Things are starting to roll on getting Kenny a diagnosis and the help and therapy that comes with it. The forms are signed and in. All requests have been discussed and completed. There is nothing else for us to do except wait for the phone to start ringing and the appointments are made.
I had a meeting with Lidia yesterday (Trellis) and we spent the morning with her telling me all the different people and what services they offer. Of course there are waiting lists, although I'm not sure how long they are. She mentioned that we won't be hearing from the Dr in MacMaster Hospital in Hamilton for at least 2 months. Meanwhile she is hoping that we can possibly get him into some kind of occupational therapy to help with socialization. His fine motor skills need alot of help also.
He is tough to deal with, I'll tell ya! Water seems to be his thing right now. We are having a hell of a time keeping him away from the sinks/tub. He wants to wash everything he can, toys, dolls, food, pretty much everything except himself. I'm really surprised that he hasn't started a flood yet. Course I've probably just jinxed myself. Now fortunately with old houses there is no insulation between the upper floor and main floor so I can hear where he/they are and react fairly quickly. And of course, as is with all children, silence is not golden.
As for sleeping, he was doing great. Was being the operative word in that last sentence. Although maybe last night was just a now rare occasion. He got me up at 4 this morning. I tried until 5:15 to get him back to sleep with no luck. This will mean I'm in for one very long grumpy day, and that's not even him I'm talkin' about! ;)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Yep, finally I returned to the blog. And with new news on Kenny's EEG test. It is normal. No sign of seizures. So we are now definitely going on the assumption that he is somewhere on the autism spectrum.
I don't know what to say, or do or really how to react. I'm aware of all the advances in treatment and there is tons of help out there, but that doesn't change that he has been diagnosed with something life altering, ya' know? And to top it off, this is child #2 that I feel I've somehow ruined. Please don't come back with the usual rhetoric. I don't honestly give a hoot what you think. I just feel that between Tana's problems and now Kenny, someone has to take the heat. The common denominator with both is me, can't argue that now can ya.
MIL is still out of the loop. Neither Hubby nor I will talk about Kenny's appointments with her anymore. Which is fine by me, I don't need the negative BS thrown my way anymore. Unfortunately I still have to ask her to babysit the odd time when I can't get an appointment that fits with our schedule but it's still nicer than in Arthur when she was there constantly. See she doesn't like this place cause it doesn't have a bathroom on the main floor. We are such bad, bad children for not considering this fact. On the other hand, maybe we did consider it ;)
Anyhoo, so now we wait until the powers that be can get all the paperwork straightened out, and everyone is organized, then we will see what happens next. It looks like the agency that is dealing with him in the daycare (Trellis) now requests a Dr along with his Ped. Honestly I should have brought a tape recorder with me cause I think it went in one ear and out the other. I do know that he now also has a speech re-assessment on March 14. I don't think that they will recommend him for anymore, but you never know. He has come so far, not only caught up but is ahead of the game except for some pronouncations (like the "K", Kenny comes out tenny). The problem is when he decides to not talk at all but grunt or make a clicking noise.
So that's where we sit. Wait. Wait some more. Fun shit. Someone please stop the world, I think I missed my stop. I will be back with any other updates.
I don't know what to say, or do or really how to react. I'm aware of all the advances in treatment and there is tons of help out there, but that doesn't change that he has been diagnosed with something life altering, ya' know? And to top it off, this is child #2 that I feel I've somehow ruined. Please don't come back with the usual rhetoric. I don't honestly give a hoot what you think. I just feel that between Tana's problems and now Kenny, someone has to take the heat. The common denominator with both is me, can't argue that now can ya.
MIL is still out of the loop. Neither Hubby nor I will talk about Kenny's appointments with her anymore. Which is fine by me, I don't need the negative BS thrown my way anymore. Unfortunately I still have to ask her to babysit the odd time when I can't get an appointment that fits with our schedule but it's still nicer than in Arthur when she was there constantly. See she doesn't like this place cause it doesn't have a bathroom on the main floor. We are such bad, bad children for not considering this fact. On the other hand, maybe we did consider it ;)
Anyhoo, so now we wait until the powers that be can get all the paperwork straightened out, and everyone is organized, then we will see what happens next. It looks like the agency that is dealing with him in the daycare (Trellis) now requests a Dr along with his Ped. Honestly I should have brought a tape recorder with me cause I think it went in one ear and out the other. I do know that he now also has a speech re-assessment on March 14. I don't think that they will recommend him for anymore, but you never know. He has come so far, not only caught up but is ahead of the game except for some pronouncations (like the "K", Kenny comes out tenny). The problem is when he decides to not talk at all but grunt or make a clicking noise.
