Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ya know what?

Sometimes real life sucks donkey balls! Choices I made years ago have now resulted in my being on insulin for Type II diabetes. Now what really sucks is that most people gain between 5 and 20 lbs while being on insulin and it is harder for the body to lose the weight. So on top of the 30 or so lbs I gained after quitting smoking, I get to look forward to gaining even more weight. How sad is that.

Maddy of course is feeding on my depression and is acting like a true spoiled little brat today. She is right now in her room cause I can't deal with the constant whining and bitching and moaning about absolutely everything. Kenny has been ok. Just constant "I'm hungry, I'm thirsty" over and over again.

No point to this. I'm just not having a good day.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Now whether or not that is a good thing, I don't know. But we are and we survived the long drive home, border crossing and all.

We got home Wednesday evening. Spent Thursday/Friday catching up on grocery shopping, visiting MIL and preparing for the Scottish Festival. Friday was also the day Kenny decided to run a high fever and complained of a sore throat. By the Tattoo he was feeling better but only lasted a couple of hours before I had to take him home. So I missed the one thing that I wanted to see. Hubby was supposed to march in the 'Walk of the Clans' but when he got to the meeting area, he discovered all other Clan reps where in full Scottish dress. So he backed out (don't blame him one bit).

Then comes Saturday. What a wash out that was. Literally. The rain held off until our tent was set up. Then it wouldn't stop. A total of 4 thunderstorms rolled through, with very heavy rain in between. We finally gave up at 2 and packed it in. We were standing in ankle deep water, the tent was leaking and it was getting cold. Not a good day. We came home, dried off and headed back, there was a band that was supposed to be playing that I was interested in hearing and I wanted to show Maddy some more Highland dancing, but for the first time in history the rain won. The festival was shut down. Sad to see, especially since they had to cancel all the band competitions and heavy events.

Sunday started out better, we headed back to catch all that we missed on Saturday. Most displays had packed it in and didn't bother to come back. Don't blame them, really since the forecast was calling for more rain and possible thunderstorms. Sure enough the clouds rolled in again, along with some thunder for good measure. We just came home.

So now it's back to real life. Laundry needs doing, Hubby is back at work and Kenny is back at school. Hopefully the Fall Fair will be better!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Leaving tomorrow

Yep, we are finally leaving the great city of Columbus OH to head home tomorrow. Back to real life. But hey, we enjoyed ourselves, took lots of pictures and of course went shopping at Target.

Kenny has been wonderful on this trip. Overall, we have seen very few temper tantrums. He has handled himself very well considering that we are not on a set schedule. It's going to be tough on all of us to leave. I certainly don't want to go. I love seeing new places and watching the kids have so much fun. But such is life I guess.

The Scottish Festival is coming up this weekend and we are running the tent on Saturday. That should be interesting with both the kidlets in tow.

Long drive, need sleep. Goodnight all!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Not quite a week yet

In Columbus Ohio and Kenny is doing great! He had a meltdown yesterday at the State Fair but after spending hours in the sun, I'm not surprised. And go figure, he loves rides! He was so ticked when he was refused for not being tall enough. But fortunately there were enough rides to keep him happy. Not to mention the other 3 little hooligans.

Things have been very busy all week. We got here Saturday and haven't stopped playing since. An indoor water park, State Fair, trains, dinner with great friends that also live in Ohio and not to mention the numerous shopping trips to Target. Man do they have some great clearance! I have to say that I'm jealous.

Anyhoo, this trip is going much better than I thought for Kenny. To think we have uprooted him and completely screwed with his schedule and we are not getting massive meltdowns is great! Gonna enjoy it while I can!

About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.