting to board the train:

Cookies and hot chocolate for a treat:

One of our Elves:

The man of the hour:

And finally, Dude with his sleigh bell. Which is a fantastic idea but imagine the noise that is made from over 30 of them in a confined space.

We also visited the Halton County Radial Railway Museum for a "Ride the Rails with Santa" on the next weekend. Both Booga and Duders had a great time there too.

Now if I can only figure out a way to harness the energy that radiates from them so I can use it also, we'd be rockin! I'm old and need a nap. So later folks!

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.