Monday, November 17, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Oh what a week.....
It has been. Lets see, where should I start. Well last Friday due to circumstances beyond our control both kids were out of school. So we had been planning a trip to Toronto anyway to drop off some important paperwork and figured this would be the perfect time. So to the Go Train we went.
Rode the train into Union Station in Toronto. Then walked to the offices we needed to get to. Both kids were doing fine. We also promised a subway ride and a streetcar ride so down to the subway first, then back to the surface to ride a streetcar. Oops, rush hour, packed streetcar, sardines, two high spirited children, not a good combo. But we bore it out and made it all the way to the Longbranch Loop. Then hopped on a bus and met up with Auntie Cathy at my favorite, all time best burger place, Apache Burger. Yummmmmmm!
Had a nice, albeit short visit with Cathy (gotta hook up again soon girl!) then back on a bus and to the train station for the ride home. It was much later than planned, but figured that tomorrow is Saturday, we can all sleep in. Boy did that go out the window.
We got home at 11:30 pm. Got both kiddo's in bed, then we went to bed a bit later (like for me around 1am). I was woken up just before 3am by the sound of Maddy crying. Went in to find she had been sick on her bed, pillow, Ruff Ruff and of course herself. Fun. Got that cleaned up, only to have her do it again (fortunately in the toilet this time). So got the bucket and headed her back to bed (fully changed of course).
The poor girl continued until after 10 in the morning. Then pretty much slept all day Saturday. She had one more episode at bedtime, but slept all night. Relief, we are done. Nope. Shoulda known.
Kenny was the next victim. He started at 2am Monday. Continued until around 7, then slept pretty much the rest of the day. Hubby also started about 7:30am Monday and tried to go to work, but ended up coming home early and he slept it off.
As for me, I didn't escape it either. Mine started Tuesday, early afternoon. But I still managed to take the kids swimming, although ended up sitting in the bathroom most of the time. Made it home after that and collapsed. Not to be seen or heard from again until almost 8 am yesterday (Wednesday). Yes the kids were late for school, but hey life happens.
So it is now Thursday and I'm finally feeling more human than I have in a few days. Laundry, I gots it. Messy house, I gots it. Willingness to clean, Hell to the no!!!!!! Do I have too, yes. Blah.
Keeping fingers, toes and anything else crossed that there is no more sickness. We need some healthy time!
Rode the train into Union Station in Toronto. Then walked to the offices we needed to get to. Both kids were doing fine. We also promised a subway ride and a streetcar ride so down to the subway first, then back to the surface to ride a streetcar. Oops, rush hour, packed streetcar, sardines, two high spirited children, not a good combo. But we bore it out and made it all the way to the Longbranch Loop. Then hopped on a bus and met up with Auntie Cathy at my favorite, all time best burger place, Apache Burger. Yummmmmmm!
Had a nice, albeit short visit with Cathy (gotta hook up again soon girl!) then back on a bus and to the train station for the ride home. It was much later than planned, but figured that tomorrow is Saturday, we can all sleep in. Boy did that go out the window.
We got home at 11:30 pm. Got both kiddo's in bed, then we went to bed a bit later (like for me around 1am). I was woken up just before 3am by the sound of Maddy crying. Went in to find she had been sick on her bed, pillow, Ruff Ruff and of course herself. Fun. Got that cleaned up, only to have her do it again (fortunately in the toilet this time). So got the bucket and headed her back to bed (fully changed of course).
The poor girl continued until after 10 in the morning. Then pretty much slept all day Saturday. She had one more episode at bedtime, but slept all night. Relief, we are done. Nope. Shoulda known.
Kenny was the next victim. He started at 2am Monday. Continued until around 7, then slept pretty much the rest of the day. Hubby also started about 7:30am Monday and tried to go to work, but ended up coming home early and he slept it off.
As for me, I didn't escape it either. Mine started Tuesday, early afternoon. But I still managed to take the kids swimming, although ended up sitting in the bathroom most of the time. Made it home after that and collapsed. Not to be seen or heard from again until almost 8 am yesterday (Wednesday). Yes the kids were late for school, but hey life happens.
So it is now Thursday and I'm finally feeling more human than I have in a few days. Laundry, I gots it. Messy house, I gots it. Willingness to clean, Hell to the no!!!!!! Do I have too, yes. Blah.
Keeping fingers, toes and anything else crossed that there is no more sickness. We need some healthy time!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Went pretty good. Especially the great weather we had. That is the first time in recent memory that it has been warm enough to walk around withOUT a winter coat and freezing our bums off.
We stayed local. Just walked around our neighbourhood, making sure to visit our friends places. And of course a stop for the adults at Timmy's. But still, we managed two bags of pure sugar. Now comes the fights of limiting the candy to one or possibly 2 a day. Fun stuff. And now we can't go into a store without being reminded that Christmas is coming. I just want to crawl under a rock and ignore it right now.
And to make matters even better, we have a clogged drain. There is about a ft long section of pipe that drains the kitchen sink and washing machine that is clogged. How did I figure this out? Easy, I tried to do some laundry yesterday morning and ended up filling the kitchen sink with the laundry water and creating a fountain in the laundry room from the drain pipe. Fun fun here, let me tell ya!
The only semi positive thing is that we can still flush our toilet and use the bathroom. They don't seem to be affected. So just means no dishes or laundry. Which means that we are not calling a plumber until Monday. Way to expensive to call on a weekend. So long as the toilet is working, I'm good with that. We did try to snake it out. Didn't work. We tried dumping stuff down the drain. Didn't work. Plunging. Didn't work. So now we will have to suffer with paying someone. Blah. There is always something.
We will also be renting a dumpster this week and start clearing out some of the junk and horrible fake wood paneling. We have a basement full of stuff we need to sort through. Two closets upstairs that need tearing down and rebuilding/replacing and a bunch of junk in the back yard that needs tossing. Lots of work to do. Fun fun.
We stayed local. Just walked around our neighbourhood, making sure to visit our friends places. And of course a stop for the adults at Timmy's. But still, we managed two bags of pure sugar. Now comes the fights of limiting the candy to one or possibly 2 a day. Fun stuff. And now we can't go into a store without being reminded that Christmas is coming. I just want to crawl under a rock and ignore it right now.
And to make matters even better, we have a clogged drain. There is about a ft long section of pipe that drains the kitchen sink and washing machine that is clogged. How did I figure this out? Easy, I tried to do some laundry yesterday morning and ended up filling the kitchen sink with the laundry water and creating a fountain in the laundry room from the drain pipe. Fun fun here, let me tell ya!
The only semi positive thing is that we can still flush our toilet and use the bathroom. They don't seem to be affected. So just means no dishes or laundry. Which means that we are not calling a plumber until Monday. Way to expensive to call on a weekend. So long as the toilet is working, I'm good with that. We did try to snake it out. Didn't work. We tried dumping stuff down the drain. Didn't work. Plunging. Didn't work. So now we will have to suffer with paying someone. Blah. There is always something.
We will also be renting a dumpster this week and start clearing out some of the junk and horrible fake wood paneling. We have a basement full of stuff we need to sort through. Two closets upstairs that need tearing down and rebuilding/replacing and a bunch of junk in the back yard that needs tossing. Lots of work to do. Fun fun.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Finally got a date
With Dr Carter from McMaster Hospital. Dec 15, either here or in Guelph, the Autism Spectrum Disorder Team will come and evaluate Kenny. There might be some blood tests involved (Lord help us if there is).
We had a nice long chat yesterday, describing everything Kenny. His sensory issues, his repetitive behaviour, eating, potty training, basically everything. Oh and the violence he displays in one of his 'fits'. That is a big one. And sleep issues, another big one.
Just wanted to let all 2 (?) of you know that we finally got a date! :)
We had a nice long chat yesterday, describing everything Kenny. His sensory issues, his repetitive behaviour, eating, potty training, basically everything. Oh and the violence he displays in one of his 'fits'. That is a big one. And sleep issues, another big one.
Just wanted to let all 2 (?) of you know that we finally got a date! :)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Time is getting away again.
Keeping up is harder than I thought.
Ok, so we went for a mini vacation last weekend. Nothing too exciting or exotic. Down to Erie PA for a night and then over to Buffalo to see the Buffalo Sabers play the Vancouver Canuks. We were supposed to do some shopping in Niagara Falls Outlet Mall on Saturday for Christmas presents but that didn't happen.
Not a bad trip, if you ignore the fact that Kenny threw up Thursday night/Friday morning. He was down for the count the whole car ride back to Buffalo and then slept in the hotel room for a couple of hours! But that seemed to be the ticket to getting healthy again. He did make it to the hockey game, but only lasted one period. It was just too much for him all at once. We are going to stick with OHL games for a bit.
The shopping trip was a bust. But only because Maddy pitched the fit of a lifetime. To the point she scratched and bruised my arms and legs from kicking, biting, punching and pinching. She kicked off her shoes and said that I couldn't take her outside now. I said it was a good thing that it wasn't raining or snowing, cause then her feet would get wet and cold. That wasn't going to stop me from getting her outta there. So nothing bought for Christmas.
Now on to more positive things. We finally heard from a member of the Autism Specter Disorder Team from Trellis. This is the prep for getting a diagnosis. We meet at home next Wednesday. And we have figured out a big trigger for his behaviour! Over the past little while we have been eliminating a lot of processed, chemical ridden, highly processed food. I'm making things from scratch, including bread but that's another story :) and we have been trying to eat much healthier.
Well the other day at school, the kindergarten'ers were making something with food. One of the food items was Bugles, like a salty chip in the shape of a cone, ya know? Anyway Kenny had about 8 total and within a few minutes he was flying off the handle. Many meltdowns, energy like you wouldn't believe, restlessness, repetitive behaviour. All from a few processed chips. Neither child has had anything like that in ages. The worst they are now allowed are Goldfish crackers. I make most of our snack foods like mini banana muffins, or they get carrots/celery/tomatoes. For treats I make cookies or sometimes apple crisp. May be higher in sugar but isn't full of the chemicals that over the counter stuff is. Even things like bread, we now get at a bakery and cold meat from a local store that roasts it himself and slices it.
I'm amazed at how badly he reacted to the stuff. And if that's the case how many other kids with behaviour problems can be traced back to what they are eating. It's scary really. The more "convienent" things are the worse they are for ya. His teachers now say they can see the problems and issues we were talking about. He is truly a different child when like that. So that really helps us to continue on the same track now. We are doing the right thing. :) Halloween is gonna be interesting this yr. Poor kid will be so limited to what he can have. Or how much.
Well that's it for now. Must get to work, the laundry is screaming my name. And covering my ears just isn't working anymore.
Ok, so we went for a mini vacation last weekend. Nothing too exciting or exotic. Down to Erie PA for a night and then over to Buffalo to see the Buffalo Sabers play the Vancouver Canuks. We were supposed to do some shopping in Niagara Falls Outlet Mall on Saturday for Christmas presents but that didn't happen.
Not a bad trip, if you ignore the fact that Kenny threw up Thursday night/Friday morning. He was down for the count the whole car ride back to Buffalo and then slept in the hotel room for a couple of hours! But that seemed to be the ticket to getting healthy again. He did make it to the hockey game, but only lasted one period. It was just too much for him all at once. We are going to stick with OHL games for a bit.
The shopping trip was a bust. But only because Maddy pitched the fit of a lifetime. To the point she scratched and bruised my arms and legs from kicking, biting, punching and pinching. She kicked off her shoes and said that I couldn't take her outside now. I said it was a good thing that it wasn't raining or snowing, cause then her feet would get wet and cold. That wasn't going to stop me from getting her outta there. So nothing bought for Christmas.
Now on to more positive things. We finally heard from a member of the Autism Specter Disorder Team from Trellis. This is the prep for getting a diagnosis. We meet at home next Wednesday. And we have figured out a big trigger for his behaviour! Over the past little while we have been eliminating a lot of processed, chemical ridden, highly processed food. I'm making things from scratch, including bread but that's another story :) and we have been trying to eat much healthier.
Well the other day at school, the kindergarten'ers were making something with food. One of the food items was Bugles, like a salty chip in the shape of a cone, ya know? Anyway Kenny had about 8 total and within a few minutes he was flying off the handle. Many meltdowns, energy like you wouldn't believe, restlessness, repetitive behaviour. All from a few processed chips. Neither child has had anything like that in ages. The worst they are now allowed are Goldfish crackers. I make most of our snack foods like mini banana muffins, or they get carrots/celery/tomatoes. For treats I make cookies or sometimes apple crisp. May be higher in sugar but isn't full of the chemicals that over the counter stuff is. Even things like bread, we now get at a bakery and cold meat from a local store that roasts it himself and slices it.
I'm amazed at how badly he reacted to the stuff. And if that's the case how many other kids with behaviour problems can be traced back to what they are eating. It's scary really. The more "convienent" things are the worse they are for ya. His teachers now say they can see the problems and issues we were talking about. He is truly a different child when like that. So that really helps us to continue on the same track now. We are doing the right thing. :) Halloween is gonna be interesting this yr. Poor kid will be so limited to what he can have. Or how much.
Well that's it for now. Must get to work, the laundry is screaming my name. And covering my ears just isn't working anymore.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I hate being sick. Really I do. And it doesn't help that 3 outta 4 of us have this blasted cold. Both rug rats are still in school though and hubby is home on vacation. Interesting times around these here parts :)
I need my nyquil. I lurve nyquil. Nyquil is my bestest friend. Especially now since I found it in pill form, so no more nasty syrup. Gives me a couple of hrs of sleep anyway. Blah. Did I mention I hate being sick?
I need my nyquil. I lurve nyquil. Nyquil is my bestest friend. Especially now since I found it in pill form, so no more nasty syrup. Gives me a couple of hrs of sleep anyway. Blah. Did I mention I hate being sick?
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Junior Kindergarten is going very well! Kenny would rather go there than to daycare now. Too bad he can't go every day. Would certainly save on my sanity. But oh the temper tantrums in the last couple of days. Every little thing is causing him to explode. So hard to deal with when it's happening for everything. Even little things like getting him to move over on the couch is setting him off for a round. Blah. Don't know what is setting him off now. Maybe the change in seasons?
Still waiting for an appointment date to see the Dr. in Hamilton. He has started some therapy in daycare once a week to help with sensory issues. I would love to get him in more often but money (lack of) is in the way. So many people tell me that at first glance/short dealings with him that they would never suspect something is wrong. Verbally he is right on track. And that throws people. He can, and does :) voice his opinion. But then all hell breaks loose and he regresses into himself. Different things set him off at different times, which doesn't help trying to nip an episode before it gets too late.