So that's where we sit. Wait. Wait some more. Fun shit. Someone please stop the world, I think I missed my stop. I will be back with any other updates.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
You can't see me but I'm doing a huge, massive happy dance!!!!!
The lead results are in and are NEGATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we are not poisoning him!!!! Even though this means we are back to square one, it still is a huge relief off my shoulders. Both hubby and I have been worried sick that we were poisoning him with all the renovations we've been doing. Of course if his tests came back positive, we all would have been tested.
And we have an appointment set up for Feb 21 to follow up the EEG.
Sarah has sent us links to workshops for parents/teachers of autistic children. She is planning on attending some and wanted to know if I wanted to go. So when those dates come up I'll update everyone on what I learned. Wonder how much autism and ADHD are related? Especially for treatment options. Too bad all my info on that is around 10 to 15 yrs old. I'm sure it's changed over the yrs. God I hope I don't have to go through the elimation diet again. I will never forget having to go through that with Tana. Having to tell a 3 yr old that he can no longer have his most favourite food in the whole world is not fun.
So far today hasn't been too bad. Kenny and I went for a long cold walk after dropping Maddy off at school. We walked to the post office, then to the bank, then to the local butcher but they weren't open yet, to the dollar store, then over to the library then back to the butcher and to Tim Hortons and then back to get Maddy from school. I was hoping that would tire him out. No sign yet, although I might try to get him down for a nap in a little bit. So long as Maddy co-operates it's all good. It's so nice to have so much within walking distance. Now if it would warm up and the snow would melt........
We got our honey garlic sausage for dinner tonight. Fresh, no gluten, no additives at all actually and locally grown. And antibiotic/drug free. Some of the best sausage we've ever had, but we will have to enjoy sparingly as it's really pricey. And we are having fresh organic, locally grown green beans with lemon and dill. Still trying to figure out what potato dish to do, maybe garlic roasted? Oh and can't forget my spinach salad.
Later gator!! (still doing a small happy dance :D)
The lead results are in and are NEGATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we are not poisoning him!!!! Even though this means we are back to square one, it still is a huge relief off my shoulders. Both hubby and I have been worried sick that we were poisoning him with all the renovations we've been doing. Of course if his tests came back positive, we all would have been tested.
And we have an appointment set up for Feb 21 to follow up the EEG.
Sarah has sent us links to workshops for parents/teachers of autistic children. She is planning on attending some and wanted to know if I wanted to go. So when those dates come up I'll update everyone on what I learned. Wonder how much autism and ADHD are related? Especially for treatment options. Too bad all my info on that is around 10 to 15 yrs old. I'm sure it's changed over the yrs. God I hope I don't have to go through the elimation diet again. I will never forget having to go through that with Tana. Having to tell a 3 yr old that he can no longer have his most favourite food in the whole world is not fun.
So far today hasn't been too bad. Kenny and I went for a long cold walk after dropping Maddy off at school. We walked to the post office, then to the bank, then to the local butcher but they weren't open yet, to the dollar store, then over to the library then back to the butcher and to Tim Hortons and then back to get Maddy from school. I was hoping that would tire him out. No sign yet, although I might try to get him down for a nap in a little bit. So long as Maddy co-operates it's all good. It's so nice to have so much within walking distance. Now if it would warm up and the snow would melt........
We got our honey garlic sausage for dinner tonight. Fresh, no gluten, no additives at all actually and locally grown. And antibiotic/drug free. Some of the best sausage we've ever had, but we will have to enjoy sparingly as it's really pricey. And we are having fresh organic, locally grown green beans with lemon and dill. Still trying to figure out what potato dish to do, maybe garlic roasted? Oh and can't forget my spinach salad.
