Friday, March 7, 2008

I need everyone to cross their fingers for me. March break has started and I get a whole week of Maddy non-stop! Kenny will still be going to daycare, thank goodness, today, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

The little man has been full of lovin' lately! Constant hugs, kisses and "I love you too Mommy", especially when he knows he is in trouble! He fell asleep on me last night just after 7:30. It was so cute to hear him snoring lightly while I was absorbed in HGTV. But how and where he gets the energy, I'll never know. I must channel it somehow, some kind of sport, or else I can see my house being completely demolished!

I will ask here, if you have previously sent me your blog site or email, can you please re-send? Our main computer is down and I have now lost all my contacts. We are just now getting our main email account transfered over and working, Thanks all, it is much appreciated.

Time to start the process of getting everyone up and Kenny off to daycare. Maybe I can get the cracks in the dining room ceiling finished today. If I do that means maybe, just maybe, we can start painting on the weekend! What a concept, getting rid of the hideous apt. beige! We are going with a colour called Mocha Accent for the accent wall (go figure) and for the rest of the walls something called Tavern Taupe. The kitchen is going to be a colour called Algonquin trees which is a green but not overpowering. The living room is going to be the same as the dining room, accent wall and everything but I'm at a complete loss for the entrance way. I'd love something bright, cheery and welcoming but have no clue as to what that would be. Whatever it is has to be carried up the stairs, so that is a consideration. Can you tell this has been bothering me, lol.

Anyhoo off to start the day!

Monday, March 3, 2008

What can I say, Kenny has more energy than most 3 yr olds! He has been bouncing off the walls lately and we aren't sure why. He is finally asleep now, or at least it is quiet upstairs. I'm really hoping that he is asleep.

He had a rough day today. I got him up to school with no problems, which has been unusual lately, and except for the extra energy he seemed fine. When I picked him up, found out that he had hit one of the other kids for tripping on his train track and moving it. No blood or bruising thank goodness but damn, this was the first time he has done anything like this at the daycare. They haven't seen the violent hitting/biting/pinching/kicking etc before.

So just add that to the list. I guess the one good thing is we have already started the process on getting him help.

Subsidy doesn't seem possible right now. Amazingly enough it looks like hubby makes too much money for us to qualify. Now that is a first! But I've been told that *if* Kenny gets the autistic diagnosis we might be able to get money for treatment that might not be covered. I'm not sure how true that is but I am sure that we will be finding out alot of new stuff we never knew.

I'm still finding it funny (not funny ha ha, but funny ironic) that 18 yrs ago, I had to fight tooth and nail to get big sis the help she needed. But between the waiting lists and the mis-understood info it was difficult to say the least. Now we are being offered the help and assistance before even getting a diagnosis. My how times have changed eh. I'm just happy that most (if not all) of the therapy Kenny might need will be covered by OHIP. Such a relief to not have to worry about co-pays or being denied.

I will say, as selfish as it may be, that I wish I didn't have to worry about any of this at all.

Oh and totally off topic, I was totally saddened after hearing that Jeff Healey had died from cancer. What a loss to the music industry. Condolences to the family.

About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.