At least I have one thing. I have to keep reminding myself that it is a major positive and is to be looked at as a huge bonus. He loves hugs and kisses. Dishes them out at will. Even at 3 am! But as everything else, they have to be on his terms. I just wish he would choose a better time!!!!!
As for life around here, not much happening. Hubby has taken 2 weeks vacation but because we are flat broke, any trips are out of the question. We were thinking of going to Montreal but with both kidlets + gas + hotel + food = not happening this time. This is the one thing that sucks right now. No extra money. But he has so much extra time off accumulated from all the overtime he's been working that he needs this time away. And in case anyone reads this and says he is whining, he works around death all day, every day. Even if you are used to it, you need a break. And these are not vacation hours. So if he doesn't take them, he loses them. Basically working for free. Not a good thing for us.
I'm going back to school!!!! But first I need to take an English course through the college because I've been out of (real) school for so long. I could just go in and write a test, but, I'd feel better reviewing the work and re-learning some of the messed up English rules! At least for spelling there is always spell check! I lurve me some spell check. Wish me luck on the English. I'm gonna need all the help I can get!
Still waiting for an appointment date to see the Dr. in Hamilton. He has started some therapy in daycare once a week to help with sensory issues. I would love to get him in more often but money (lack of) is in the way. So many people tell me that at first glance/short dealings with him that they would never suspect something is wrong. Verbally he is right on track. And that throws people. He can, and does :) voice his opinion. But then all hell breaks loose and he regresses into himself. Different things set him off at different times, which doesn't help trying to nip an episode before it gets too late.
At least I have one thing. I have to keep reminding myself that it is a major positive and is to be looked at as a huge bonus. He loves hugs and kisses. Dishes them out at will. Even at 3 am! But as everything else, they have to be on his terms. I just wish he would choose a better time!!!!!
As for life around here, not much happening. Hubby has taken 2 weeks vacation but because we are flat broke, any trips are out of the question. We were thinking of going to Montreal but with both kidlets + gas + hotel + food = not happening this time. This is the one thing that sucks right now. No extra money. But he has so much extra time off accumulated from all the overtime he's been working that he needs this time away. And in case anyone reads this and says he is whining, he works around death all day, every day. Even if you are used to it, you need a break. And these are not vacation hours. So if he doesn't take them, he loses them. Basically working for free. Not a good thing for us.
I'm going back to school!!!! But first I need to take an English course through the college because I've been out of (real) school for so long. I could just go in and write a test, but, I'd feel better reviewing the work and re-learning some of the messed up English rules! At least for spelling there is always spell check! I lurve me some spell check. Wish me luck on the English. I'm gonna need all the help I can get!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Life has a way
Of causing complete chaos and confusion. Here I was thinking that when both kids were in school I would be able to get more stuff done. Cook fantastic meals. Have a clean and sparkling house. Yeah, well I guess that was all a dream.
So far I'm having trouble just keeping up with trying to get them to school on time! You'd think that after, what 3 weeks, that I'd have it down? Not likely. Most mornings we are struggling to get out the door fast enough to walk to school on time! Then I'm so busy with other things that what I wanted to get done, I don't. Guess the only thing that I am doing is walking. A lot. And so far I haven't gained anymore weight, so at least that is a good thing.
And it is tough keeping both of them busy, not to mention expensive! Lets see, on Mondays, Maddy has Sparks. Tuesday both Maddy and Kenny have swimming lessons. On Wednesdays, Kenny has skating lessons. On Thursdays Maddy has Highland Dance lessons. Fridays are typically spent in Cambellville watching the trains at the Guelph Junction. So you can see there is not much down time here.
I will say that it is very nice to be able to go grocery shopping without any child with me. It is also nice to be able to go for walks and into the small family owned stores in the downtown without having to worry about them breaking anything. Or screaming about wanting something. Or chasing them down the street. Or waiting for them to catch up every two steps. And with this new found freedom I have discovered the best tasting, sugar free, melt in your mouth chocolate you have ever tasted! Love, love, love I Love Chocolate!
And hopefully, sometime before Christmas, Kenny will finally get his appointment with the Autism Spectrum Disorder Team from Hamilton. He is doing great in Jr. Kindergarten and is loved by the teacher, helper and Principal! For a little boy so small, he sure is big with his mouth. No fear. None. Even to the point of telling off the Principal! Figures. That's my kid.
And now the older one wants my attention. She says she wants to talk to me about something very serious. Something life altering. Do I have any clue? Nope. But trying to find time when we are not both busy is next to impossible. Blah. It seems never ending. Speaking of, I need more coffee. Later gator!
So far I'm having trouble just keeping up with trying to get them to school on time! You'd think that after, what 3 weeks, that I'd have it down? Not likely. Most mornings we are struggling to get out the door fast enough to walk to school on time! Then I'm so busy with other things that what I wanted to get done, I don't. Guess the only thing that I am doing is walking. A lot. And so far I haven't gained anymore weight, so at least that is a good thing.
And it is tough keeping both of them busy, not to mention expensive! Lets see, on Mondays, Maddy has Sparks. Tuesday both Maddy and Kenny have swimming lessons. On Wednesdays, Kenny has skating lessons. On Thursdays Maddy has Highland Dance lessons. Fridays are typically spent in Cambellville watching the trains at the Guelph Junction. So you can see there is not much down time here.
I will say that it is very nice to be able to go grocery shopping without any child with me. It is also nice to be able to go for walks and into the small family owned stores in the downtown without having to worry about them breaking anything. Or screaming about wanting something. Or chasing them down the street. Or waiting for them to catch up every two steps. And with this new found freedom I have discovered the best tasting, sugar free, melt in your mouth chocolate you have ever tasted! Love, love, love I Love Chocolate!
And hopefully, sometime before Christmas, Kenny will finally get his appointment with the Autism Spectrum Disorder Team from Hamilton. He is doing great in Jr. Kindergarten and is loved by the teacher, helper and Principal! For a little boy so small, he sure is big with his mouth. No fear. None. Even to the point of telling off the Principal! Figures. That's my kid.
And now the older one wants my attention. She says she wants to talk to me about something very serious. Something life altering. Do I have any clue? Nope. But trying to find time when we are not both busy is next to impossible. Blah. It seems never ending. Speaking of, I need more coffee. Later gator!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Happy Birthday Duders!!!!
Yep, Sept 6th, 4 yrs ago, the Duders was born. Weighing in at 7lbs 2 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. Only 4 weeks early :).
Now look at him. He is growing so fast. But I guess they all do, right.
We are still waiting for an appointment with Dr Carter. Hoping soon!!! Like how much longer do they want us to wait! We went on the list back in what, February? What a joke. Funding cuts and spendthrift governments are certainly taking there toll on our health care.
We did have an appointment with Donna at Kidsability on Thursday. Went over his history and problems. She is going to work with him at the daycare on some things and coping strategies. So he has a ton of women working with him now. What boy wouldn't be excited!
Well I should run, we are taking him on a train ride this evening for dinner. It's very pricey, but will be so worth it to see his face when he realizes he will be on the train! Now don't forget to silently sing happy birthday to him! Ok, nevermind, just wish him a happy birthday, that would be good too!
Now look at him. He is growing so fast. But I guess they all do, right.
We are still waiting for an appointment with Dr Carter. Hoping soon!!! Like how much longer do they want us to wait! We went on the list back in what, February? What a joke. Funding cuts and spendthrift governments are certainly taking there toll on our health care.
We did have an appointment with Donna at Kidsability on Thursday. Went over his history and problems. She is going to work with him at the daycare on some things and coping strategies. So he has a ton of women working with him now. What boy wouldn't be excited!
Well I should run, we are taking him on a train ride this evening for dinner. It's very pricey, but will be so worth it to see his face when he realizes he will be on the train! Now don't forget to silently sing happy birthday to him! Ok, nevermind, just wish him a happy birthday, that would be good too!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Ya know what?
Sometimes real life sucks donkey balls! Choices I made years ago have now resulted in my being on insulin for Type II diabetes. Now what really sucks is that most people gain between 5 and 20 lbs while being on insulin and it is harder for the body to lose the weight. So on top of the 30 or so lbs I gained after quitting smoking, I get to look forward to gaining even more weight. How sad is that.
Maddy of course is feeding on my depression and is acting like a true spoiled little brat today. She is right now in her room cause I can't deal with the constant whining and bitching and moaning about absolutely everything. Kenny has been ok. Just constant "I'm hungry, I'm thirsty" over and over again.
No point to this. I'm just not having a good day.
Maddy of course is feeding on my depression and is acting like a true spoiled little brat today. She is right now in her room cause I can't deal with the constant whining and bitching and moaning about absolutely everything. Kenny has been ok. Just constant "I'm hungry, I'm thirsty" over and over again.
No point to this. I'm just not having a good day.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Now whether or not that is a good thing, I don't know. But we are and we survived the long drive home, border crossing and all.
We got home Wednesday evening. Spent Thursday/Friday catching up on grocery shopping, visiting MIL and preparing for the Scottish Festival. Friday was also the day Kenny decided to run a high fever and complained of a sore throat. By the Tattoo he was feeling better but only lasted a couple of hours before I had to take him home. So I missed the one thing that I wanted to see. Hubby was supposed to march in the 'Walk of the Clans' but when he got to the meeting area, he discovered all other Clan reps where in full Scottish dress. So he backed out (don't blame him one bit).
Then comes Saturday. What a wash out that was. Literally. The rain held off until our tent was set up. Then it wouldn't stop. A total of 4 thunderstorms rolled through, with very heavy rain in between. We finally gave up at 2 and packed it in. We were standing in ankle deep water, the tent was leaking and it was getting cold. Not a good day. We came home, dried off and headed back, there was a band that was supposed to be playing that I was interested in hearing and I wanted to show Maddy some more Highland dancing, but for the first time in history the rain won. The festival was shut down. Sad to see, especially since they had to cancel all the band competitions and heavy events.
Sunday started out better, we headed back to catch all that we missed on Saturday. Most displays had packed it in and didn't bother to come back. Don't blame them, really since the forecast was calling for more rain and possible thunderstorms. Sure enough the clouds rolled in again, along with some thunder for good measure. We just came home.
So now it's back to real life. Laundry needs doing, Hubby is back at work and Kenny is back at school. Hopefully the Fall Fair will be better!
We got home Wednesday evening. Spent Thursday/Friday catching up on grocery shopping, visiting MIL and preparing for the Scottish Festival. Friday was also the day Kenny decided to run a high fever and complained of a sore throat. By the Tattoo he was feeling better but only lasted a couple of hours before I had to take him home. So I missed the one thing that I wanted to see. Hubby was supposed to march in the 'Walk of the Clans' but when he got to the meeting area, he discovered all other Clan reps where in full Scottish dress. So he backed out (don't blame him one bit).
Then comes Saturday. What a wash out that was. Literally. The rain held off until our tent was set up. Then it wouldn't stop. A total of 4 thunderstorms rolled through, with very heavy rain in between. We finally gave up at 2 and packed it in. We were standing in ankle deep water, the tent was leaking and it was getting cold. Not a good day. We came home, dried off and headed back, there was a band that was supposed to be playing that I was interested in hearing and I wanted to show Maddy some more Highland dancing, but for the first time in history the rain won. The festival was shut down. Sad to see, especially since they had to cancel all the band competitions and heavy events.
Sunday started out better, we headed back to catch all that we missed on Saturday. Most displays had packed it in and didn't bother to come back. Don't blame them, really since the forecast was calling for more rain and possible thunderstorms. Sure enough the clouds rolled in again, along with some thunder for good measure. We just came home.
So now it's back to real life. Laundry needs doing, Hubby is back at work and Kenny is back at school. Hopefully the Fall Fair will be better!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Leaving tomorrow
Yep, we are finally leaving the great city of Columbus OH to head home tomorrow. Back to real life. But hey, we enjoyed ourselves, took lots of pictures and of course went shopping at Target.
Kenny has been wonderful on this trip. Overall, we have seen very few temper tantrums. He has handled himself very well considering that we are not on a set schedule. It's going to be tough on all of us to leave. I certainly don't want to go. I love seeing new places and watching the kids have so much fun. But such is life I guess.
The Scottish Festival is coming up this weekend and we are running the tent on Saturday. That should be interesting with both the kidlets in tow.
Long drive, need sleep. Goodnight all!
Kenny has been wonderful on this trip. Overall, we have seen very few temper tantrums. He has handled himself very well considering that we are not on a set schedule. It's going to be tough on all of us to leave. I certainly don't want to go. I love seeing new places and watching the kids have so much fun. But such is life I guess.
The Scottish Festival is coming up this weekend and we are running the tent on Saturday. That should be interesting with both the kidlets in tow.
Long drive, need sleep. Goodnight all!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Not quite a week yet
In Columbus Ohio and Kenny is doing great! He had a meltdown yesterday at the State Fair but after spending hours in the sun, I'm not surprised. And go figure, he loves rides! He was so ticked when he was refused for not being tall enough. But fortunately there were enough rides to keep him happy. Not to mention the other 3 little hooligans.
Things have been very busy all week. We got here Saturday and haven't stopped playing since. An indoor water park, State Fair, trains, dinner with great friends that also live in Ohio and not to mention the numerous shopping trips to Target. Man do they have some great clearance! I have to say that I'm jealous.
Anyhoo, this trip is going much better than I thought for Kenny. To think we have uprooted him and completely screwed with his schedule and we are not getting massive meltdowns is great! Gonna enjoy it while I can!
Things have been very busy all week. We got here Saturday and haven't stopped playing since. An indoor water park, State Fair, trains, dinner with great friends that also live in Ohio and not to mention the numerous shopping trips to Target. Man do they have some great clearance! I have to say that I'm jealous.
Anyhoo, this trip is going much better than I thought for Kenny. To think we have uprooted him and completely screwed with his schedule and we are not getting massive meltdowns is great! Gonna enjoy it while I can!
Friday, July 25, 2008
What a great concert!
It was fantastic!!!! Of course, did you expect anything less? You know a band has staying power when the fans range in age from 10 to 70. Played some new stuff and most of their old, including solo stuff. Of course the old fav's were by and far the most popular. The concert ended with Take It Easy and one of the best live versions of Desperado I've heard. Had me in tears. And just as a side note, that was the first time in over a year that Hubby and I have been out together, with NO kids!!!!! Man I'd forgotten how much fun adult time was.
