Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's days like today that I have to remember when the bad times hit. Kenny helped me get him out of his snowsuit today! He tried really hard to do it by himself. He only asked for help to undo his scarf and get the coat off (zipper was stuck). Mitts, hat, snowpants and boots he did himself! HUGE HUGE HUGE!!! This is the Kenny I know. And this morning was nothing but hugs from him. That would have been great except he kicked me out of my bed at 3 am. He gets so little sleep that I just don't have the heart to wake him up again to move him back to his own bed. Much easier for me to move.

He is sitting watching Thomas the Tank Engine right now. Quiet, which is a good thing for me. I have so much work to do around the house it's not funny. I don't want to do it though cause well it's work. I'm lazy. Tired. Just want to sleep.

Yesterday was a bad day. Both of them had a horrible case of cabin fever. With Kenny fighting his cold and ear infections acting up again there was no way I was taking him out for anything yesterday. And now another storm is supposed to start tonight with more damn snow. When is this winter going to end???

Snickers is looking at me and wagging his tail. Wonder what he wants?

I'm getting the paperwork tomorrow from the daycare about the assessment. I know what's in it, so why am I not looking forward to reading it again. We are still waiting for the testing for the lead levels. Not a word on that. Maybe tomorrow I'll call the Dr to see if anything has come back. Good or bad, I gotta know.

Must keep him busy today, maybe after lunch I will take the two out for a walk. Work out some energy. Sometimes, that can help, believe it or not, with Kenny's sleep. I'll get 5-7 hrs instead of 3-5 before he wakes me up. Hmmmm , it's too bad that I'm so bloody exhausted. Anyone got a coffee?


Bannon said...

Hugs and take him out for a walk this afternoon before the weather gets worse again!

mexicanmasala said...

I do this all the time. My kids often don't sleep well and I'm always promising myself I'll "get to bed earlier" and it never happens.I love me some coffee. It's mommy's best friend in this house.

About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.