Thursday, October 30, 2008

Finally got a date

With Dr Carter from McMaster Hospital. Dec 15, either here or in Guelph, the Autism Spectrum Disorder Team will come and evaluate Kenny. There might be some blood tests involved (Lord help us if there is).

We had a nice long chat yesterday, describing everything Kenny. His sensory issues, his repetitive behaviour, eating, potty training, basically everything. Oh and the violence he displays in one of his 'fits'. That is a big one. And sleep issues, another big one.

Just wanted to let all 2 (?) of you know that we finally got a date! :)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Time is getting away again.

Keeping up is harder than I thought.

Ok, so we went for a mini vacation last weekend. Nothing too exciting or exotic. Down to Erie PA for a night and then over to Buffalo to see the Buffalo Sabers play the Vancouver Canuks. We were supposed to do some shopping in Niagara Falls Outlet Mall on Saturday for Christmas presents but that didn't happen.

Not a bad trip, if you ignore the fact that Kenny threw up Thursday night/Friday morning. He was down for the count the whole car ride back to Buffalo and then slept in the hotel room for a couple of hours! But that seemed to be the ticket to getting healthy again. He did make it to the hockey game, but only lasted one period. It was just too much for him all at once. We are going to stick with OHL games for a bit.

The shopping trip was a bust. But only because Maddy pitched the fit of a lifetime. To the point she scratched and bruised my arms and legs from kicking, biting, punching and pinching. She kicked off her shoes and said that I couldn't take her outside now. I said it was a good thing that it wasn't raining or snowing, cause then her feet would get wet and cold. That wasn't going to stop me from getting her outta there. So nothing bought for Christmas.

Now on to more positive things. We finally heard from a member of the Autism Specter Disorder Team from Trellis. This is the prep for getting a diagnosis. We meet at home next Wednesday. And we have figured out a big trigger for his behaviour! Over the past little while we have been eliminating a lot of processed, chemical ridden, highly processed food. I'm making things from scratch, including bread but that's another story :) and we have been trying to eat much healthier.

Well the other day at school, the kindergarten'ers were making something with food. One of the food items was Bugles, like a salty chip in the shape of a cone, ya know? Anyway Kenny had about 8 total and within a few minutes he was flying off the handle. Many meltdowns, energy like you wouldn't believe, restlessness, repetitive behaviour. All from a few processed chips. Neither child has had anything like that in ages. The worst they are now allowed are Goldfish crackers. I make most of our snack foods like mini banana muffins, or they get carrots/celery/tomatoes. For treats I make cookies or sometimes apple crisp. May be higher in sugar but isn't full of the chemicals that over the counter stuff is. Even things like bread, we now get at a bakery and cold meat from a local store that roasts it himself and slices it.

I'm amazed at how badly he reacted to the stuff. And if that's the case how many other kids with behaviour problems can be traced back to what they are eating. It's scary really. The more "convienent" things are the worse they are for ya. His teachers now say they can see the problems and issues we were talking about. He is truly a different child when like that. So that really helps us to continue on the same track now. We are doing the right thing. :) Halloween is gonna be interesting this yr. Poor kid will be so limited to what he can have. Or how much.

Well that's it for now. Must get to work, the laundry is screaming my name. And covering my ears just isn't working anymore.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I hate being sick. Really I do. And it doesn't help that 3 outta 4 of us have this blasted cold. Both rug rats are still in school though and hubby is home on vacation. Interesting times around these here parts :)

I need my nyquil. I lurve nyquil. Nyquil is my bestest friend. Especially now since I found it in pill form, so no more nasty syrup. Gives me a couple of hrs of sleep anyway. Blah. Did I mention I hate being sick?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Junior Kindergarten is going very well! Kenny would rather go there than to daycare now. Too bad he can't go every day. Would certainly save on my sanity. But oh the temper tantrums in the last couple of days. Every little thing is causing him to explode. So hard to deal with when it's happening for everything. Even little things like getting him to move over on the couch is setting him off for a round. Blah. Don't know what is setting him off now. Maybe the change in seasons?

Still waiting for an appointment date to see the Dr. in Hamilton. He has started some therapy in daycare once a week to help with sensory issues. I would love to get him in more often but money (lack of) is in the way. So many people tell me that at first glance/short dealings with him that they would never suspect something is wrong. Verbally he is right on track. And that throws people. He can, and does :) voice his opinion. But then all hell breaks loose and he regresses into himself. Different things set him off at different times, which doesn't help trying to nip an episode before it gets too late.

At least I have one thing. I have to keep reminding myself that it is a major positive and is to be looked at as a huge bonus. He loves hugs and kisses. Dishes them out at will. Even at 3 am! But as everything else, they have to be on his terms. I just wish he would choose a better time!!!!!

As for life around here, not much happening. Hubby has taken 2 weeks vacation but because we are flat broke, any trips are out of the question. We were thinking of going to Montreal but with both kidlets + gas + hotel + food = not happening this time. This is the one thing that sucks right now. No extra money. But he has so much extra time off accumulated from all the overtime he's been working that he needs this time away. And in case anyone reads this and says he is whining, he works around death all day, every day. Even if you are used to it, you need a break. And these are not vacation hours. So if he doesn't take them, he loses them. Basically working for free. Not a good thing for us.

I'm going back to school!!!! But first I need to take an English course through the college because I've been out of (real) school for so long. I could just go in and write a test, but, I'd feel better reviewing the work and re-learning some of the messed up English rules! At least for spelling there is always spell check! I lurve me some spell check. Wish me luck on the English. I'm gonna need all the help I can get!

About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.