As for other ramblings, we have been approved for home care funding. Which means that we will be reimbursed for any monies paid out to workers for so many hours covered. We applied for 8. Not that we will get 8, but hey don't know if you don't try, right?! So how does this help? Well now we can hire someone to take Kenny swimming on Thursday nights, maybe have some respite care so Hubby and I can go out for some adult time together, or hire a therapist to work with Kenny one on one. Any of the above options would work right now. He still isn't fully recovered from whatever the damn bug was that he caught. So extra whinny and clingy, which makes it difficult to get stuff done.
Now on to more fun things, we leave tomorrow for Columbus!!! It's gonna be a blast! Water park, Ohio State Fair, plus other fun and exciting stuff to keep all 4 little munchkins busy. Oh wait, forgot about the beer making for the older kids, so exciting stuff for all 6 kids! I should be packing and cleaning, but here I sit. Man I'm lazy! Laundry to do, stuff to put away, shopping for snack foods. The list goes on. Why does packing for trips have to be so time consuming and feel more like work. Blah, no wonder people need a vacation from getting ready for and unpacking from vacations. Here is one time I really wish we were filthy rich, so no packing needed, just buy what we need! What a concept. Blah, back to real life.
As for other ramblings, we have been approved for home care funding. Which means that we will be reimbursed for any monies paid out to workers for so many hours covered. We applied for 8. Not that we will get 8, but hey don't know if you don't try, right?! So how does this help? Well now we can hire someone to take Kenny swimming on Thursday nights, maybe have some respite care so Hubby and I can go out for some adult time together, or hire a therapist to work with Kenny one on one. Any of the above options would work right now. He still isn't fully recovered from whatever the damn bug was that he caught. So extra whinny and clingy, which makes it difficult to get stuff done.
Now on to more fun things, we leave tomorrow for Columbus!!! It's gonna be a blast! Water park, Ohio State Fair, plus other fun and exciting stuff to keep all 4 little munchkins busy. Oh wait, forgot about the beer making for the older kids, so exciting stuff for all 6 kids! I should be packing and cleaning, but here I sit. Man I'm lazy! Laundry to do, stuff to put away, shopping for snack foods. The list goes on. Why does packing for trips have to be so time consuming and feel more like work. Blah, no wonder people need a vacation from getting ready for and unpacking from vacations. Here is one time I really wish we were filthy rich, so no packing needed, just buy what we need! What a concept. Blah, back to real life.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Today is the Day! And other ramblings.
We go to the Eagles concert tonight!!! Air Canada Center, Toronto ON at 8 pm I will be singing right along with the Eagles!!!!! Can't wait!!!
Both kidlets are sick. Kenny now has a horrible sore throat and a bad throaty cough, with a fever of around 101 F. Boogabutt started to puke yesterday. Thank goodness she is now old enough to puke in a bucket rather than all over everything. Although she didn't make the first round and decorated the carpet in the front entrance. I'm waiting until the Dr's opens so I can get Kenny in. I don't think Maddy needs to be seen yet. Crossing fingers that she will get better on her own.
On a side note, he keeps on referring to a beaver in his throat. Guess it's better to have a beaver than a crocodile, which is what he is constantly asking if I have!
Another positive note is we have an appointment today at 1 with a home worker. So even though we don't have an official diagnosis yet, he will still get home care PT/OT and they also teach parents on how to deal with specific problems and give suggestions on how to handle things. Cause obivously things aren't working for us now. He was in full melt-down mode the other day and we just could not get him settled. Once he 'goes' it's so hard to get him to focus to calm him down.
This is going to sound like a spoiled little shit, but I keep asking myself why? Why have I had two children with problems that aren't easily recongized. Why do both have to entail violent temper tantrums? Why am I being punished? I know that none of these questions can be answered or just don't have an answer, but I still ask.
Well my day is starting. Just got off the phone from the Dr and he now has an appointment for 3. Kind of works cause I have to pick up oldest sis to help Grandma baby sit tonight. Oh man this day is going to crawl by! And then on Sat we head to Columbus OH!!! We'd better enjoy cause this is it for the yr!
Both kidlets are sick. Kenny now has a horrible sore throat and a bad throaty cough, with a fever of around 101 F. Boogabutt started to puke yesterday. Thank goodness she is now old enough to puke in a bucket rather than all over everything. Although she didn't make the first round and decorated the carpet in the front entrance. I'm waiting until the Dr's opens so I can get Kenny in. I don't think Maddy needs to be seen yet. Crossing fingers that she will get better on her own.
On a side note, he keeps on referring to a beaver in his throat. Guess it's better to have a beaver than a crocodile, which is what he is constantly asking if I have!
Another positive note is we have an appointment today at 1 with a home worker. So even though we don't have an official diagnosis yet, he will still get home care PT/OT and they also teach parents on how to deal with specific problems and give suggestions on how to handle things. Cause obivously things aren't working for us now. He was in full melt-down mode the other day and we just could not get him settled. Once he 'goes' it's so hard to get him to focus to calm him down.
This is going to sound like a spoiled little shit, but I keep asking myself why? Why have I had two children with problems that aren't easily recongized. Why do both have to entail violent temper tantrums? Why am I being punished? I know that none of these questions can be answered or just don't have an answer, but I still ask.
Well my day is starting. Just got off the phone from the Dr and he now has an appointment for 3. Kind of works cause I have to pick up oldest sis to help Grandma baby sit tonight. Oh man this day is going to crawl by! And then on Sat we head to Columbus OH!!! We'd better enjoy cause this is it for the yr!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Now on too other things.
Got that out of my system. Well no, not really but I'll refrain from mentioning it again. At least for a few more minutes.
Anyhow the Duders is still sick. We're not sure what is wrong but he's still fighting some kind of stomach bug. Saturday started the runny poops and boy do I mean runny. Poor kid had an explosion at a playground. Then again 3am Monday morning he was back to throwing up and diarrhea at the same time. No one can say that my child is not talented. I now have to try to get some kind of poop sample from him which hasn't been easy. He wants no part of pooping in a plastic container so I can package it up like the lab told me. Can't take it out of a diaper either. Not to mention that we are still using bum cream, trying to clear up the rash he got from the last round of diarrhea. Poor kid was in so much pain from that he was desperatlely trying to hold in his poop so I wouldn't have to wipe his butt. Not a pretty picture.
He'd better get better fast. We leave to go see Ms Bannon and Family in 12 days! Another thing I can't wait for!
And finally a quick update on how things are progressing. We got a phone call this afternoon from a worker involved with home OT/PT. I will have to call again tomorrow as she had already left the office by the time I was able to call her back. More help for Duders is a great thing.
And finally, because this has been bothering me, if you see a parent having difficulty with a child out in public, like an extreme temper tantrum, screaming etc, don't just stand there making rude faces or comments, go over and offer to help. Even if it is to just let her/him know that you understand and are not judging. Trust me, sometimes us parents (especially of Autistic children) could really use the support. Just my public service announcement for the day.
Anyhow the Duders is still sick. We're not sure what is wrong but he's still fighting some kind of stomach bug. Saturday started the runny poops and boy do I mean runny. Poor kid had an explosion at a playground. Then again 3am Monday morning he was back to throwing up and diarrhea at the same time. No one can say that my child is not talented. I now have to try to get some kind of poop sample from him which hasn't been easy. He wants no part of pooping in a plastic container so I can package it up like the lab told me. Can't take it out of a diaper either. Not to mention that we are still using bum cream, trying to clear up the rash he got from the last round of diarrhea. Poor kid was in so much pain from that he was desperatlely trying to hold in his poop so I wouldn't have to wipe his butt. Not a pretty picture.
He'd better get better fast. We leave to go see Ms Bannon and Family in 12 days! Another thing I can't wait for!
And finally a quick update on how things are progressing. We got a phone call this afternoon from a worker involved with home OT/PT. I will have to call again tomorrow as she had already left the office by the time I was able to call her back. More help for Duders is a great thing.
And finally, because this has been bothering me, if you see a parent having difficulty with a child out in public, like an extreme temper tantrum, screaming etc, don't just stand there making rude faces or comments, go over and offer to help. Even if it is to just let her/him know that you understand and are not judging. Trust me, sometimes us parents (especially of Autistic children) could really use the support. Just my public service announcement for the day.
Less than a Week!!!!!!!!!
Oh man, oh man, oh man am I excited! I'm going to see the Eagles!!!!!! Honest and truly!!!! Best band of all time. In Toronto next Monday. And I'm going to be there!!!
Oh yeah, did I mention I'm going to a concert in Toronto? Just a small time band called the Eagles ;)
Oh yeah, did I mention I'm going to a concert in Toronto? Just a small time band called the Eagles ;)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Oh boy.
Does anyone want to tell me why children, especially mine, seem to choose puking in the car a popular choice? Projectile at that. How so much can come out of one little mouth and go so far with so much force, I'll never know.
The Civic was the lucky recipient of Kenny's barf yesterday. His car seat, him, the seat, the floor, the back of the passenger seat. Fortunately no one was in the car with us. I was on the way down to the walk in clinic connected to his Dr but barely made it 5 minutes outside of home when he spewed. No way I could take the smell for another 20 minutes and had nothing with me to clean it up so we turned around and came home. Yuck is an understatement.
The daycare was the first to spot a problem. He was playing outside and just stopped running and laid down on the grass, got very pale, started shaking and was demanding water. They brought him inside and called me. By the time I got there, most of his colour had returned, and he had some energy back. But that disappeared fast. He got home and made it to the couch and stayed there for the afternoon. So not like Kenny.
Got him and his sister ready to go to the clinic, started driving and well, let the upchuck festival begin. He hasn't done anything since and is now happily playing with his sister. He's not up to the usual Kenny energy level, but is more active than yesterday, so I'm taking this as a sign that he is getting better. Hopefully he will sleep tonight, unlike last night (or should I say very early this morning). I think 3:30am is a little early for me to be rising. Especially when I just got to bed at midnight. Aargh I need a nap.
Now for something completely different. When I get the new garden weeded and get some kind of mulch down, along with the plastic border I will take pictures of the new and improved front yard. We have grass now (as patchy as it is) and of course the grass seed flowed into the garden and has sprouted there, where I don't want it. So now I get to try to get the grass out of the perennial garden, without harming the new plants that actually do belong. Fun stuff. I might try to replant some of the different kinds of flowers that I think should be moved. Being the fussy bee with an itch of course.
As for my veggie garden, if the Black Walnut tree doesn't kill everything we will have a good harvest of squash, zucchini, tomatoes, pumpkin and maybe potatoes. I'm not holding my breath for the carrots, they're not looking so hot. All well, next year I won't plant those next yr. Maybe something like lettuce or peas.
I should be outside right now with the kids. It's beautiful out. Not hot, no humidity, lots of sunshine. Hmmm, there's a plan. Kenny can take his trains outside and play there, Maddy can play in the wading pool, and I can pull weeds. Yippee! At least it's something right? Right? Bye!
The Civic was the lucky recipient of Kenny's barf yesterday. His car seat, him, the seat, the floor, the back of the passenger seat. Fortunately no one was in the car with us. I was on the way down to the walk in clinic connected to his Dr but barely made it 5 minutes outside of home when he spewed. No way I could take the smell for another 20 minutes and had nothing with me to clean it up so we turned around and came home. Yuck is an understatement.
The daycare was the first to spot a problem. He was playing outside and just stopped running and laid down on the grass, got very pale, started shaking and was demanding water. They brought him inside and called me. By the time I got there, most of his colour had returned, and he had some energy back. But that disappeared fast. He got home and made it to the couch and stayed there for the afternoon. So not like Kenny.
Got him and his sister ready to go to the clinic, started driving and well, let the upchuck festival begin. He hasn't done anything since and is now happily playing with his sister. He's not up to the usual Kenny energy level, but is more active than yesterday, so I'm taking this as a sign that he is getting better. Hopefully he will sleep tonight, unlike last night (or should I say very early this morning). I think 3:30am is a little early for me to be rising. Especially when I just got to bed at midnight. Aargh I need a nap.
Now for something completely different. When I get the new garden weeded and get some kind of mulch down, along with the plastic border I will take pictures of the new and improved front yard. We have grass now (as patchy as it is) and of course the grass seed flowed into the garden and has sprouted there, where I don't want it. So now I get to try to get the grass out of the perennial garden, without harming the new plants that actually do belong. Fun stuff. I might try to replant some of the different kinds of flowers that I think should be moved. Being the fussy bee with an itch of course.
As for my veggie garden, if the Black Walnut tree doesn't kill everything we will have a good harvest of squash, zucchini, tomatoes, pumpkin and maybe potatoes. I'm not holding my breath for the carrots, they're not looking so hot. All well, next year I won't plant those next yr. Maybe something like lettuce or peas.
I should be outside right now with the kids. It's beautiful out. Not hot, no humidity, lots of sunshine. Hmmm, there's a plan. Kenny can take his trains outside and play there, Maddy can play in the wading pool, and I can pull weeds. Yippee! At least it's something right? Right? Bye!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Oops it has been a long time.
Well go figure, life got the best of me. How does one keep up with everything. I sure can't. I finally feel like something is caught up and then find that I'm now behind in 10 other things. Blah.
So a little update on me. It's not good and I'm pissed. I quit smoking back in October. October 3rd to be exact. Expected to gain some weight. But not 30 lbs and to top it off that has set off my diabetes. So now I am on insulin to try to get the numbers down. My family Dr figures that because I smoked for so long, and I have a family history of obesity, the quiting was enough to trigger my massive weight gain. So between insulin and now really trying to watch what I eat hopefully I will lose some weight. I hate this.
Now on to Kenny. We had a meeting in Arthur Childcare a couple of weeks ago (June 20) with almost everyone involved with his case. It was a very productive meeting and both Hubby and I are happy with what everyone is doing. My little man has so many people that really give a shit about him, and it shows. We have the Daycare staff including Mindy and his favourite teacher, Sarah. Then there is Lydia, who has observed and recommended and referred and is still working with trying to get him in full subsidy. Now we have Monica to come to our home and help with routines, sleep issues, handling temper tantrums and find help within the community we live in. And a new lady, Dawn, who has been up twice to observe Kenny and is going to work with him for Occupational Therapy relating to fine motor skills.
Not that you noticed but I left and now I'm back. How's that for quick eh. Bet you didn't even notice. Well go figure. What we had been trying to do to alleviate some stress on me isn't going to work. Damn it to hell. I should have figured that. It's going to be a long summer. We were trying to get both Kenny and Maddy into the Daycare under subsidy. As it turns out, we make way too much money (pardon the snorting in my diet Coke) and they no longer take medical reasons, even for short term. It was worth a shot I guess, but still disappointing.