Later gator!! (still doing a small happy dance :D)
Monday, February 11, 2008
Here we go again! Everything is closed, schools, roads, daycare....... It's going to be such a fun day. M & K have been up for an hr and M is already serving a time away. Hubby is unsure if he will make it to work, but of course he is going to try.
This is going to be a long, long day :( So much for going to the laundrymat to wash out my duvet. I was going to do that when they were at school.
Will update later in the day, hopefully with more info on the lead test and a follow-up appt for the EEG.
This is going to be a long, long day :( So much for going to the laundrymat to wash out my duvet. I was going to do that when they were at school.
Will update later in the day, hopefully with more info on the lead test and a follow-up appt for the EEG.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
First, thanks for thinking about us :) I've been trying to update but have been so busy.
No word on the lead testing yet. I called and was told that the Dr would be in contact with me. Oh and not to worry cause if it was serious, I would be contacted right away. So I ask if the test has come in. "No" she says, "I'm not allowed to reveal any information over the phone". What the hell, I"m not asking what the tests are saying, just if it has come in yet. So we are still waiting. And waiting. Have I ever mentioned that I hate waiting for anything !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Kenny's EEG was yesterday (Friday) and that went well. He was so good for the tech, it was amazing. He stayed still for the most part, was asking questions and interacting with the tech, Steve was his name, and talking about trains. Sometimes that little boy truly amazes me. He was so 'on' and with it, it almost seems like the Kenny that grunts and screams and causes complete havoc doesn't really exist. But unfortunately I know that isn't the case. So here is another thing that we have to wait for. Apparently it takes 8 to 10 days for the results/paperwork to get to the Ped. Oh boy, wonder if my nerves can take it.
This week has also been a complete hell puke fest here. Kenny started it on Monday. Tues he seemed fine. Wed morning (1 am that is) he started screaming, came into our room, to my side of the bed, and proceeded to hurl all over me, my side of the bed, my duvet, and the floor. Not bad coverage for a 3yo eh. While I'm trying to attempt to clean it, of course hubby is bitchin about the noise and light. He's lucky he didn't get a dirty paper towel thrown at him! So no school for Kenny again on Wed. Thurs everyone seems healthy. Friday morning (again 1 am) Maddy starts it. She at least kept it to her bed. I got her cleaned up in between pukes, and laying down in our bed, and she wakes Rob up by puking again. That went on until 3. She spent the whole day on the couch looking like crap. Poor kid.
And Tuesday! What to say about Tuesday. Pancake dinner at MIL's church. Rob didn't think he'd be home in time, and we arranged that if he wasn't home by 4:30 that I was to go on my own and meet MIL. He would catch up if he could. He didn't. I don't want to go into too much detail, or complain too much so lets just say that Maddy was in prime form that night. I havent' seen temper tantrums like that since Tana. :( I won't be going to that church for a long time now. Doesn't help that I now know that the bitch has been spouting off again. So that's it for her. Third strike so to say. She will no longer be asked to babysit, unless it's an emergency and we are cracking down on Maddy for her behaviour and attitude towards us and her brother. I'm not giving her anymore leeway when it comes to my kids. Period. Guess she will have tons of shit to sling now eh!
But Kenny did make it to school on Friday. The first time in almost 2 weeks. He was excellent at school also. Was interacting, playing, talking and even slept!!! What the hell is up with that? Sarah, his teacher was so happy that he did so well. She couldn't wait to tell me all the great stuff that happened. Have I mentioned that she is the greatest when it comes to my son! It makes it so much easier to drop him off knowing that she is there and will do everything she can to make Kenny's day a little brighter.
So maybe that's it? It's Saturday night , hockey day in Canada, and hubby is watching all the games, both professional and pee wee that are being played today around the country. I'm trying to catch up on a few things (like here). As of right now, both M and K are in bed and quiet. Even Snickers is sleeping. And I have to say it, I love love love my mp3! Shoulda quit smoking yrs ago ;)
No word on the lead testing yet. I called and was told that the Dr would be in contact with me. Oh and not to worry cause if it was serious, I would be contacted right away. So I ask if the test has come in. "No" she says, "I'm not allowed to reveal any information over the phone". What the hell, I"m not asking what the tests are saying, just if it has come in yet. So we are still waiting. And waiting. Have I ever mentioned that I hate waiting for anything !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Kenny's EEG was yesterday (Friday) and that went well. He was so good for the tech, it was amazing. He stayed still for the most part, was asking questions and interacting with the tech, Steve was his name, and talking about trains. Sometimes that little boy truly amazes me. He was so 'on' and with it, it almost seems like the Kenny that grunts and screams and causes complete havoc doesn't really exist. But unfortunately I know that isn't the case. So here is another thing that we have to wait for. Apparently it takes 8 to 10 days for the results/paperwork to get to the Ped. Oh boy, wonder if my nerves can take it.
