Saturday, January 9, 2010


I guess I've let this go. Hmmm, where to start. Things around here have been, umm, interesting? Nothing too major, just a bunch of small stuff that, at times, has us scratching our heads and wondering WTF. Ok wait, I take that back. Rob lost one of his friends just before Christmas. We don't know the details except that Matt (RIP) was only 35 with a wife and young boy. Completely unexpected. Completely devestating. Completely shocking. I mean what the hell. Then in the week inbetween Christmas and New Year's he heard that one of his old buddy's Dad had died. Now this one was not a surprise, but what a rough time for that to happen.

So as you can tell Christmas for us was spent mourning and keeping our own little family close. Although two weeks of close-ness was starting to grate on everyone's nerves!

Christmas went well. The kids were happy with Santa's visit. They managed to make the living room look like Toys R' Us had an accident.


But that has all been cleaned up. Christmas stuff put away and toys are in the process of being organized, sorted and put away. Although the outside lights are still up and they will stay there until it warms up enough that my fingers can function without 4 layers of mitts on.

Dude is finally starting to get back into the swing of a 'normal' week for him. I truly dread holidays and what it does to his schedule. By the end of Christmas break he was having potty accidents again and was getting more and more difficult to handle. But all is well in Duders world again, daycare is back, school is back and so is swimming, Beavers and skating.

Yep, we keep a busy schedule around here. Swimming, Brownies, Ringette (Maddy), Beavers, Learn to Skate, plus his visits to his OT and all the extra stuff we try to do with him, like going to the library when Maddy is in Brownies. I'd have to say that his favourite thing is swimming though. He is a little fish and we have so much trouble getting him out of the water! Over New Years we visited family in Ft Erie. Stayed in the Holiday Inn for two nights. Booga and Duders must have spent over 4 hrs total in the pool over less than 72 hrs.


And a big Thank You to my Hubby for my Christmas gift!! I'm loving listening to all the great music from the best era ever!!!! And if anyone is still around reading this (knock knock? are those cobwebs I see?) give me some suggestions on great 80's music. I have a ton already, but hey I know I'm forgeting something!

And will someone please tell whomever is in charge that I think I'm done with the health problems of late. Between my foot (Plantar fasciitis), arthritis in my neck and shoulder and now my blood sugar droping like a lead balloon twice in a row, I think I'm done with any and all problems. And yeah, I know. Losing weight will help. With all of this stuff. It's on my list of things to do. Along with a bunch of other stuff. Like getting MIL some more help and on a waiting list for an assisted living center. Renovating the house. We have some supplies, just need the know-how and kid-free time to strap the ceiling. And through-out the week when everyone is at work or school, I've been working on the playroom (AKA Dudes bedroom), getting it cleaned up, sorted etc. When that's done I need to do some wall repair, paint, make curtains, put up pictures, paint his new bed and move him into his own bedroom, hopefully before the spring. So at least I can say we have lots of projects to keep us occupied!

More to come. Maybe I'll be able to be more on the ball now! Yeah, not likely I know.

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About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.