Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm Impressed!

With my Kenny-Dude that is. He is such a little trooper. We took him for his blood work yesterday after school. I mean who does like having a needle poked into their arm. But especially for a little boy that doesn't understand what's going on and doesn't get the explanation either.

So with him sitting in Daddy's lap, and me holding his arm still and straight (that was a fete(sp?) in itself) he had 8 vials of blood taken. 8. That's a lot of blood from a little guy. I'm so proud of him. We took him to the store "I Love Chocolate" after and I bought him a chocolate lollipop (and Maddy too for being a good girl). He really enjoyed that, as you could tell by the evidence all over his face. :)

I'm thankful that it is over now. Unless something comes up on the tests, he shouldn't need anymore blood work done. At least for now.

And a small update on me. They now want me in for an MRI instead of a C-Scan. So I had to go back to the hospital to have my eyes x-rayed for metal flakes since I worked with metal machining. I haven't heard back about that yet so I'm hoping that is clear and can be scheduled asap for the mri. This is getting nuts. I need a vacation away from myself and my life!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm hitting the end of my rope.

Yep, how much more can I take without going completely and totally crazy.

I just got off the phone from the Dr's office and found out that I have an extremely bad case of osteoarthritis in my neck/shoulders. Really. Gee, so how much more can I fit on my plate. Between Kenny and his issues, our lack of money and now this added problem, what the hell. I'm so ready to curl up into a ball and cry. Actually I just want to, well I can't do what I want to do. Rob can't get the time off and we don't have the money anyway.

I really have to get off my fat lard ass and get moving. I've spent too much time lazing around, somehow waiting for life to fix its self. Why does it feel like I've been kicked in the teeth repeatedly since I quit smoking. I quit, became an insulin dependent diabetic and now have developed arthritis in my neck. Bad enough that my Dr is really surprised and wants to send me for a CAT scan ASAP. Damn. Maybe I should start drinking again. At least that should numb the pain, or at least make it so I don't care anymore. Hmmm, has potential.

Monday, January 19, 2009

It's Official

Yep, it's officially official. Kenny is on the autism spectrum. Somewhere in between mild and moderate. This is something we already knew right? So what's the big deal, you're asking? Well the 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper that states he has an official diagnosis is our 'ticket' so to speak to a bunch more services and help for him.

So now we start a long journey into a world I never thought I'd see. Hopefully it will be as smooth as possible.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's been a long time (sing with me!)

Ok maybe not.

Where to begin. I don't think Kenny had seen Dr Carter the last time I was here. That appointment was on Dec 15 and went well. She asked a ton of questions, watched him play, played with him, interacted with him, checked his vitals, that kind of stuff. The total time was just over 2 hours total spent either talking to me or directly to Kenny. He was very good throughout the whole thing. Made trains out of all the toys and referenced everything else to trains. But for Kenny that is typical. She did mention that she wants a ton of blood work done to rule out some things like Fragile X Syndrome, hormone issues, iron issues etc. But other than that said he is one very healthy little boy! At least that is one very positive thing.
We decided on holding off on the blood test until after the holidays, so not to stress him to much. And we made an appointment for Jan 19th (next Monday) for just us adults. I will have to update when I can on that. There definitely is something not right. But what? We don't know yet.

Christmas has been hell. Most kids get extra excited and spun, right? Kenny just takes that to a whole new level. His whole schedule was thrown to shit. No school, no daycare and no regular programs all through the break. He was so confused, asking everyday what was happening. Could not get that it was Christmas Break and all the normal things and activities were closed. By the last few days, the potty accidents started. And they haven't stopped. At least for us at home. Both school and daycare don't see it to much, but here, crap it's constant now. He will NOT! go to the potty. Either Rob or I have to take him upstairs and in some cases forcibly hold him down. Not fun. He has also gotten more violent towards me. I have bite marks on me where he has broken skin and bruises from him hitting, punching and kicking. I'm not aiming for a pity parade but he has had me in tears all week. I'm at my wits end on dealing with him and the issues that are with him. I still love him. Really, really love him and try everyday to wake up and think, ok, it's going to be better today. I tell him (and his sister of course) that I love them with all my heart. I don't think that I'm up for this most nights. By then I feel like I've completely failed as a person and a parent. He nor his two sisters deserve a parent like what I've been. Sounds horrible. But oh so true.

Other than that pity parade, if you know us, you know what has been happening over the last few weeks. Christmas is over!!! Yippee!!!! Now I have to beg for forgiveness from my Dad for forgetting his birthday on Jan 5. Oops. Just chalk that up to complete stupidity. Tana's birthday is coming up next Tuesday. Are you all sitting down? She will be 21. Legal to drink in the States. Old enough for everything now. Where in the living hell did the time go????? 21. How is that even possible? Ugh. I'm getting to old for this. Time for the nursing home for me. Or at least a mini vacation to a nice padded room. Or even a couch in Columbus. I really need my laptop fixed.

See that is another problem of mine right now. My laptop is fubar, something to do with the electrical connection within the computer itself, not the cord. So it is not charging the battery or even showing it is plugged in at all. Sucks cause I can't access any of my pictures! I can't even really take anymore right now cause I have no idea when it can be fixed or get a new one and Rob's PC is not working right either. So I'm screwed for taking or printing any pictures. And I got me a brand spanking new macro lens for Christmas! And I can't even see my results!!! :(

Anyhoo, that is all for now. Lets please all cross our fingers/toes and anything else that Kenny will finally use the potty regularly now that things are back to normal. All scheduled programs are running and there won't be any more major disruptions until Easter.

About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.