Saturday, May 17, 2008

May 2-4 Weekend!!!

It's the un-official start of summer! And would you believe it, it's cold and wet. Figures, but hey this means that all the painting and stuff we've been meaning to get around too, is finally getting done. I spent over an hour this morning trying to finalize our paint colours for the living room/dining room. Something that will go nice with the kitchen colour, flow nicely between the two rooms and can continue into the entrance way. And I think I've found it. The light colour is called stone hedge and the dark accent colour is buckhorn. Very earthy browns/taupes. Looks good together, so I hope that it looks just as good on the walls here.

I have also managed to get a large 10 x 12 garden dug out in the backyard. We have beans, 2 types of squash, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, sunflowers, chives and baby tomatoes all ready to go. I also have some potatoes that have gone to root, so I'm going to try to plant those as well. Nothing to lose, right?

The front is finally done with all the digging. The city has finally shown up and fixed their water pipe. So now we are left with a huge pile of topsoil and a large yard of dirt. That is until it rains and then it is just a sea of mud. I have bought a few plants (perennials) and have a good idea of what I want to do with the garden. Of course the one thing stopping us from getting everything done is the lack of money growing on the money tree.

Well as for Kenny, he is doing good. We just finished another virus that had attacked his stomach and intestines (happy Mother's Day for me) that forced us to go back to using pull-ups. Poor kid was sharting. You know, a fart with a surprise in it. But we are now back in underwear and, crossing fingers, seem to have not forgotten. We are still waiting for the Dr to assess him and until we get the assessment can't apply for the therapy that he needs. But at least we have the school on track with him. We have an appointment set up to meet with the school, a daycare teacher (hopefully Sarah), the Trellis worker, Lidia and Jen his speech therapist. It's nice to see everyone on board and willing to try to help him, not shove him to the side because he's slightly different than other kids. Sleep is still hard for him. He is still getting up, usually between 2-4 am to come into our bed. I usually get up and leave not long after cause even sleeping, he doesn't stay still. Kenny's car bed is actually quite comfortable.

Because of the lack of news, whether it be good or bad, I'm going to sign off now. Keep smilin, let them guess what you're up too!

1 comment:

mexicanmasala said...

Oh, I hope things have gotten better and no one's sick anymore!

You should post pictures of before and after so we can see your yard!

Much love,

About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.