This week has also been a complete hell puke fest here. Kenny started it on Monday. Tues he seemed fine. Wed morning (1 am that is) he started screaming, came into our room, to my side of the bed, and proceeded to hurl all over me, my side of the bed, my duvet, and the floor. Not bad coverage for a 3yo eh. While I'm trying to attempt to clean it, of course hubby is bitchin about the noise and light. He's lucky he didn't get a dirty paper towel thrown at him! So no school for Kenny again on Wed. Thurs everyone seems healthy. Friday morning (again 1 am) Maddy starts it. She at least kept it to her bed. I got her cleaned up in between pukes, and laying down in our bed, and she wakes Rob up by puking again. That went on until 3. She spent the whole day on the couch looking like crap. Poor kid.
And Tuesday! What to say about Tuesday. Pancake dinner at MIL's church. Rob didn't think he'd be home in time, and we arranged that if he wasn't home by 4:30 that I was to go on my own and meet MIL. He would catch up if he could. He didn't. I don't want to go into too much detail, or complain too much so lets just say that Maddy was in prime form that night. I havent' seen temper tantrums like that since Tana. :( I won't be going to that church for a long time now. Doesn't help that I now know that the bitch has been spouting off again. So that's it for her. Third strike so to say. She will no longer be asked to babysit, unless it's an emergency and we are cracking down on Maddy for her behaviour and attitude towards us and her brother. I'm not giving her anymore leeway when it comes to my kids. Period. Guess she will have tons of shit to sling now eh!
But Kenny did make it to school on Friday. The first time in almost 2 weeks. He was excellent at school also. Was interacting, playing, talking and even slept!!! What the hell is up with that? Sarah, his teacher was so happy that he did so well. She couldn't wait to tell me all the great stuff that happened. Have I mentioned that she is the greatest when it comes to my son! It makes it so much easier to drop him off knowing that she is there and will do everything she can to make Kenny's day a little brighter.
So maybe that's it? It's Saturday night , hockey day in Canada, and hubby is watching all the games, both professional and pee wee that are being played today around the country. I'm trying to catch up on a few things (like here). As of right now, both M and K are in bed and quiet. Even Snickers is sleeping. And I have to say it, I love love love my mp3! Shoulda quit smoking yrs ago ;)
Monday, February 4, 2008
Oh crap what a day. On a positive note, Maddy was back in school. We didn't get a whole lot of snow last night and Rob didn't have to leave for work early, but was home to help get Maddy ready. Notice I'm leaving one out?
Yep, Kenny didn't go to school today. He decided to get some kind of stomach bug that started first thing this morning. So lets see, Kenny is home sick. Maddy goes to school, and I inform Haley's step dad, Kyle that Kenny is sick and throwing up. See yesterday afternoon (Sunday) I told Kyle that I would look after Haley in the afternoon while he worked a spare shift. Anyway he doesn't see this as a big problem. Ummm Yeah, ok.
So fine, at home time I get Kenny all dressed up, get him in the stroller and go up to the school, with dog in tow. If I wasn't babysitting I would have drove, but because I'm such a bitch when it comes to kids and car seats, I walked. Haley wouldn't have had a booster seat and would have had to ride in the front seat. Both things are illegal and dangerous so forget it.
So I get to the school, Kenny is whining, dog is raring to go and what am I told???? Nobody bothered to inform the school that I was picking up Haley. No note, nothing verbal, nada, zip, zero, zilch. Which of course meant that her teacher had to phone Haley's Mom at work to get permission. That took 20 minutes while we were standing outside in the cold wind. Fine for Maddy and Haley but not poor Kenny. Pain in the ass. We had the dog and I can't leave him tied up in front of the school either.