One good thing that has happened is we finally have both kids in swimming lessons. Maddy can go in on her own. There are only two in her class so very easy on the teacher. Kenny is in Turtle which is for getting kids used to the water. Not a problem for him. He was jumping in like a pro, amazing even the seasoned teacher. Guess I should have done this much sooner.
Nothing else I can think of right now. Canada Day was spent at Conestogo Lake Conservation Area for swimming and a picnic, then down to MIL's for dinner. We bought a season's pass for all of Grand River Conservation Areas (there are 12 total parks) and we hope to get to all of them this summer. Lots of trails, swimming, camping..... Hopefully we will utilize it to the fullest.
Have a good one all. Hopefully see you sooner!
So a little update on me. It's not good and I'm pissed. I quit smoking back in October. October 3rd to be exact. Expected to gain some weight. But not 30 lbs and to top it off that has set off my diabetes. So now I am on insulin to try to get the numbers down. My family Dr figures that because I smoked for so long, and I have a family history of obesity, the quiting was enough to trigger my massive weight gain. So between insulin and now really trying to watch what I eat hopefully I will lose some weight. I hate this.
Now on to Kenny. We had a meeting in Arthur Childcare a couple of weeks ago (June 20) with almost everyone involved with his case. It was a very productive meeting and both Hubby and I are happy with what everyone is doing. My little man has so many people that really give a shit about him, and it shows. We have the Daycare staff including Mindy and his favourite teacher, Sarah. Then there is Lydia, who has observed and recommended and referred and is still working with trying to get him in full subsidy. Now we have Monica to come to our home and help with routines, sleep issues, handling temper tantrums and find help within the community we live in. And a new lady, Dawn, who has been up twice to observe Kenny and is going to work with him for Occupational Therapy relating to fine motor skills.
Not that you noticed but I left and now I'm back. How's that for quick eh. Bet you didn't even notice. Well go figure. What we had been trying to do to alleviate some stress on me isn't going to work. Damn it to hell. I should have figured that. It's going to be a long summer. We were trying to get both Kenny and Maddy into the Daycare under subsidy. As it turns out, we make way too much money (pardon the snorting in my diet Coke) and they no longer take medical reasons, even for short term. It was worth a shot I guess, but still disappointing.
One good thing that has happened is we finally have both kids in swimming lessons. Maddy can go in on her own. There are only two in her class so very easy on the teacher. Kenny is in Turtle which is for getting kids used to the water. Not a problem for him. He was jumping in like a pro, amazing even the seasoned teacher. Guess I should have done this much sooner.
Nothing else I can think of right now. Canada Day was spent at Conestogo Lake Conservation Area for swimming and a picnic, then down to MIL's for dinner. We bought a season's pass for all of Grand River Conservation Areas (there are 12 total parks) and we hope to get to all of them this summer. Lots of trails, swimming, camping..... Hopefully we will utilize it to the fullest.
Have a good one all. Hopefully see you sooner!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I'm pulling my hair out! I really am. Well at least pulling out what is left. Blah, why do the 5 year olds have to display the attitude of 15 year olds? Why I ask?
You tell her no. You tell her no again. She says no back. You threaten some life altering thing (like taking Ruff Ruff). She now yells NO in your face. All of this starts with...ya think something horribly important....nope. She took Kenny's toy and wouldn't give it back. Meanwhile, Kenny has thrown himself down on the pavement (in a parking lot by the way) and is throwing a major temper tantrum, high pitched screaming and all.
Decided on the way home to stop for a much needed fix of Tim Hortons coffee. Something that I have actually been trying to cut back on. That sets both children off in the back seat. NO COFFEE FOR YOU!! (Hmmm, wonder what the girls at the drive thru thought I was doing to the little hellions) (Actually, don't care at this point).
What's the next fun thing to do? Well lets try to push off Mommy's hat so that it blocks her vision. While driving in traffic. Doesn't that sound like fun? Balls, I'll tell ya. And why this display of temper from the diva? I told her that her punishment doesn't include her younger terror of a brother to join her.
So again, warned once. Warned again. Finally lost it. She is now in her room, screaming her fool head off and will stay there until tomorrow morning. Bathroom breaks only(she needs a bath).
Damn, I'm actually in awe with just how far she can carry this attitude. And still expect to receive whatever it is that she wants. We really need to find something that works, cause I'm not taking to this very well. Can't have two diva's in this house ;) Don't know why she is so upset about missing supper. Nothing but veggies grilled on the BBQ, some spinach salad and maybe a quiche for protein. Boy does that sound exciting or what. Really wish I could scam a dinner out. Without the children, or even the Hubby. Just me, some nasty, greasy hamburger and fries with a diet coke. Sounds heavenly right now.
Father's Day is shaping up to be a bust also. He's not so into it, but I'm still going to get cards from the kids. Maddy's dance recital is this weekend so that kinda puts a crimp in things. We haven't even bought tickets for it yet. Bad parents, I know.
And with the dance recital just two days away, of course Booga has to come down with some nasty ass cough. We are thinking allergies. Ears are fine. Throat is fine. No fever. And the clincher is the eye dr. found evidence of allergies in her eyes. So now we are looking into testing to find out what she is allergic to and how best to treat it. Why couldn't she have taken after her Dad? Huh? Why? He has no allergies, no glasses, is rarely sick. But no of course not. She takes after me.
Geez, aren't I a complete ray of sunshine today. Speaking of, time to start getting the quiche ready. Whoppee Doo.
You tell her no. You tell her no again. She says no back. You threaten some life altering thing (like taking Ruff Ruff). She now yells NO in your face. All of this starts with...ya think something horribly important....nope. She took Kenny's toy and wouldn't give it back. Meanwhile, Kenny has thrown himself down on the pavement (in a parking lot by the way) and is throwing a major temper tantrum, high pitched screaming and all.
Decided on the way home to stop for a much needed fix of Tim Hortons coffee. Something that I have actually been trying to cut back on. That sets both children off in the back seat. NO COFFEE FOR YOU!! (Hmmm, wonder what the girls at the drive thru thought I was doing to the little hellions) (Actually, don't care at this point).
What's the next fun thing to do? Well lets try to push off Mommy's hat so that it blocks her vision. While driving in traffic. Doesn't that sound like fun? Balls, I'll tell ya. And why this display of temper from the diva? I told her that her punishment doesn't include her younger terror of a brother to join her.
So again, warned once. Warned again. Finally lost it. She is now in her room, screaming her fool head off and will stay there until tomorrow morning. Bathroom breaks only(she needs a bath).
Damn, I'm actually in awe with just how far she can carry this attitude. And still expect to receive whatever it is that she wants. We really need to find something that works, cause I'm not taking to this very well. Can't have two diva's in this house ;) Don't know why she is so upset about missing supper. Nothing but veggies grilled on the BBQ, some spinach salad and maybe a quiche for protein. Boy does that sound exciting or what. Really wish I could scam a dinner out. Without the children, or even the Hubby. Just me, some nasty, greasy hamburger and fries with a diet coke. Sounds heavenly right now.
Father's Day is shaping up to be a bust also. He's not so into it, but I'm still going to get cards from the kids. Maddy's dance recital is this weekend so that kinda puts a crimp in things. We haven't even bought tickets for it yet. Bad parents, I know.
And with the dance recital just two days away, of course Booga has to come down with some nasty ass cough. We are thinking allergies. Ears are fine. Throat is fine. No fever. And the clincher is the eye dr. found evidence of allergies in her eyes. So now we are looking into testing to find out what she is allergic to and how best to treat it. Why couldn't she have taken after her Dad? Huh? Why? He has no allergies, no glasses, is rarely sick. But no of course not. She takes after me.
Geez, aren't I a complete ray of sunshine today. Speaking of, time to start getting the quiche ready. Whoppee Doo.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
We took Kenny swimming last night. Maybe you think that isn't a big deal, right? I mean what kid doesn't like swimming. If having playtime in the bathtub gives you any idea then we were in for a big fight. He resists the bath. Horribly. Screams of terror. So what the hell were we thinking?
I had to double check. Was this really my kid? He was splashing around, chasing his sister, with a permanent grin suck on his face! Daddy went into the pool with the two of them and it looked like they had a ball! His sister in the meantime was playing with our friends from our old home. They kept disappearing under the mushroom shower. We could still see them of course so I know that they were ok, but it was funny to watch them ducking under the water fall.
I'm still in shock. Definitely going to look at swimming therapy for him. Maybe even lessons, but it would have to be in a really small group. I'm guessing that therapy is better though, that way we can progress at his pace. The last thing I want to do is scare him away from something that could be such a positive experience for him.
The best part of all of this is he is still sleeping! It's 7:45! What the hell is up with that! This is the child that is usually up before 2am. Then again between 5 and 6 am. Of course I'm programmed to get up with him so here I sit, waiting. I should've gone back to bed, but with my luck he would have been up then anyway. Isn't that how it usually works?
So Monday I will get on the phone to see if there is such a thing as swimming therapy that is covered by the county and if there is, does he qualify. Man I hope so. Anything that will help him sleep better, I'm all over it like a wet rag!
As for today, Saturday, not quite sure what we are doing. Booga has dance class this morning but after that we are unplanned. Another day of hot, humid, sticky weather. Not complaining though, it's not that nasty white stuff. Maybe later we will take a trip to the trains. Another favourite of Dudes. Tomorrow there is an open house at his daycare. So we will definitely be going to that. Oh and also some time we have to visit MIL. That is a whole other post. But not for here.
I had to double check. Was this really my kid? He was splashing around, chasing his sister, with a permanent grin suck on his face! Daddy went into the pool with the two of them and it looked like they had a ball! His sister in the meantime was playing with our friends from our old home. They kept disappearing under the mushroom shower. We could still see them of course so I know that they were ok, but it was funny to watch them ducking under the water fall.
I'm still in shock. Definitely going to look at swimming therapy for him. Maybe even lessons, but it would have to be in a really small group. I'm guessing that therapy is better though, that way we can progress at his pace. The last thing I want to do is scare him away from something that could be such a positive experience for him.
The best part of all of this is he is still sleeping! It's 7:45! What the hell is up with that! This is the child that is usually up before 2am. Then again between 5 and 6 am. Of course I'm programmed to get up with him so here I sit, waiting. I should've gone back to bed, but with my luck he would have been up then anyway. Isn't that how it usually works?
So Monday I will get on the phone to see if there is such a thing as swimming therapy that is covered by the county and if there is, does he qualify. Man I hope so. Anything that will help him sleep better, I'm all over it like a wet rag!
As for today, Saturday, not quite sure what we are doing. Booga has dance class this morning but after that we are unplanned. Another day of hot, humid, sticky weather. Not complaining though, it's not that nasty white stuff. Maybe later we will take a trip to the trains. Another favourite of Dudes. Tomorrow there is an open house at his daycare. So we will definitely be going to that. Oh and also some time we have to visit MIL. That is a whole other post. But not for here.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Busy, busy.
Ok, where to start.
I guess the first thing I should say is we had Kenny's IEP meeting at the school last Wednesday. It went really well and we all were on the same page in regards to getting him the help that he needs. Separation anxiety is going to be one (of many) issues that we will have to deal with, but we are going to start taking him up to the school to play in the school yard, and he is going to get some one on one time with the teacher before school starts. He will also be designated a Teacher's Helper to assist with his learning and following the class routine.
Everyone showed up, including his old Daycare supervisor (Karen) and the new one (Mindy), the speech pathologist, the Trellis worker (Lidia), Mrs. Thomas (K teacher), the board language and speech pathologist, the principal and finally the board special education director (can't remember her name). Oh and both Rob and I were there to input any other info that might be helpful. We are also trying to speed up the OT application to get him help with fine motor skills and coping with change.
Lots accomplished, that's for sure.
MIL had her hip surgery on May 23. I wish I could say all went well and she is well on the road to recovery, but I can't. She was moved to the rehab hospital last Wed and Thursday morning she had a seizure. So she had to be taken back to the General Hospital and spent till Sunday there. They aren't quite sure what caused the seizure but are thinking that a bunch of combined factors contributed to it.
She is now back at the rehab place and hopefully is now going to recover. She has no memory of the seizure or anything really up to Sunday. Doesn't remember fighting the nurses in the ER. According to them she packs a mean right hook LOL. We saw her last night and that was the best I've seen her. She was more alert and 'on' then she has been in awhile. Good sign? Hopefully.
Then came the weekend. Two birthday parties that were planned for different months ended up on the same weekend! So out to Beaverton on Saturday for Ayden's 8th birthday. Had a great time with the girls and around the campfire that night. We stayed the night and on Sunday had to boot home to get ready for Raven's party in Elmira. Fortunately that is only 20 minutes away. Again had a blast catching up on life. Actually caught Raven's Grandpa, Bill, smiling! He is the same person that we hired to do the electrical in the house. Our old neighbours from Arthur.
Now today is the RCMP Musical Ride here in town! Maddy is going this afternoon with her class and then Rob and I are taking the kids to the evening show. Lucky Maddy gets to see it twice! We are looking forward to it, cause none of us have seen it before. Should be good!
Oh and to those that know me...... I HAVE VEGETABLES IN MY GARDEN!!!!! They are really growing, from seed!!!!! That I planted!!!!! Me!!! WOW!!! Although I did loose my beans from the frost, we have re-planted them so crossing fingers! Lets see, we have potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beans, 2 types of squash, tomatoes and sunflowers. If I get 2 or three things outta this I'll be happy.
Gotta motor, time to gather the troops to get dressed and ready for school! Later gator!
I guess the first thing I should say is we had Kenny's IEP meeting at the school last Wednesday. It went really well and we all were on the same page in regards to getting him the help that he needs. Separation anxiety is going to be one (of many) issues that we will have to deal with, but we are going to start taking him up to the school to play in the school yard, and he is going to get some one on one time with the teacher before school starts. He will also be designated a Teacher's Helper to assist with his learning and following the class routine.
Everyone showed up, including his old Daycare supervisor (Karen) and the new one (Mindy), the speech pathologist, the Trellis worker (Lidia), Mrs. Thomas (K teacher), the board language and speech pathologist, the principal and finally the board special education director (can't remember her name). Oh and both Rob and I were there to input any other info that might be helpful. We are also trying to speed up the OT application to get him help with fine motor skills and coping with change.
Lots accomplished, that's for sure.
MIL had her hip surgery on May 23. I wish I could say all went well and she is well on the road to recovery, but I can't. She was moved to the rehab hospital last Wed and Thursday morning she had a seizure. So she had to be taken back to the General Hospital and spent till Sunday there. They aren't quite sure what caused the seizure but are thinking that a bunch of combined factors contributed to it.
