Sunday, November 2, 2008


Went pretty good. Especially the great weather we had. That is the first time in recent memory that it has been warm enough to walk around withOUT a winter coat and freezing our bums off.

We stayed local. Just walked around our neighbourhood, making sure to visit our friends places. And of course a stop for the adults at Timmy's. But still, we managed two bags of pure sugar. Now comes the fights of limiting the candy to one or possibly 2 a day. Fun stuff. And now we can't go into a store without being reminded that Christmas is coming. I just want to crawl under a rock and ignore it right now.

And to make matters even better, we have a clogged drain. There is about a ft long section of pipe that drains the kitchen sink and washing machine that is clogged. How did I figure this out? Easy, I tried to do some laundry yesterday morning and ended up filling the kitchen sink with the laundry water and creating a fountain in the laundry room from the drain pipe. Fun fun here, let me tell ya!

The only semi positive thing is that we can still flush our toilet and use the bathroom. They don't seem to be affected. So just means no dishes or laundry. Which means that we are not calling a plumber until Monday. Way to expensive to call on a weekend. So long as the toilet is working, I'm good with that. We did try to snake it out. Didn't work. We tried dumping stuff down the drain. Didn't work. Plunging. Didn't work. So now we will have to suffer with paying someone. Blah. There is always something.

We will also be renting a dumpster this week and start clearing out some of the junk and horrible fake wood paneling. We have a basement full of stuff we need to sort through. Two closets upstairs that need tearing down and rebuilding/replacing and a bunch of junk in the back yard that needs tossing. Lots of work to do. Fun fun.

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.