But other than that the afternoon was busy but no major problems or blow-ups, unless you count Kenny's tummy blowing up. Poor kid actually put himself to bed. No I'm not kidding, honest to shit. He went upstairs and while I'm putting away laundry says "I no eel good Mama. I go lay in Tenny's bed now.". By the time I got the water he asked for he was already asleep. This from the child that will fight bedtime until after midnight. Now he is passed out on the couch, running a fever but sleeping again.
Back to this afternoon, when I finally got 5 minutes to sit with a tea and check messages/etc that's when Kyle decided to show. So we sat and chatted and checked out youtube while enjoying our tea when Haley's Mom shows up. Great, go and start preparing the rest of dinner when Rob shows. Needless to say, this is the first time all afternoon/evening that I've actually sat longer than 30 seconds.
Just to let everyone know, we haven't got the results about the lead testing yet. I'm going to call tomorrow, but I'm really hoping that this is a case of no news is good news. But then again, if not that then what is going on with him? I have noticed that he is getting some independence back. He is wanting to do stuff himself more and more often. Good sign, maybe. Crossing fingers for another day.
Night all.
Yep, Kenny didn't go to school today. He decided to get some kind of stomach bug that started first thing this morning. So lets see, Kenny is home sick. Maddy goes to school, and I inform Haley's step dad, Kyle that Kenny is sick and throwing up. See yesterday afternoon (Sunday) I told Kyle that I would look after Haley in the afternoon while he worked a spare shift. Anyway he doesn't see this as a big problem. Ummm Yeah, ok.
So fine, at home time I get Kenny all dressed up, get him in the stroller and go up to the school, with dog in tow. If I wasn't babysitting I would have drove, but because I'm such a bitch when it comes to kids and car seats, I walked. Haley wouldn't have had a booster seat and would have had to ride in the front seat. Both things are illegal and dangerous so forget it.
So I get to the school, Kenny is whining, dog is raring to go and what am I told???? Nobody bothered to inform the school that I was picking up Haley. No note, nothing verbal, nada, zip, zero, zilch. Which of course meant that her teacher had to phone Haley's Mom at work to get permission. That took 20 minutes while we were standing outside in the cold wind. Fine for Maddy and Haley but not poor Kenny. Pain in the ass. We had the dog and I can't leave him tied up in front of the school either.
But other than that the afternoon was busy but no major problems or blow-ups, unless you count Kenny's tummy blowing up. Poor kid actually put himself to bed. No I'm not kidding, honest to shit. He went upstairs and while I'm putting away laundry says "I no eel good Mama. I go lay in Tenny's bed now.". By the time I got the water he asked for he was already asleep. This from the child that will fight bedtime until after midnight. Now he is passed out on the couch, running a fever but sleeping again.
Back to this afternoon, when I finally got 5 minutes to sit with a tea and check messages/etc that's when Kyle decided to show. So we sat and chatted and checked out youtube while enjoying our tea when Haley's Mom shows up. Great, go and start preparing the rest of dinner when Rob shows. Needless to say, this is the first time all afternoon/evening that I've actually sat longer than 30 seconds.
Just to let everyone know, we haven't got the results about the lead testing yet. I'm going to call tomorrow, but I'm really hoping that this is a case of no news is good news. But then again, if not that then what is going on with him? I have noticed that he is getting some independence back. He is wanting to do stuff himself more and more often. Good sign, maybe. Crossing fingers for another day.
Night all.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Pulling my hair out :(
I'm going to scream now. Loudly. What a day. Keep in mind that I've had at least one child by my side since Monday. Tuesday, Kenny doesn't have school. Wednesday no school because of the wind storm. Thursday, no school for Kenny. Friday, school canceled because of the damn freakin' snowstorm.
So Kenny decides this morning to sleep in. A good thing, except for the fact that I'm so bloody accustomed to getting up early with him that I'm up at 6:30. Figures. Now that I"m ready for bed, both are up, not listening to me at all, and not going to bed. Plus Kenny is, as I type this, dropping a load in his diaper. Oh sweet hell.