She is now back at the rehab place and hopefully is now going to recover. She has no memory of the seizure or anything really up to Sunday. Doesn't remember fighting the nurses in the ER. According to them she packs a mean right hook LOL. We saw her last night and that was the best I've seen her. She was more alert and 'on' then she has been in awhile. Good sign? Hopefully.
Then came the weekend. Two birthday parties that were planned for different months ended up on the same weekend! So out to Beaverton on Saturday for Ayden's 8th birthday. Had a great time with the girls and around the campfire that night. We stayed the night and on Sunday had to boot home to get ready for Raven's party in Elmira. Fortunately that is only 20 minutes away. Again had a blast catching up on life. Actually caught Raven's Grandpa, Bill, smiling! He is the same person that we hired to do the electrical in the house. Our old neighbours from Arthur.
Now today is the RCMP Musical Ride here in town! Maddy is going this afternoon with her class and then Rob and I are taking the kids to the evening show. Lucky Maddy gets to see it twice! We are looking forward to it, cause none of us have seen it before. Should be good!
Oh and to those that know me...... I HAVE VEGETABLES IN MY GARDEN!!!!! They are really growing, from seed!!!!! That I planted!!!!! Me!!! WOW!!! Although I did loose my beans from the frost, we have re-planted them so crossing fingers! Lets see, we have potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beans, 2 types of squash, tomatoes and sunflowers. If I get 2 or three things outta this I'll be happy.
Gotta motor, time to gather the troops to get dressed and ready for school! Later gator!
Monday, May 26, 2008
The extremes are so hard.
Duders was horrible today. The complete opposite of last week. Poor kid had trouble at school, couldn't focus on what he should have been and had two accidents.
I should have known better than to take him to a grocery store after school but we needed something for dinner and what else to do? I figured we'd be in and out quickly, I know where everything is and it's not really busy on Monday afternoon.
Holy crap what a mistake that was. Screaming fits ensued with pinching and biting to follow. It's like my boy, the one we know and love, just isn't there anymore. You can see it in his eyes, they're empty. And the looks and comments! Crud people, get a life, or help if you think it's bad enough. Especially the employees. Manager got an earful tonight for one of his wonderful, friendly *cough cough* bakery staff members. Nothing like leaving a store in tears for feeling so helpless and out of control.
And what's with the older one! The attitude lately has been so bad. And the temper tantrums! We tried to take them to the park yesterday (Sunday) after seeing MIL in the hospital. But when she didn't get her ice cream, when she demanded, the fits started. I ended up carrying Kenny to the van and Hubby was carrying Maddy. She was trying to choke him the whole way with her screaming. Kenny was doing his best trying to bite me. Do I want to go back now. No, but somehow we have to teach them that when it's time to go, it's time to go, period.
Well how bout that eh, they finally issued a thunderstorm warning (or watch, I haven't checked yet). So I'd better sign off before Maddy panic's. Blah, Calgon take me away!
I should have known better than to take him to a grocery store after school but we needed something for dinner and what else to do? I figured we'd be in and out quickly, I know where everything is and it's not really busy on Monday afternoon.
Holy crap what a mistake that was. Screaming fits ensued with pinching and biting to follow. It's like my boy, the one we know and love, just isn't there anymore. You can see it in his eyes, they're empty. And the looks and comments! Crud people, get a life, or help if you think it's bad enough. Especially the employees. Manager got an earful tonight for one of his wonderful, friendly *cough cough* bakery staff members. Nothing like leaving a store in tears for feeling so helpless and out of control.
And what's with the older one! The attitude lately has been so bad. And the temper tantrums! We tried to take them to the park yesterday (Sunday) after seeing MIL in the hospital. But when she didn't get her ice cream, when she demanded, the fits started. I ended up carrying Kenny to the van and Hubby was carrying Maddy. She was trying to choke him the whole way with her screaming. Kenny was doing his best trying to bite me. Do I want to go back now. No, but somehow we have to teach them that when it's time to go, it's time to go, period.
Well how bout that eh, they finally issued a thunderstorm warning (or watch, I haven't checked yet). So I'd better sign off before Maddy panic's. Blah, Calgon take me away!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Really good day!
Wow, these are so rare, I just had to share. Kenny had an excellent day today! From the minute he woke up, to, well he's still up but that is not surprising lol.
He had an excellent day in school. Not only didn't argue going, went right in, took off his boots and coat and ran right into the classroom!!!!! Holy crap!!! He hasn't done that consistently in so long. And this was the second time in a row! And not only that but he had no accidents all day! So he was still wearing the same underwear and pants that I put him in this morning! My God in Heaven! What an accomplishment that is! (Wow, and what a accomplishment that I actually spelled the work accomplishment on the first try! lol) Of course right now he has decided to poop in his night time pullup. Gotta love the grunts.
But that is all for today. It was a really, really good day for Kenny. His older sister, not so much. But Kenny deserves a big pat on the back!
He had an excellent day in school. Not only didn't argue going, went right in, took off his boots and coat and ran right into the classroom!!!!! Holy crap!!! He hasn't done that consistently in so long. And this was the second time in a row! And not only that but he had no accidents all day! So he was still wearing the same underwear and pants that I put him in this morning! My God in Heaven! What an accomplishment that is! (Wow, and what a accomplishment that I actually spelled the work accomplishment on the first try! lol) Of course right now he has decided to poop in his night time pullup. Gotta love the grunts.
But that is all for today. It was a really, really good day for Kenny. His older sister, not so much. But Kenny deserves a big pat on the back!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
May 2-4 Weekend!!!
It's the un-official start of summer! And would you believe it, it's cold and wet. Figures, but hey this means that all the painting and stuff we've been meaning to get around too, is finally getting done. I spent over an hour this morning trying to finalize our paint colours for the living room/dining room. Something that will go nice with the kitchen colour, flow nicely between the two rooms and can continue into the entrance way. And I think I've found it. The light colour is called stone hedge and the dark accent colour is buckhorn. Very earthy browns/taupes. Looks good together, so I hope that it looks just as good on the walls here.
I have also managed to get a large 10 x 12 garden dug out in the backyard. We have beans, 2 types of squash, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, sunflowers, chives and baby tomatoes all ready to go. I also have some potatoes that have gone to root, so I'm going to try to plant those as well. Nothing to lose, right?
The front is finally done with all the digging. The city has finally shown up and fixed their water pipe. So now we are left with a huge pile of topsoil and a large yard of dirt. That is until it rains and then it is just a sea of mud. I have bought a few plants (perennials) and have a good idea of what I want to do with the garden. Of course the one thing stopping us from getting everything done is the lack of money growing on the money tree.
Well as for Kenny, he is doing good. We just finished another virus that had attacked his stomach and intestines (happy Mother's Day for me) that forced us to go back to using pull-ups. Poor kid was sharting. You know, a fart with a surprise in it. But we are now back in underwear and, crossing fingers, seem to have not forgotten. We are still waiting for the Dr to assess him and until we get the assessment can't apply for the therapy that he needs. But at least we have the school on track with him. We have an appointment set up to meet with the school, a daycare teacher (hopefully Sarah), the Trellis worker, Lidia and Jen his speech therapist. It's nice to see everyone on board and willing to try to help him, not shove him to the side because he's slightly different than other kids. Sleep is still hard for him. He is still getting up, usually between 2-4 am to come into our bed. I usually get up and leave not long after cause even sleeping, he doesn't stay still. Kenny's car bed is actually quite comfortable.
Because of the lack of news, whether it be good or bad, I'm going to sign off now. Keep smilin, let them guess what you're up too!
I have also managed to get a large 10 x 12 garden dug out in the backyard. We have beans, 2 types of squash, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, sunflowers, chives and baby tomatoes all ready to go. I also have some potatoes that have gone to root, so I'm going to try to plant those as well. Nothing to lose, right?
The front is finally done with all the digging. The city has finally shown up and fixed their water pipe. So now we are left with a huge pile of topsoil and a large yard of dirt. That is until it rains and then it is just a sea of mud. I have bought a few plants (perennials) and have a good idea of what I want to do with the garden. Of course the one thing stopping us from getting everything done is the lack of money growing on the money tree.
Well as for Kenny, he is doing good. We just finished another virus that had attacked his stomach and intestines (happy Mother's Day for me) that forced us to go back to using pull-ups. Poor kid was sharting. You know, a fart with a surprise in it. But we are now back in underwear and, crossing fingers, seem to have not forgotten. We are still waiting for the Dr to assess him and until we get the assessment can't apply for the therapy that he needs. But at least we have the school on track with him. We have an appointment set up to meet with the school, a daycare teacher (hopefully Sarah), the Trellis worker, Lidia and Jen his speech therapist. It's nice to see everyone on board and willing to try to help him, not shove him to the side because he's slightly different than other kids. Sleep is still hard for him. He is still getting up, usually between 2-4 am to come into our bed. I usually get up and leave not long after cause even sleeping, he doesn't stay still. Kenny's car bed is actually quite comfortable.
Because of the lack of news, whether it be good or bad, I'm going to sign off now. Keep smilin, let them guess what you're up too!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Nothing new
When it comes to Kenny anyway. We are still waiting for the appointment with the specialist in Hamilton. So nothing new to report. He has his days, that's for sure. Lately it's not good. But crossing fingers that he has some better one's ahead.
Now to update on the front yard. Yes the sewer pipe is fixed. Yes we had started to get it prepared for a garden and grass seed. Then, the water shut off valve went. So we now have a water feature in the form of a quick moving stream running down our front yard mud, onto the sidewalk, across the neighbours driveway and down the road. Isn't that lovely?
It's amazing too on how many people are angry at us for letting this go on for so long. We have reported it to the county, they know about it, have been out and painted two blue lines and yesterday a yellow line on the mud.....
Yep that's it. In almost two weeks that's it. But we are still catching hell from people. Get a damn life. If it was our responsibility we would have had it fixed immediately. But it's not. The county is responsible. I was joking about the trailer park trash thing, but I guess some aren't looking at it as a joke.
But on the up side, one neighbour came over and offered a pile of topsoil for free! Whoo hoo, that will save us so much money! It is now sitting in the front yard, under a tarp, until we can fix everything up to use it.
Fun times I'm telling ya!
Now to update on the front yard. Yes the sewer pipe is fixed. Yes we had started to get it prepared for a garden and grass seed. Then, the water shut off valve went. So we now have a water feature in the form of a quick moving stream running down our front yard mud, onto the sidewalk, across the neighbours driveway and down the road. Isn't that lovely?
It's amazing too on how many people are angry at us for letting this go on for so long. We have reported it to the county, they know about it, have been out and painted two blue lines and yesterday a yellow line on the mud.....
Yep that's it. In almost two weeks that's it. But we are still catching hell from people. Get a damn life. If it was our responsibility we would have had it fixed immediately. But it's not. The county is responsible. I was joking about the trailer park trash thing, but I guess some aren't looking at it as a joke.
But on the up side, one neighbour came over and offered a pile of topsoil for free! Whoo hoo, that will save us so much money! It is now sitting in the front yard, under a tarp, until we can fix everything up to use it.
Fun times I'm telling ya!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Long time in updating :(
I know, I know, it's been too long since I've been here and updated. I apologize to everyone, including myself for ignoring this and breaking many promises to myself to come here and update.
Well lets see, March break was the last one. Things actually haven't changed much in the whole scheme of life. Well except we had an appointment with a child sleep specialist for Kenny. She wants us to fill out some questionnaires then will get back to us on the results. Basically another waiting game. We are still on the waiting list for the Dr for an official autism diagnosis. Once we get that the ball can really start rolling.
But the good news is since the weather is improving (oh so slowly) I've had both kids out at the park almost everyday. Of course all the running around, sunshine and fresh spring air seems to work wonders in getting them to fall asleep. And the topper is Kenny hasn't been waking up 3-4 times every night, but sleeping right through. What a bonus it is to have a full nights sleep more than one night in a row.
The violence is getting worse though. He used to only hit/bite/kick me and hubby when we said no to him. Now it's that plus he goes after DerDer (as he calls his sister) and anyone that goes near his trains (or whatever he is playing with). Daycare is seeing it more also, so we are kind of hoping that this will help in getting an appointment sooner.
He will be back in speech therapy for another 8 weeks starting next month. Just looking at the normal speech delays now, but the 'clicking' and grunting need to be addressed. We are constantly saying "use your words" to him again.
Potty training. What to say about that. It's shitty. Literally. He is such a little bugger. He holds it for as long as he can, lets a little pee go to relieve the pressure then goes on playing. You have to catch him or else he will do that over and over again and with dark pants, it can be difficult to see. This has to be one of the most frustrating things. He knows what he is doing. He is controlling the amount to relieve the pressure. Stubborn little child, he is. I'll blame Daddy :)
Just this morning he decided to pee twice in his underwear. Frustrating when you are trying to get them ready to go to school and are already rushed.
Spring, man it is slow in coming. But we have little flowers in our front garden (crocuses maybe?) and something called snowdrops in the front yard, so that has to be a good sign right?
And the big news we are now the proud owners of a new sewer pipe leading from the house to the road. The nice big tree in the front on the Blvd (county owned) had all it's roots grow into the pipe. Old clay pipes and tree roots don't get along too well apparently and cause raw, disgusting, stinky, smelly sewage to flood our basement. NOT NICE!!!!! We're not even sure of some of the stuff we've had to throw out. It was sitting in boxes on the ground no more than 3 ft away from the drain pipe. But it was worth it to see our neighbour having to crawl in our shit fixing the city's portion. This would be the same neighbour that complained about our dog. Karma is a Bitch!!!
We are also getting quotes for new windows. The ones we have are orginial to the house (85 yrs) and are leaded. But none open, there are cracks and gaps which means the heat loss is horrible. We had plastic covering them over the winter and you could see them blowing out with the heavy cold winds. So soon we will be a construction zone again. Yah. Wonderful. Great. Can you feel the excitement coming from me? ;)
Hopefully that is all. It's Friday and I'm going to clean the kitchen before getting Kenny from school. Later Gators!
Well lets see, March break was the last one. Things actually haven't changed much in the whole scheme of life. Well except we had an appointment with a child sleep specialist for Kenny. She wants us to fill out some questionnaires then will get back to us on the results. Basically another waiting game. We are still on the waiting list for the Dr for an official autism diagnosis. Once we get that the ball can really start rolling.
But the good news is since the weather is improving (oh so slowly) I've had both kids out at the park almost everyday. Of course all the running around, sunshine and fresh spring air seems to work wonders in getting them to fall asleep. And the topper is Kenny hasn't been waking up 3-4 times every night, but sleeping right through. What a bonus it is to have a full nights sleep more than one night in a row.
