Friday, April 11, 2008

Long time in updating :(

I know, I know, it's been too long since I've been here and updated. I apologize to everyone, including myself for ignoring this and breaking many promises to myself to come here and update.

Well lets see, March break was the last one. Things actually haven't changed much in the whole scheme of life. Well except we had an appointment with a child sleep specialist for Kenny. She wants us to fill out some questionnaires then will get back to us on the results. Basically another waiting game. We are still on the waiting list for the Dr for an official autism diagnosis. Once we get that the ball can really start rolling.

But the good news is since the weather is improving (oh so slowly) I've had both kids out at the park almost everyday. Of course all the running around, sunshine and fresh spring air seems to work wonders in getting them to fall asleep. And the topper is Kenny hasn't been waking up 3-4 times every night, but sleeping right through. What a bonus it is to have a full nights sleep more than one night in a row.

The violence is getting worse though. He used to only hit/bite/kick me and hubby when we said no to him. Now it's that plus he goes after DerDer (as he calls his sister) and anyone that goes near his trains (or whatever he is playing with). Daycare is seeing it more also, so we are kind of hoping that this will help in getting an appointment sooner.

He will be back in speech therapy for another 8 weeks starting next month. Just looking at the normal speech delays now, but the 'clicking' and grunting need to be addressed. We are constantly saying "use your words" to him again.

Potty training. What to say about that. It's shitty. Literally. He is such a little bugger. He holds it for as long as he can, lets a little pee go to relieve the pressure then goes on playing. You have to catch him or else he will do that over and over again and with dark pants, it can be difficult to see. This has to be one of the most frustrating things. He knows what he is doing. He is controlling the amount to relieve the pressure. Stubborn little child, he is. I'll blame Daddy :)

Just this morning he decided to pee twice in his underwear. Frustrating when you are trying to get them ready to go to school and are already rushed.

Spring, man it is slow in coming. But we have little flowers in our front garden (crocuses maybe?) and something called snowdrops in the front yard, so that has to be a good sign right?

And the big news we are now the proud owners of a new sewer pipe leading from the house to the road. The nice big tree in the front on the Blvd (county owned) had all it's roots grow into the pipe. Old clay pipes and tree roots don't get along too well apparently and cause raw, disgusting, stinky, smelly sewage to flood our basement. NOT NICE!!!!! We're not even sure of some of the stuff we've had to throw out. It was sitting in boxes on the ground no more than 3 ft away from the drain pipe. But it was worth it to see our neighbour having to crawl in our shit fixing the city's portion. This would be the same neighbour that complained about our dog. Karma is a Bitch!!!

We are also getting quotes for new windows. The ones we have are orginial to the house (85 yrs) and are leaded. But none open, there are cracks and gaps which means the heat loss is horrible. We had plastic covering them over the winter and you could see them blowing out with the heavy cold winds. So soon we will be a construction zone again. Yah. Wonderful. Great. Can you feel the excitement coming from me? ;)

Hopefully that is all. It's Friday and I'm going to clean the kitchen before getting Kenny from school. Later Gators!

About Me

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Ontario, Canada
Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.