Sunday, September 28, 2008

Life has a way

Of causing complete chaos and confusion. Here I was thinking that when both kids were in school I would be able to get more stuff done. Cook fantastic meals. Have a clean and sparkling house. Yeah, well I guess that was all a dream.

So far I'm having trouble just keeping up with trying to get them to school on time! You'd think that after, what 3 weeks, that I'd have it down? Not likely. Most mornings we are struggling to get out the door fast enough to walk to school on time! Then I'm so busy with other things that what I wanted to get done, I don't. Guess the only thing that I am doing is walking. A lot. And so far I haven't gained anymore weight, so at least that is a good thing.

And it is tough keeping both of them busy, not to mention expensive! Lets see, on Mondays, Maddy has Sparks. Tuesday both Maddy and Kenny have swimming lessons. On Wednesdays, Kenny has skating lessons. On Thursdays Maddy has Highland Dance lessons. Fridays are typically spent in Cambellville watching the trains at the Guelph Junction. So you can see there is not much down time here.

I will say that it is very nice to be able to go grocery shopping without any child with me. It is also nice to be able to go for walks and into the small family owned stores in the downtown without having to worry about them breaking anything. Or screaming about wanting something. Or chasing them down the street. Or waiting for them to catch up every two steps. And with this new found freedom I have discovered the best tasting, sugar free, melt in your mouth chocolate you have ever tasted! Love, love, love I Love Chocolate!

And hopefully, sometime before Christmas, Kenny will finally get his appointment with the Autism Spectrum Disorder Team from Hamilton. He is doing great in Jr. Kindergarten and is loved by the teacher, helper and Principal! For a little boy so small, he sure is big with his mouth. No fear. None. Even to the point of telling off the Principal! Figures. That's my kid.

And now the older one wants my attention. She says she wants to talk to me about something very serious. Something life altering. Do I have any clue? Nope. But trying to find time when we are not both busy is next to impossible. Blah. It seems never ending. Speaking of, I need more coffee. Later gator!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Duders!!!!

Yep, Sept 6th, 4 yrs ago, the Duders was born. Weighing in at 7lbs 2 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. Only 4 weeks early :).

Now look at him. He is growing so fast. But I guess they all do, right.

We are still waiting for an appointment with Dr Carter. Hoping soon!!! Like how much longer do they want us to wait! We went on the list back in what, February? What a joke. Funding cuts and spendthrift governments are certainly taking there toll on our health care.

We did have an appointment with Donna at Kidsability on Thursday. Went over his history and problems. She is going to work with him at the daycare on some things and coping strategies. So he has a ton of women working with him now. What boy wouldn't be excited!

Well I should run, we are taking him on a train ride this evening for dinner. It's very pricey, but will be so worth it to see his face when he realizes he will be on the train! Now don't forget to silently sing happy birthday to him! Ok, nevermind, just wish him a happy birthday, that would be good too!

About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.