The violence is getting worse though. He used to only hit/bite/kick me and hubby when we said no to him. Now it's that plus he goes after DerDer (as he calls his sister) and anyone that goes near his trains (or whatever he is playing with). Daycare is seeing it more also, so we are kind of hoping that this will help in getting an appointment sooner.
He will be back in speech therapy for another 8 weeks starting next month. Just looking at the normal speech delays now, but the 'clicking' and grunting need to be addressed. We are constantly saying "use your words" to him again.
Potty training. What to say about that. It's shitty. Literally. He is such a little bugger. He holds it for as long as he can, lets a little pee go to relieve the pressure then goes on playing. You have to catch him or else he will do that over and over again and with dark pants, it can be difficult to see. This has to be one of the most frustrating things. He knows what he is doing. He is controlling the amount to relieve the pressure. Stubborn little child, he is. I'll blame Daddy :)
Just this morning he decided to pee twice in his underwear. Frustrating when you are trying to get them ready to go to school and are already rushed.
Spring, man it is slow in coming. But we have little flowers in our front garden (crocuses maybe?) and something called snowdrops in the front yard, so that has to be a good sign right?
And the big news we are now the proud owners of a new sewer pipe leading from the house to the road. The nice big tree in the front on the Blvd (county owned) had all it's roots grow into the pipe. Old clay pipes and tree roots don't get along too well apparently and cause raw, disgusting, stinky, smelly sewage to flood our basement. NOT NICE!!!!! We're not even sure of some of the stuff we've had to throw out. It was sitting in boxes on the ground no more than 3 ft away from the drain pipe. But it was worth it to see our neighbour having to crawl in our shit fixing the city's portion. This would be the same neighbour that complained about our dog. Karma is a Bitch!!!
We are also getting quotes for new windows. The ones we have are orginial to the house (85 yrs) and are leaded. But none open, there are cracks and gaps which means the heat loss is horrible. We had plastic covering them over the winter and you could see them blowing out with the heavy cold winds. So soon we will be a construction zone again. Yah. Wonderful. Great. Can you feel the excitement coming from me? ;)
Hopefully that is all. It's Friday and I'm going to clean the kitchen before getting Kenny from school. Later Gators!
Friday, March 7, 2008
I need everyone to cross their fingers for me. March break has started and I get a whole week of Maddy non-stop! Kenny will still be going to daycare, thank goodness, today, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
The little man has been full of lovin' lately! Constant hugs, kisses and "I love you too Mommy", especially when he knows he is in trouble! He fell asleep on me last night just after 7:30. It was so cute to hear him snoring lightly while I was absorbed in HGTV. But how and where he gets the energy, I'll never know. I must channel it somehow, some kind of sport, or else I can see my house being completely demolished!
I will ask here, if you have previously sent me your blog site or email, can you please re-send? Our main computer is down and I have now lost all my contacts. We are just now getting our main email account transfered over and working, Thanks all, it is much appreciated.
Time to start the process of getting everyone up and Kenny off to daycare. Maybe I can get the cracks in the dining room ceiling finished today. If I do that means maybe, just maybe, we can start painting on the weekend! What a concept, getting rid of the hideous apt. beige! We are going with a colour called Mocha Accent for the accent wall (go figure) and for the rest of the walls something called Tavern Taupe. The kitchen is going to be a colour called Algonquin trees which is a green but not overpowering. The living room is going to be the same as the dining room, accent wall and everything but I'm at a complete loss for the entrance way. I'd love something bright, cheery and welcoming but have no clue as to what that would be. Whatever it is has to be carried up the stairs, so that is a consideration. Can you tell this has been bothering me, lol.
Anyhoo off to start the day!
The little man has been full of lovin' lately! Constant hugs, kisses and "I love you too Mommy", especially when he knows he is in trouble! He fell asleep on me last night just after 7:30. It was so cute to hear him snoring lightly while I was absorbed in HGTV. But how and where he gets the energy, I'll never know. I must channel it somehow, some kind of sport, or else I can see my house being completely demolished!
I will ask here, if you have previously sent me your blog site or email, can you please re-send? Our main computer is down and I have now lost all my contacts. We are just now getting our main email account transfered over and working, Thanks all, it is much appreciated.
Time to start the process of getting everyone up and Kenny off to daycare. Maybe I can get the cracks in the dining room ceiling finished today. If I do that means maybe, just maybe, we can start painting on the weekend! What a concept, getting rid of the hideous apt. beige! We are going with a colour called Mocha Accent for the accent wall (go figure) and for the rest of the walls something called Tavern Taupe. The kitchen is going to be a colour called Algonquin trees which is a green but not overpowering. The living room is going to be the same as the dining room, accent wall and everything but I'm at a complete loss for the entrance way. I'd love something bright, cheery and welcoming but have no clue as to what that would be. Whatever it is has to be carried up the stairs, so that is a consideration. Can you tell this has been bothering me, lol.
Anyhoo off to start the day!
Monday, March 3, 2008
What can I say, Kenny has more energy than most 3 yr olds! He has been bouncing off the walls lately and we aren't sure why. He is finally asleep now, or at least it is quiet upstairs. I'm really hoping that he is asleep.
He had a rough day today. I got him up to school with no problems, which has been unusual lately, and except for the extra energy he seemed fine. When I picked him up, found out that he had hit one of the other kids for tripping on his train track and moving it. No blood or bruising thank goodness but damn, this was the first time he has done anything like this at the daycare. They haven't seen the violent hitting/biting/pinching/kicking etc before.
So just add that to the list. I guess the one good thing is we have already started the process on getting him help.
Subsidy doesn't seem possible right now. Amazingly enough it looks like hubby makes too much money for us to qualify. Now that is a first! But I've been told that *if* Kenny gets the autistic diagnosis we might be able to get money for treatment that might not be covered. I'm not sure how true that is but I am sure that we will be finding out alot of new stuff we never knew.
I'm still finding it funny (not funny ha ha, but funny ironic) that 18 yrs ago, I had to fight tooth and nail to get big sis the help she needed. But between the waiting lists and the mis-understood info it was difficult to say the least. Now we are being offered the help and assistance before even getting a diagnosis. My how times have changed eh. I'm just happy that most (if not all) of the therapy Kenny might need will be covered by OHIP. Such a relief to not have to worry about co-pays or being denied.
I will say, as selfish as it may be, that I wish I didn't have to worry about any of this at all.
Oh and totally off topic, I was totally saddened after hearing that Jeff Healey had died from cancer. What a loss to the music industry. Condolences to the family.
He had a rough day today. I got him up to school with no problems, which has been unusual lately, and except for the extra energy he seemed fine. When I picked him up, found out that he had hit one of the other kids for tripping on his train track and moving it. No blood or bruising thank goodness but damn, this was the first time he has done anything like this at the daycare. They haven't seen the violent hitting/biting/pinching/kicking etc before.
So just add that to the list. I guess the one good thing is we have already started the process on getting him help.
Subsidy doesn't seem possible right now. Amazingly enough it looks like hubby makes too much money for us to qualify. Now that is a first! But I've been told that *if* Kenny gets the autistic diagnosis we might be able to get money for treatment that might not be covered. I'm not sure how true that is but I am sure that we will be finding out alot of new stuff we never knew.
I'm still finding it funny (not funny ha ha, but funny ironic) that 18 yrs ago, I had to fight tooth and nail to get big sis the help she needed. But between the waiting lists and the mis-understood info it was difficult to say the least. Now we are being offered the help and assistance before even getting a diagnosis. My how times have changed eh. I'm just happy that most (if not all) of the therapy Kenny might need will be covered by OHIP. Such a relief to not have to worry about co-pays or being denied.
I will say, as selfish as it may be, that I wish I didn't have to worry about any of this at all.
Oh and totally off topic, I was totally saddened after hearing that Jeff Healey had died from cancer. What a loss to the music industry. Condolences to the family.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Things are starting to roll on getting Kenny a diagnosis and the help and therapy that comes with it. The forms are signed and in. All requests have been discussed and completed. There is nothing else for us to do except wait for the phone to start ringing and the appointments are made.
I had a meeting with Lidia yesterday (Trellis) and we spent the morning with her telling me all the different people and what services they offer. Of course there are waiting lists, although I'm not sure how long they are. She mentioned that we won't be hearing from the Dr in MacMaster Hospital in Hamilton for at least 2 months. Meanwhile she is hoping that we can possibly get him into some kind of occupational therapy to help with socialization. His fine motor skills need alot of help also.
He is tough to deal with, I'll tell ya! Water seems to be his thing right now. We are having a hell of a time keeping him away from the sinks/tub. He wants to wash everything he can, toys, dolls, food, pretty much everything except himself. I'm really surprised that he hasn't started a flood yet. Course I've probably just jinxed myself. Now fortunately with old houses there is no insulation between the upper floor and main floor so I can hear where he/they are and react fairly quickly. And of course, as is with all children, silence is not golden.
As for sleeping, he was doing great. Was being the operative word in that last sentence. Although maybe last night was just a now rare occasion. He got me up at 4 this morning. I tried until 5:15 to get him back to sleep with no luck. This will mean I'm in for one very long grumpy day, and that's not even him I'm talkin' about! ;)
I had a meeting with Lidia yesterday (Trellis) and we spent the morning with her telling me all the different people and what services they offer. Of course there are waiting lists, although I'm not sure how long they are. She mentioned that we won't be hearing from the Dr in MacMaster Hospital in Hamilton for at least 2 months. Meanwhile she is hoping that we can possibly get him into some kind of occupational therapy to help with socialization. His fine motor skills need alot of help also.
He is tough to deal with, I'll tell ya! Water seems to be his thing right now. We are having a hell of a time keeping him away from the sinks/tub. He wants to wash everything he can, toys, dolls, food, pretty much everything except himself. I'm really surprised that he hasn't started a flood yet. Course I've probably just jinxed myself. Now fortunately with old houses there is no insulation between the upper floor and main floor so I can hear where he/they are and react fairly quickly. And of course, as is with all children, silence is not golden.
As for sleeping, he was doing great. Was being the operative word in that last sentence. Although maybe last night was just a now rare occasion. He got me up at 4 this morning. I tried until 5:15 to get him back to sleep with no luck. This will mean I'm in for one very long grumpy day, and that's not even him I'm talkin' about! ;)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Yep, finally I returned to the blog. And with new news on Kenny's EEG test. It is normal. No sign of seizures. So we are now definitely going on the assumption that he is somewhere on the autism spectrum.
I don't know what to say, or do or really how to react. I'm aware of all the advances in treatment and there is tons of help out there, but that doesn't change that he has been diagnosed with something life altering, ya' know? And to top it off, this is child #2 that I feel I've somehow ruined. Please don't come back with the usual rhetoric. I don't honestly give a hoot what you think. I just feel that between Tana's problems and now Kenny, someone has to take the heat. The common denominator with both is me, can't argue that now can ya.
MIL is still out of the loop. Neither Hubby nor I will talk about Kenny's appointments with her anymore. Which is fine by me, I don't need the negative BS thrown my way anymore. Unfortunately I still have to ask her to babysit the odd time when I can't get an appointment that fits with our schedule but it's still nicer than in Arthur when she was there constantly. See she doesn't like this place cause it doesn't have a bathroom on the main floor. We are such bad, bad children for not considering this fact. On the other hand, maybe we did consider it ;)
Anyhoo, so now we wait until the powers that be can get all the paperwork straightened out, and everyone is organized, then we will see what happens next. It looks like the agency that is dealing with him in the daycare (Trellis) now requests a Dr along with his Ped. Honestly I should have brought a tape recorder with me cause I think it went in one ear and out the other. I do know that he now also has a speech re-assessment on March 14. I don't think that they will recommend him for anymore, but you never know. He has come so far, not only caught up but is ahead of the game except for some pronouncations (like the "K", Kenny comes out tenny). The problem is when he decides to not talk at all but grunt or make a clicking noise.
So that's where we sit. Wait. Wait some more. Fun shit. Someone please stop the world, I think I missed my stop. I will be back with any other updates.
I don't know what to say, or do or really how to react. I'm aware of all the advances in treatment and there is tons of help out there, but that doesn't change that he has been diagnosed with something life altering, ya' know? And to top it off, this is child #2 that I feel I've somehow ruined. Please don't come back with the usual rhetoric. I don't honestly give a hoot what you think. I just feel that between Tana's problems and now Kenny, someone has to take the heat. The common denominator with both is me, can't argue that now can ya.
MIL is still out of the loop. Neither Hubby nor I will talk about Kenny's appointments with her anymore. Which is fine by me, I don't need the negative BS thrown my way anymore. Unfortunately I still have to ask her to babysit the odd time when I can't get an appointment that fits with our schedule but it's still nicer than in Arthur when she was there constantly. See she doesn't like this place cause it doesn't have a bathroom on the main floor. We are such bad, bad children for not considering this fact. On the other hand, maybe we did consider it ;)
Anyhoo, so now we wait until the powers that be can get all the paperwork straightened out, and everyone is organized, then we will see what happens next. It looks like the agency that is dealing with him in the daycare (Trellis) now requests a Dr along with his Ped. Honestly I should have brought a tape recorder with me cause I think it went in one ear and out the other. I do know that he now also has a speech re-assessment on March 14. I don't think that they will recommend him for anymore, but you never know. He has come so far, not only caught up but is ahead of the game except for some pronouncations (like the "K", Kenny comes out tenny). The problem is when he decides to not talk at all but grunt or make a clicking noise.
So that's where we sit. Wait. Wait some more. Fun shit. Someone please stop the world, I think I missed my stop. I will be back with any other updates.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
You can't see me but I'm doing a huge, massive happy dance!!!!!
The lead results are in and are NEGATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we are not poisoning him!!!! Even though this means we are back to square one, it still is a huge relief off my shoulders. Both hubby and I have been worried sick that we were poisoning him with all the renovations we've been doing. Of course if his tests came back positive, we all would have been tested.
And we have an appointment set up for Feb 21 to follow up the EEG.
Sarah has sent us links to workshops for parents/teachers of autistic children. She is planning on attending some and wanted to know if I wanted to go. So when those dates come up I'll update everyone on what I learned. Wonder how much autism and ADHD are related? Especially for treatment options. Too bad all my info on that is around 10 to 15 yrs old. I'm sure it's changed over the yrs. God I hope I don't have to go through the elimation diet again. I will never forget having to go through that with Tana. Having to tell a 3 yr old that he can no longer have his most favourite food in the whole world is not fun.