Of course he has been a little you-know-what all day today. It was bad today. Grunting, screaming, crying over everything. We went out to dinner with MIL (usually do this on Sunday nights but because of the superbowl we did it tonight) and he was horrible. Throwing food, spitting his chocolate milk and water. Kicking me. Banging his spoon/fork on the dishes. I'll bet they were so happy to see us go. And the mess he left under the highchair! Oh man, he really did a number this time. I'm thinking we might have to stop bringing him if this is going to continue.
And the biting! Holy crap, I've lost count how many times he's bitten me today because I've told him either no or to do something he doesn't want to do. Got my foot earlier today while I was on the ladder trying to finish off filling the holes.
MIL of course was nothing but a bag of tension. She needs a hip transplant desperately and won't go in for it. She says she wants to lose weight and is nervous about some of her medication. But it's giving her more pain then what she will admit too. No use in telling her anything either. I'm just hoping for her sake that she realizes that she needs it done to live a half decent life.
Poopy bum dealt with. Yuck. Which leads me to the question of WHY DOESN'T HE GO POTTY ANYMORE!!!!!!!!! He used to ask. Plain as day. Both with no problem. This is driving me batty. If we could just solve this one issue, then I could concentrate on the next. But to have him running around in diapers again. Again I feel like I fucked up somehow. What did I do this time to cause this! Why can't I seem to get this child raising thing right. 3 kids and all three have issues. Oh and speaking of, I got to read in the local paper that William's father is being charged with arson and break and enter. Wonderful man. Bastard. His new(?) girlfriend just had a baby before Christmas too. So what a wonderful parent he's gonna be from jail. And this is the guy my daughter made a baby with.
I know there are worse problems in the world. And I know that I shouldn't be sitting here feeling sorry for myself. But I am. I've been trying to find a yoga class. No luck. Gym memberships are too expensive, and anyway that means I'd need the motivation to go. Yeah right. I gotta do something. Bah.
Hmmmm wonder if we have any chocolate left?................................
So Kenny decides this morning to sleep in. A good thing, except for the fact that I'm so bloody accustomed to getting up early with him that I'm up at 6:30. Figures. Now that I"m ready for bed, both are up, not listening to me at all, and not going to bed. Plus Kenny is, as I type this, dropping a load in his diaper. Oh sweet hell.
Of course he has been a little you-know-what all day today. It was bad today. Grunting, screaming, crying over everything. We went out to dinner with MIL (usually do this on Sunday nights but because of the superbowl we did it tonight) and he was horrible. Throwing food, spitting his chocolate milk and water. Kicking me. Banging his spoon/fork on the dishes. I'll bet they were so happy to see us go. And the mess he left under the highchair! Oh man, he really did a number this time. I'm thinking we might have to stop bringing him if this is going to continue.
And the biting! Holy crap, I've lost count how many times he's bitten me today because I've told him either no or to do something he doesn't want to do. Got my foot earlier today while I was on the ladder trying to finish off filling the holes.
MIL of course was nothing but a bag of tension. She needs a hip transplant desperately and won't go in for it. She says she wants to lose weight and is nervous about some of her medication. But it's giving her more pain then what she will admit too. No use in telling her anything either. I'm just hoping for her sake that she realizes that she needs it done to live a half decent life.
Poopy bum dealt with. Yuck. Which leads me to the question of WHY DOESN'T HE GO POTTY ANYMORE!!!!!!!!! He used to ask. Plain as day. Both with no problem. This is driving me batty. If we could just solve this one issue, then I could concentrate on the next. But to have him running around in diapers again. Again I feel like I fucked up somehow. What did I do this time to cause this! Why can't I seem to get this child raising thing right. 3 kids and all three have issues. Oh and speaking of, I got to read in the local paper that William's father is being charged with arson and break and enter. Wonderful man. Bastard. His new(?) girlfriend just had a baby before Christmas too. So what a wonderful parent he's gonna be from jail. And this is the guy my daughter made a baby with.
I know there are worse problems in the world. And I know that I shouldn't be sitting here feeling sorry for myself. But I am. I've been trying to find a yoga class. No luck. Gym memberships are too expensive, and anyway that means I'd need the motivation to go. Yeah right. I gotta do something. Bah.
Hmmmm wonder if we have any chocolate left?................................
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About Me
- Christine
- Ontario, Canada
- Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.