So far today hasn't been too bad. Kenny and I went for a long cold walk after dropping Maddy off at school. We walked to the post office, then to the bank, then to the local butcher but they weren't open yet, to the dollar store, then over to the library then back to the butcher and to Tim Hortons and then back to get Maddy from school. I was hoping that would tire him out. No sign yet, although I might try to get him down for a nap in a little bit. So long as Maddy co-operates it's all good. It's so nice to have so much within walking distance. Now if it would warm up and the snow would melt........
We got our honey garlic sausage for dinner tonight. Fresh, no gluten, no additives at all actually and locally grown. And antibiotic/drug free. Some of the best sausage we've ever had, but we will have to enjoy sparingly as it's really pricey. And we are having fresh organic, locally grown green beans with lemon and dill. Still trying to figure out what potato dish to do, maybe garlic roasted? Oh and can't forget my spinach salad.
Later gator!! (still doing a small happy dance :D)
The lead results are in and are NEGATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we are not poisoning him!!!! Even though this means we are back to square one, it still is a huge relief off my shoulders. Both hubby and I have been worried sick that we were poisoning him with all the renovations we've been doing. Of course if his tests came back positive, we all would have been tested.
And we have an appointment set up for Feb 21 to follow up the EEG.
Sarah has sent us links to workshops for parents/teachers of autistic children. She is planning on attending some and wanted to know if I wanted to go. So when those dates come up I'll update everyone on what I learned. Wonder how much autism and ADHD are related? Especially for treatment options. Too bad all my info on that is around 10 to 15 yrs old. I'm sure it's changed over the yrs. God I hope I don't have to go through the elimation diet again. I will never forget having to go through that with Tana. Having to tell a 3 yr old that he can no longer have his most favourite food in the whole world is not fun.
So far today hasn't been too bad. Kenny and I went for a long cold walk after dropping Maddy off at school. We walked to the post office, then to the bank, then to the local butcher but they weren't open yet, to the dollar store, then over to the library then back to the butcher and to Tim Hortons and then back to get Maddy from school. I was hoping that would tire him out. No sign yet, although I might try to get him down for a nap in a little bit. So long as Maddy co-operates it's all good. It's so nice to have so much within walking distance. Now if it would warm up and the snow would melt........
We got our honey garlic sausage for dinner tonight. Fresh, no gluten, no additives at all actually and locally grown. And antibiotic/drug free. Some of the best sausage we've ever had, but we will have to enjoy sparingly as it's really pricey. And we are having fresh organic, locally grown green beans with lemon and dill. Still trying to figure out what potato dish to do, maybe garlic roasted? Oh and can't forget my spinach salad.
Later gator!! (still doing a small happy dance :D)
Monday, February 11, 2008
Here we go again! Everything is closed, schools, roads, daycare....... It's going to be such a fun day. M & K have been up for an hr and M is already serving a time away. Hubby is unsure if he will make it to work, but of course he is going to try.
This is going to be a long, long day :( So much for going to the laundrymat to wash out my duvet. I was going to do that when they were at school.
Will update later in the day, hopefully with more info on the lead test and a follow-up appt for the EEG.
This is going to be a long, long day :( So much for going to the laundrymat to wash out my duvet. I was going to do that when they were at school.
Will update later in the day, hopefully with more info on the lead test and a follow-up appt for the EEG.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
First, thanks for thinking about us :) I've been trying to update but have been so busy.
No word on the lead testing yet. I called and was told that the Dr would be in contact with me. Oh and not to worry cause if it was serious, I would be contacted right away. So I ask if the test has come in. "No" she says, "I'm not allowed to reveal any information over the phone". What the hell, I"m not asking what the tests are saying, just if it has come in yet. So we are still waiting. And waiting. Have I ever mentioned that I hate waiting for anything !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Kenny's EEG was yesterday (Friday) and that went well. He was so good for the tech, it was amazing. He stayed still for the most part, was asking questions and interacting with the tech, Steve was his name, and talking about trains. Sometimes that little boy truly amazes me. He was so 'on' and with it, it almost seems like the Kenny that grunts and screams and causes complete havoc doesn't really exist. But unfortunately I know that isn't the case. So here is another thing that we have to wait for. Apparently it takes 8 to 10 days for the results/paperwork to get to the Ped. Oh boy, wonder if my nerves can take it.
This week has also been a complete hell puke fest here. Kenny started it on Monday. Tues he seemed fine. Wed morning (1 am that is) he started screaming, came into our room, to my side of the bed, and proceeded to hurl all over me, my side of the bed, my duvet, and the floor. Not bad coverage for a 3yo eh. While I'm trying to attempt to clean it, of course hubby is bitchin about the noise and light. He's lucky he didn't get a dirty paper towel thrown at him! So no school for Kenny again on Wed. Thurs everyone seems healthy. Friday morning (again 1 am) Maddy starts it. She at least kept it to her bed. I got her cleaned up in between pukes, and laying down in our bed, and she wakes Rob up by puking again. That went on until 3. She spent the whole day on the couch looking like crap. Poor kid.
And Tuesday! What to say about Tuesday. Pancake dinner at MIL's church. Rob didn't think he'd be home in time, and we arranged that if he wasn't home by 4:30 that I was to go on my own and meet MIL. He would catch up if he could. He didn't. I don't want to go into too much detail, or complain too much so lets just say that Maddy was in prime form that night. I havent' seen temper tantrums like that since Tana. :( I won't be going to that church for a long time now. Doesn't help that I now know that the bitch has been spouting off again. So that's it for her. Third strike so to say. She will no longer be asked to babysit, unless it's an emergency and we are cracking down on Maddy for her behaviour and attitude towards us and her brother. I'm not giving her anymore leeway when it comes to my kids. Period. Guess she will have tons of shit to sling now eh!
But Kenny did make it to school on Friday. The first time in almost 2 weeks. He was excellent at school also. Was interacting, playing, talking and even slept!!! What the hell is up with that? Sarah, his teacher was so happy that he did so well. She couldn't wait to tell me all the great stuff that happened. Have I mentioned that she is the greatest when it comes to my son! It makes it so much easier to drop him off knowing that she is there and will do everything she can to make Kenny's day a little brighter.
So maybe that's it? It's Saturday night , hockey day in Canada, and hubby is watching all the games, both professional and pee wee that are being played today around the country. I'm trying to catch up on a few things (like here). As of right now, both M and K are in bed and quiet. Even Snickers is sleeping. And I have to say it, I love love love my mp3! Shoulda quit smoking yrs ago ;)
No word on the lead testing yet. I called and was told that the Dr would be in contact with me. Oh and not to worry cause if it was serious, I would be contacted right away. So I ask if the test has come in. "No" she says, "I'm not allowed to reveal any information over the phone". What the hell, I"m not asking what the tests are saying, just if it has come in yet. So we are still waiting. And waiting. Have I ever mentioned that I hate waiting for anything !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Kenny's EEG was yesterday (Friday) and that went well. He was so good for the tech, it was amazing. He stayed still for the most part, was asking questions and interacting with the tech, Steve was his name, and talking about trains. Sometimes that little boy truly amazes me. He was so 'on' and with it, it almost seems like the Kenny that grunts and screams and causes complete havoc doesn't really exist. But unfortunately I know that isn't the case. So here is another thing that we have to wait for. Apparently it takes 8 to 10 days for the results/paperwork to get to the Ped. Oh boy, wonder if my nerves can take it.
This week has also been a complete hell puke fest here. Kenny started it on Monday. Tues he seemed fine. Wed morning (1 am that is) he started screaming, came into our room, to my side of the bed, and proceeded to hurl all over me, my side of the bed, my duvet, and the floor. Not bad coverage for a 3yo eh. While I'm trying to attempt to clean it, of course hubby is bitchin about the noise and light. He's lucky he didn't get a dirty paper towel thrown at him! So no school for Kenny again on Wed. Thurs everyone seems healthy. Friday morning (again 1 am) Maddy starts it. She at least kept it to her bed. I got her cleaned up in between pukes, and laying down in our bed, and she wakes Rob up by puking again. That went on until 3. She spent the whole day on the couch looking like crap. Poor kid.
And Tuesday! What to say about Tuesday. Pancake dinner at MIL's church. Rob didn't think he'd be home in time, and we arranged that if he wasn't home by 4:30 that I was to go on my own and meet MIL. He would catch up if he could. He didn't. I don't want to go into too much detail, or complain too much so lets just say that Maddy was in prime form that night. I havent' seen temper tantrums like that since Tana. :( I won't be going to that church for a long time now. Doesn't help that I now know that the bitch has been spouting off again. So that's it for her. Third strike so to say. She will no longer be asked to babysit, unless it's an emergency and we are cracking down on Maddy for her behaviour and attitude towards us and her brother. I'm not giving her anymore leeway when it comes to my kids. Period. Guess she will have tons of shit to sling now eh!
But Kenny did make it to school on Friday. The first time in almost 2 weeks. He was excellent at school also. Was interacting, playing, talking and even slept!!! What the hell is up with that? Sarah, his teacher was so happy that he did so well. She couldn't wait to tell me all the great stuff that happened. Have I mentioned that she is the greatest when it comes to my son! It makes it so much easier to drop him off knowing that she is there and will do everything she can to make Kenny's day a little brighter.
So maybe that's it? It's Saturday night , hockey day in Canada, and hubby is watching all the games, both professional and pee wee that are being played today around the country. I'm trying to catch up on a few things (like here). As of right now, both M and K are in bed and quiet. Even Snickers is sleeping. And I have to say it, I love love love my mp3! Shoulda quit smoking yrs ago ;)
Monday, February 4, 2008
Oh crap what a day. On a positive note, Maddy was back in school. We didn't get a whole lot of snow last night and Rob didn't have to leave for work early, but was home to help get Maddy ready. Notice I'm leaving one out?
Yep, Kenny didn't go to school today. He decided to get some kind of stomach bug that started first thing this morning. So lets see, Kenny is home sick. Maddy goes to school, and I inform Haley's step dad, Kyle that Kenny is sick and throwing up. See yesterday afternoon (Sunday) I told Kyle that I would look after Haley in the afternoon while he worked a spare shift. Anyway he doesn't see this as a big problem. Ummm Yeah, ok.
So fine, at home time I get Kenny all dressed up, get him in the stroller and go up to the school, with dog in tow. If I wasn't babysitting I would have drove, but because I'm such a bitch when it comes to kids and car seats, I walked. Haley wouldn't have had a booster seat and would have had to ride in the front seat. Both things are illegal and dangerous so forget it.
So I get to the school, Kenny is whining, dog is raring to go and what am I told???? Nobody bothered to inform the school that I was picking up Haley. No note, nothing verbal, nada, zip, zero, zilch. Which of course meant that her teacher had to phone Haley's Mom at work to get permission. That took 20 minutes while we were standing outside in the cold wind. Fine for Maddy and Haley but not poor Kenny. Pain in the ass. We had the dog and I can't leave him tied up in front of the school either.
But other than that the afternoon was busy but no major problems or blow-ups, unless you count Kenny's tummy blowing up. Poor kid actually put himself to bed. No I'm not kidding, honest to shit. He went upstairs and while I'm putting away laundry says "I no eel good Mama. I go lay in Tenny's bed now.". By the time I got the water he asked for he was already asleep. This from the child that will fight bedtime until after midnight. Now he is passed out on the couch, running a fever but sleeping again.
Back to this afternoon, when I finally got 5 minutes to sit with a tea and check messages/etc that's when Kyle decided to show. So we sat and chatted and checked out youtube while enjoying our tea when Haley's Mom shows up. Great, go and start preparing the rest of dinner when Rob shows. Needless to say, this is the first time all afternoon/evening that I've actually sat longer than 30 seconds.
Just to let everyone know, we haven't got the results about the lead testing yet. I'm going to call tomorrow, but I'm really hoping that this is a case of no news is good news. But then again, if not that then what is going on with him? I have noticed that he is getting some independence back. He is wanting to do stuff himself more and more often. Good sign, maybe. Crossing fingers for another day.
Night all.
Yep, Kenny didn't go to school today. He decided to get some kind of stomach bug that started first thing this morning. So lets see, Kenny is home sick. Maddy goes to school, and I inform Haley's step dad, Kyle that Kenny is sick and throwing up. See yesterday afternoon (Sunday) I told Kyle that I would look after Haley in the afternoon while he worked a spare shift. Anyway he doesn't see this as a big problem. Ummm Yeah, ok.
So fine, at home time I get Kenny all dressed up, get him in the stroller and go up to the school, with dog in tow. If I wasn't babysitting I would have drove, but because I'm such a bitch when it comes to kids and car seats, I walked. Haley wouldn't have had a booster seat and would have had to ride in the front seat. Both things are illegal and dangerous so forget it.
So I get to the school, Kenny is whining, dog is raring to go and what am I told???? Nobody bothered to inform the school that I was picking up Haley. No note, nothing verbal, nada, zip, zero, zilch. Which of course meant that her teacher had to phone Haley's Mom at work to get permission. That took 20 minutes while we were standing outside in the cold wind. Fine for Maddy and Haley but not poor Kenny. Pain in the ass. We had the dog and I can't leave him tied up in front of the school either.
But other than that the afternoon was busy but no major problems or blow-ups, unless you count Kenny's tummy blowing up. Poor kid actually put himself to bed. No I'm not kidding, honest to shit. He went upstairs and while I'm putting away laundry says "I no eel good Mama. I go lay in Tenny's bed now.". By the time I got the water he asked for he was already asleep. This from the child that will fight bedtime until after midnight. Now he is passed out on the couch, running a fever but sleeping again.
Back to this afternoon, when I finally got 5 minutes to sit with a tea and check messages/etc that's when Kyle decided to show. So we sat and chatted and checked out youtube while enjoying our tea when Haley's Mom shows up. Great, go and start preparing the rest of dinner when Rob shows. Needless to say, this is the first time all afternoon/evening that I've actually sat longer than 30 seconds.
Just to let everyone know, we haven't got the results about the lead testing yet. I'm going to call tomorrow, but I'm really hoping that this is a case of no news is good news. But then again, if not that then what is going on with him? I have noticed that he is getting some independence back. He is wanting to do stuff himself more and more often. Good sign, maybe. Crossing fingers for another day.
Night all.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Pulling my hair out :(
I'm going to scream now. Loudly. What a day. Keep in mind that I've had at least one child by my side since Monday. Tuesday, Kenny doesn't have school. Wednesday no school because of the wind storm. Thursday, no school for Kenny. Friday, school canceled because of the damn freakin' snowstorm.
So Kenny decides this morning to sleep in. A good thing, except for the fact that I'm so bloody accustomed to getting up early with him that I'm up at 6:30. Figures. Now that I"m ready for bed, both are up, not listening to me at all, and not going to bed. Plus Kenny is, as I type this, dropping a load in his diaper. Oh sweet hell.
Of course he has been a little you-know-what all day today. It was bad today. Grunting, screaming, crying over everything. We went out to dinner with MIL (usually do this on Sunday nights but because of the superbowl we did it tonight) and he was horrible. Throwing food, spitting his chocolate milk and water. Kicking me. Banging his spoon/fork on the dishes. I'll bet they were so happy to see us go. And the mess he left under the highchair! Oh man, he really did a number this time. I'm thinking we might have to stop bringing him if this is going to continue.
And the biting! Holy crap, I've lost count how many times he's bitten me today because I've told him either no or to do something he doesn't want to do. Got my foot earlier today while I was on the ladder trying to finish off filling the holes.
MIL of course was nothing but a bag of tension. She needs a hip transplant desperately and won't go in for it. She says she wants to lose weight and is nervous about some of her medication. But it's giving her more pain then what she will admit too. No use in telling her anything either. I'm just hoping for her sake that she realizes that she needs it done to live a half decent life.
Poopy bum dealt with. Yuck. Which leads me to the question of WHY DOESN'T HE GO POTTY ANYMORE!!!!!!!!! He used to ask. Plain as day. Both with no problem. This is driving me batty. If we could just solve this one issue, then I could concentrate on the next. But to have him running around in diapers again. Again I feel like I fucked up somehow. What did I do this time to cause this! Why can't I seem to get this child raising thing right. 3 kids and all three have issues. Oh and speaking of, I got to read in the local paper that William's father is being charged with arson and break and enter. Wonderful man. Bastard. His new(?) girlfriend just had a baby before Christmas too. So what a wonderful parent he's gonna be from jail. And this is the guy my daughter made a baby with.
I know there are worse problems in the world. And I know that I shouldn't be sitting here feeling sorry for myself. But I am. I've been trying to find a yoga class. No luck. Gym memberships are too expensive, and anyway that means I'd need the motivation to go. Yeah right. I gotta do something. Bah.
Hmmmm wonder if we have any chocolate left?................................
So Kenny decides this morning to sleep in. A good thing, except for the fact that I'm so bloody accustomed to getting up early with him that I'm up at 6:30. Figures. Now that I"m ready for bed, both are up, not listening to me at all, and not going to bed. Plus Kenny is, as I type this, dropping a load in his diaper. Oh sweet hell.
Of course he has been a little you-know-what all day today. It was bad today. Grunting, screaming, crying over everything. We went out to dinner with MIL (usually do this on Sunday nights but because of the superbowl we did it tonight) and he was horrible. Throwing food, spitting his chocolate milk and water. Kicking me. Banging his spoon/fork on the dishes. I'll bet they were so happy to see us go. And the mess he left under the highchair! Oh man, he really did a number this time. I'm thinking we might have to stop bringing him if this is going to continue.
And the biting! Holy crap, I've lost count how many times he's bitten me today because I've told him either no or to do something he doesn't want to do. Got my foot earlier today while I was on the ladder trying to finish off filling the holes.
MIL of course was nothing but a bag of tension. She needs a hip transplant desperately and won't go in for it. She says she wants to lose weight and is nervous about some of her medication. But it's giving her more pain then what she will admit too. No use in telling her anything either. I'm just hoping for her sake that she realizes that she needs it done to live a half decent life.
Poopy bum dealt with. Yuck. Which leads me to the question of WHY DOESN'T HE GO POTTY ANYMORE!!!!!!!!! He used to ask. Plain as day. Both with no problem. This is driving me batty. If we could just solve this one issue, then I could concentrate on the next. But to have him running around in diapers again. Again I feel like I fucked up somehow. What did I do this time to cause this! Why can't I seem to get this child raising thing right. 3 kids and all three have issues. Oh and speaking of, I got to read in the local paper that William's father is being charged with arson and break and enter. Wonderful man. Bastard. His new(?) girlfriend just had a baby before Christmas too. So what a wonderful parent he's gonna be from jail. And this is the guy my daughter made a baby with.
I know there are worse problems in the world. And I know that I shouldn't be sitting here feeling sorry for myself. But I am. I've been trying to find a yoga class. No luck. Gym memberships are too expensive, and anyway that means I'd need the motivation to go. Yeah right. I gotta do something. Bah.
Hmmmm wonder if we have any chocolate left?................................
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wow, great to hear from you Sarah! Glad to hear that you guys are planning on staying in Ontario. We definitely need to chat more. Gotta arrange an outing together.
Well what started out as a good day turned shitty really fast. And I mean that literally too. We never made it out for the planned walk. I screwed up and instead of filling in all the damn holes, here I am creating new ones. So add another one to fill and sand repeatedly. So in a bad mood cause of that, I come downstairs thinking that ok, got that done, just let me take a quick peek in on them and low and behold, they competely trashed the living room. Totally. All couch cushions were scattered on the floor. Toys were stuck in the bottom of the couches. Books strewn all over the place. Welcome to my hell.
By the time they finished cleaning up (in their own little way) it was too late for the walk. Figures. Been feeling all week like I shouldn't have gotten out of bed or at least not attempted to do anything. Bloody hell in a handbasket.
Of course this sets Maddy off, which in turn triggers Kenny. Oh the fun times we have here! A promise of a bath later manages to calm things down. So the quest for supper begins. Tuna noodle casserole, low fat version of course. And spinach salad with bacon bits, feta cheese and mandarin oranges with a light poppyseed dressing. Yummm. I actually like this stuff. Crazy.
Sarah that's where you step in. You heard all the fun! Bet you wish you were here!!!! Ha ha ha. Run girl!
Supper was typical. Kenny didn't eat. Drank a glass of milk and had an applesauce for dessert but that's it. Maddy ate hers, had seconds and wanted thirds! At least we don't have to worry about her starving.
Oh and you reminded me Sarah, I guess I haven't told everyone, I QUIT SMOKING!!!!!!!! Really honest to shit. I quit. October 3rd 2007. So 4 months is coming up quickly. I think I've shocked a few people. But hey, that's what I do best.
Geesh 20 to 9 and I'm ready to pass out. All is quiet upstairs. Tomorrow Kenny is in school (crossing fingers that the roads don't get closed again) and Maddy of course goes in the morning. Think I'll take that time to relax. Have a shower. Chill. Yeah right. Holes in I come!
Well what started out as a good day turned shitty really fast. And I mean that literally too. We never made it out for the planned walk. I screwed up and instead of filling in all the damn holes, here I am creating new ones. So add another one to fill and sand repeatedly. So in a bad mood cause of that, I come downstairs thinking that ok, got that done, just let me take a quick peek in on them and low and behold, they competely trashed the living room. Totally. All couch cushions were scattered on the floor. Toys were stuck in the bottom of the couches. Books strewn all over the place. Welcome to my hell.
By the time they finished cleaning up (in their own little way) it was too late for the walk. Figures. Been feeling all week like I shouldn't have gotten out of bed or at least not attempted to do anything. Bloody hell in a handbasket.
Of course this sets Maddy off, which in turn triggers Kenny. Oh the fun times we have here! A promise of a bath later manages to calm things down. So the quest for supper begins. Tuna noodle casserole, low fat version of course. And spinach salad with bacon bits, feta cheese and mandarin oranges with a light poppyseed dressing. Yummm. I actually like this stuff. Crazy.
Sarah that's where you step in. You heard all the fun! Bet you wish you were here!!!! Ha ha ha. Run girl!
Supper was typical. Kenny didn't eat. Drank a glass of milk and had an applesauce for dessert but that's it. Maddy ate hers, had seconds and wanted thirds! At least we don't have to worry about her starving.
Oh and you reminded me Sarah, I guess I haven't told everyone, I QUIT SMOKING!!!!!!!! Really honest to shit. I quit. October 3rd 2007. So 4 months is coming up quickly. I think I've shocked a few people. But hey, that's what I do best.
Geesh 20 to 9 and I'm ready to pass out. All is quiet upstairs. Tomorrow Kenny is in school (crossing fingers that the roads don't get closed again) and Maddy of course goes in the morning. Think I'll take that time to relax. Have a shower. Chill. Yeah right. Holes in I come!
It's days like today that I have to remember when the bad times hit. Kenny helped me get him out of his snowsuit today! He tried really hard to do it by himself. He only asked for help to undo his scarf and get the coat off (zipper was stuck). Mitts, hat, snowpants and boots he did himself! HUGE HUGE HUGE!!! This is the Kenny I know. And this morning was nothing but hugs from him. That would have been great except he kicked me out of my bed at 3 am. He gets so little sleep that I just don't have the heart to wake him up again to move him back to his own bed. Much easier for me to move.
He is sitting watching Thomas the Tank Engine right now. Quiet, which is a good thing for me. I have so much work to do around the house it's not funny. I don't want to do it though cause well it's work. I'm lazy. Tired. Just want to sleep.
Yesterday was a bad day. Both of them had a horrible case of cabin fever. With Kenny fighting his cold and ear infections acting up again there was no way I was taking him out for anything yesterday. And now another storm is supposed to start tonight with more damn snow. When is this winter going to end???
Snickers is looking at me and wagging his tail. Wonder what he wants?
I'm getting the paperwork tomorrow from the daycare about the assessment. I know what's in it, so why am I not looking forward to reading it again. We are still waiting for the testing for the lead levels. Not a word on that. Maybe tomorrow I'll call the Dr to see if anything has come back. Good or bad, I gotta know.
Must keep him busy today, maybe after lunch I will take the two out for a walk. Work out some energy. Sometimes, that can help, believe it or not, with Kenny's sleep. I'll get 5-7 hrs instead of 3-5 before he wakes me up. Hmmmm , it's too bad that I'm so bloody exhausted. Anyone got a coffee?
He is sitting watching Thomas the Tank Engine right now. Quiet, which is a good thing for me. I have so much work to do around the house it's not funny. I don't want to do it though cause well it's work. I'm lazy. Tired. Just want to sleep.
Yesterday was a bad day. Both of them had a horrible case of cabin fever. With Kenny fighting his cold and ear infections acting up again there was no way I was taking him out for anything yesterday. And now another storm is supposed to start tonight with more damn snow. When is this winter going to end???
Snickers is looking at me and wagging his tail. Wonder what he wants?
I'm getting the paperwork tomorrow from the daycare about the assessment. I know what's in it, so why am I not looking forward to reading it again. We are still waiting for the testing for the lead levels. Not a word on that. Maybe tomorrow I'll call the Dr to see if anything has come back. Good or bad, I gotta know.
Must keep him busy today, maybe after lunch I will take the two out for a walk. Work out some energy. Sometimes, that can help, believe it or not, with Kenny's sleep. I'll get 5-7 hrs instead of 3-5 before he wakes me up. Hmmmm , it's too bad that I'm so bloody exhausted. Anyone got a coffee?
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Gonna have to learn sometime, right!
Wed January 30 2008;
Holy cow, I'm so not into the computer world yet. Hopefully soon I can rectify this.
For those that know, this is just a rant. For those that don't, Kenny has been going backwards in development since the fall. We are seeing a Ped, and trying to figure out what is up with him.
What is going on with Kenny. I'm just pulling out my hair trying to deal with him and the many conflicting problems he has. Like what the heck happened to the potty training! I just don't understand how he could go from trained with both pee and poop to having to put a diaper on him.
And what's with the grunting? Why is he doing that? He knows his words and how to express himself verbally. He's been doing it for ages. And the head shake/circle thing. That is so spooky to watch.
Lydia, from Trellis, and I had a meeting yesterday about Kenny and all the different strengths and weaknesses he has. I was going to get the paper's today, but because of the weather, that is not happening. Anyway, I'm just so confused about it. Even Lydia and his favourite teacher in the whole wide world, Miss Sarah, are confused about the signs he's giving.
The Ped is having us take him in for an EEG. Maybe it's seizures. Or maybe it's autism. Or maybe diabetes. Or maybe it's one of a thousand things that can go wrong with little children. Lead poisoning? Nothing? See what I mean. And the worst part is he can't tell us. We have to sit back and watch him go through a crapload of testing. It's killing me inside watching him get poked and prodded, not understanding what is going on and looking at me with that sad face.
Guess we will just have to wait. One day at a time. Damn it's hard.
As for Maddy, she is, well Maddy! My lovable, demanding, bossy 5 yr old that expects the world handed to her. Different issues with her but still, she is also driving me to the brink of craziness then does something that totally blows me away.
Tana called last night. Something about getting a computer for herself and school. Doorknob here told her to talk to her Dad (Rob) cause my opinion is pretty useless when it comes to computers and what does what. Now give me a camera, and I can tell you what that is about.
Lets see if I can keep my head above water for another day!
Holy cow, I'm so not into the computer world yet. Hopefully soon I can rectify this.
For those that know, this is just a rant. For those that don't, Kenny has been going backwards in development since the fall. We are seeing a Ped, and trying to figure out what is up with him.
What is going on with Kenny. I'm just pulling out my hair trying to deal with him and the many conflicting problems he has. Like what the heck happened to the potty training! I just don't understand how he could go from trained with both pee and poop to having to put a diaper on him.
And what's with the grunting? Why is he doing that? He knows his words and how to express himself verbally. He's been doing it for ages. And the head shake/circle thing. That is so spooky to watch.
Lydia, from Trellis, and I had a meeting yesterday about Kenny and all the different strengths and weaknesses he has. I was going to get the paper's today, but because of the weather, that is not happening. Anyway, I'm just so confused about it. Even Lydia and his favourite teacher in the whole wide world, Miss Sarah, are confused about the signs he's giving.
The Ped is having us take him in for an EEG. Maybe it's seizures. Or maybe it's autism. Or maybe diabetes. Or maybe it's one of a thousand things that can go wrong with little children. Lead poisoning? Nothing? See what I mean. And the worst part is he can't tell us. We have to sit back and watch him go through a crapload of testing. It's killing me inside watching him get poked and prodded, not understanding what is going on and looking at me with that sad face.
Guess we will just have to wait. One day at a time. Damn it's hard.
As for Maddy, she is, well Maddy! My lovable, demanding, bossy 5 yr old that expects the world handed to her. Different issues with her but still, she is also driving me to the brink of craziness then does something that totally blows me away.
Tana called last night. Something about getting a computer for herself and school. Doorknob here told her to talk to her Dad (Rob) cause my opinion is pretty useless when it comes to computers and what does what. Now give me a camera, and I can tell you what that is about.
Lets see if I can keep my head above water for another day!
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About Me
- Christine
- Ontario, Canada
- Married Mom of 3. Just trying to survive with the many challenges.